Kindergarten Pacing Guide by 6-weeks
Kindergarten Pacing Guide
1st Six Weeks
Reading / ScienceK.1a Listens to various literary forms. (stories , poems) / K.1e Investigates a set of objects that are separated into two groups based on a single physical attribute.
K.1b Participates in choral speaking recites poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated patterns. / K.2a ___Investigates the five senses and their sense organs (taste-tongue, touch-skin, smell-nose, hearing-ears, and sight-eyes).
K.2f Follows one-step and two-step directions. / K.2b ___Investigates the sensory descriptors (sweet, sour, bitter, salty, rough/smooth, hard/soft, cold, warm, hot, loud/soft, high/low, bright/dull).
K.3b Expresses ideas / needs in complete sentences. / K.4a Investigates understands that position, motion, physical properties of objects can be described by colors: ___red ___orange ___yellow __green ___blue ___purple ___white___ brown ___black.
K.3f Participates in discussions about books and specific topics. / K.4b Investigates and understands that the position, motion, and physical properties of objects can be described by shapes: circle, triangle, square, rectangle and forms (flexible/stiff, straight/curved).
K.5b Identifies the front, back, and title page of books. / K.4c Investigates understands that the position, motion, and physical properties of objects can be described by: textures (rough/smooth) feel (hard/soft)
K.8e Identifies what an author and illustrator does. / K.4e Investigates understands that the position, motion, physical properties of objects can be described by: position (over/under, in/out, above/below, left/right) and speed (fast/slow)
K.10 Prints his/her first name. / K.8 Investigates and understands simple patterns in his/her daily life through: weather observations, home and school routines.
History & Social Sciences / Math
K.1a Identifies examples of past events in legends, stories, and historical accounts of Betsy Ross. / K.11 Identifies, describes, and draws two-dimensional: ___circle, ___triangle, ___square, and ___rectangle.
K.1b Identifies the people and events honored in the holiday of Independence Day (Fourth of July). / K.17 Sorts and classifies objects according to similar attributes (size, shape, and color).
K.3 Describes the relative location of people, places, things by using positional words, including: near/far, above/below, left/right, and behind/in front.
K.8 Demonstrates characteristics of being a good citizen.__Takes turns shares__Takes responsibility for classroom chores __ Caresfor their belongings & respectsothers belongings __Follows rules understands consequences of breaking rules __Practices honesty, self-control, kindness
K.9 Recognizes: ___American Flag ___Pledge of Allegiance___President ( leader of the United States)
Kindergarten Pacing Guide
2nd Six Weeks
Reading / MathK.1e Recognizes rhyming words. / K.1 Given two sets containing 10 or fewer concrete items, identifies and describes one set as having more, fewer, or the same number of members as the other set, using the concept of one-to-one correspondence.
K.1f Generates rhyming words in a rhyming pattern.
K.2b Uses words to describe/name people, places, and things.
K.2c Uses words to describe location, size, color, and shape. / K.2 Given a set containing 10 or fewer concrete items:
___tells how many are in the set by counting the number of items orally; ___selects the corresponding numeral from a given set; and ___writes the numeral to tell how many are in the set.
K.2d Uses words to describe actions.
K.3e Begins to initiate conversations.
K.4a Identifies orally words that rhyme. / K.18 Identifies, describes, and extends a repeating relationship (pattern) found in common objects, sounds, and movements.
K.5c Follows words from left to right and from top to bottom on a printed page.
K.6d Reads and explains own writing and drawings.
K.7c Identifies beginning consonant sounds in single-syllable words.
K.8c Discusses characters, setting, and events.
History & Social Sciences / Science
K.2 Describes every day life in the present and the past and begins to recognize that things change over time. / K.1h Conducts investigations in which picture graphs are constructed using 10 of fewer units.
K.6 Matches simple descriptions of work that people do with the names of those jobs. / K.1i Conducts investigations in which an unseen member in a sequence of objects is predicted.
K.1j Conducts investigations in which unusual or unexpected results in an activity are recognized.
Kindergarten Pacing Guide
3rd Six Weeks
Reading / MathK.1c Participates in creative dramatics. / K.5 Counts forward from 1 to 30.
K.2g Begins to ask how and why questions. / K.5 Counts backwards from 10 to 1.
K.6a Explains that printed materials provide information. / K.12 Describes the location of one object relative to another: ___above, ___below, ___next to and identifies representations of plane geometric figures: circle, triangle, square, and rectangle regardless of their position and orientation in space.
K.6b Identifies common signs and logos.
K.8a Uses pictures to make predictions about content. / K.13 Compares the size (larger, smaller) and shape of plane geometric figures (circle, triangle, square, and rectangle).
K.8b. Retells familiar stories, using beginning, middle, and end.
K.8d Uses story language in discussions and retellings.
K.8f Identifies the topics of nonfiction selections.
K.11b Writes left to right and top to bottom.
History & Social Sciences / Science
K.1a Identifies examples of past events in legends, stories, and historical account of Pocahontas. / K.3 The student will investigate and understand that magnets have an effect on some materials, make some things move without touching them, and have useful applications. Key concepts include
___a) attraction / non-attraction, push/pull, attract/repel, and metal/nonmetal
___b) useful applications (refrigerator magnet, can opener, magnetized screwdriver, and magnetic games).
K.1b Identifies the people and events honored in the holiday of Thanksgiving Day.
K.7a Identifies the difference between basic needs (food, clothing, and shelter) and wants (things people would like to have).
K.7b Recognizes that people use money to purchase goods.
Kindergarten Pacing Guide
4th Six Weeks
Reading / MathK.2a Uses number words. / K.3 Given an ordered set of three objects and/or pictures, indicates the ordinal position of each item, first, second, and third, and the ordered position of each item from left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom; and/or bottom-to-top.
K.4b Identifies words orally according to shared beginning or ending sounds.
K.4c Blends sounds orally to make words or syllables.
K.4d Divides one-syllable words into sounds (phonemes). / K.4 Investigates and recognizes patterns from counting by fives and tens to 30, using concrete objects and a calculator.
K.4e Divides words into syllables.
K.11a Draws pictures and/or uses letters and phonetically spelled words to write about experiences, stories, people, objects, or events.
History & Social Sciences / Science
K.1b Identifies the people and events honored in the holidays of: ___President’s Day, and ___Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. / K.5 Investigates and understands that water flows and has properties that can be observed and tested. Key concepts include:
___a) water occurs in different states (solid, liquid, gas)
___b) the natural flow of water is downhill ___c) some materials float in water, while others sink
K.1a Identifies examples of past events in legends, stories, and historical accounts of: ___George Washington and ___Abraham Lincoln. / K.7 Investigates and understands that shadows occur when light is blocked by an object. Key concepts include:___a) shadows occur in nature when sunlight
is blocked by an object___b) shadows can be produced by blocking artificial light sources
Kindergarten Pacing Guide
5th Six Weeks
Reading / MathK.2e Asks about words not understood. / K.7 Recognizes a ___penny, ___nickel, ___dime, and ___quarter and will determine the value of a collection of pennies and/or nickels whose total value is 10 cents or less.
K.3c Begins to use voice level, phrasing, and intonation appropriate for language situation.
K.9 Prints upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet independently. / K.8 Identifies the instruments used to measure ___length (ruler), ___weight (scale), ___time (clock: digital and analog), ___calendar (day, month, and season), and ___temperature (thermometer).
K.10 Prints his/her last name.
K.12 Explores the uses of available technology for reading and writing. / K.9 Tells time to the hour, using an ___analog, or ___digital clock
K.10 Compares two objects or events, using direct comparisons or nonstandard units of measure, according to one or more of the following attributes: ___length( shorter, longer), ___height (taller, shorter), ___weight (heavier, lighter), ___temperature (hotter, colder). Examples of nonstandard units include: foot length, hand span, new pencil, paper clip, and block.
History & Social Sciences / Science
K.4 The student will use simple maps and globes to:
___a) Develop an awareness that a map is a drawing of a place to show where things are located and that a globe is a round model of the Earth.
___b) Describe places referred to in stories and real-life situations. ___c) Locate land and water features. / K.1 The student will conduct investigations in which
___a) basic properties of objects are identified by direct observation
___b) observations are made from multiple positions to achieve different perspectives
___c) objects are described both pictorially and verbally
___d) a set of objects is sequenced according to size
___f) nonstandard units are used to measure common objects
___g) a question is developed from one or more observations
K.5 The student will develop an awareness that maps and globes: ___a) Show a view from above.
___b) Show things in smaller size.
___c) Show the position of objects. / K.4d Investigates and understands that the position, motion, and physical properties of an object can be described by relative size and weight (big/little, large/small, heavy/light, wide/thin, long/short).
K.9 Investigates and understands that change occurs over time and rates may be fast or slow. Key concepts include: ___a) natural and human-made things may change over time; ___b) changes can be noted and measured.
Kindergarten Pacing Guide
6th Six Weeks
Reading / ScienceK.1d Begins to discriminate between spoken sentences, words, and syllables. / K.6 Investigates and understands basic needs and life processes of plants an animals. Key concepts include:
___a) living things change as they grow, and they need food, water, and air to survive
___b) plants and animals live and die (go through a life cycle)
___c) offspring of plants and animals are similar but not identical to their parents and to one another
K.5d Matches voice with print: syllables, words, and phrases.
K.6c Reads ten high-frequency words.
Math / K.8 Investigates and understands simple patterns in his/her daily life. Key concepts include:
___b) the shapes and forms of many common natural objects including seeds, cones, and leaves
___c) animal and plant growth
K. 6 Adds and subtracts whole numbers, using up to 10 concrete items.
K.14 Gathers data relating to familiar experiences by counting and tallying. / K.10 Investigates and understands that materials can be reused, recycled, and conserved. Key concepts include:
___a) materials and objects can be used over and over again
___b) everyday materials can be recycled
___c) water and energy conservation at home and in school helps preserve resources for future use
K.15 Displays objects and information, using object graphs, pictorial graphs, and tables.
K.16 Investigates and describes the results of dropping a two-colored counter or using a multicolored spinner
Revised September 2007 by Judy Honaker