Arthur Alexander Foulkes KCMG

BIRTH: 11 May 1928, Mathew Town, Inagua, Bahamas

EDUCATION: Public Schools, Mathew Town, Inagua, and Nassau

Tutored in Journalism by the late Sir Etienne Dupuch,

Editor of The Tribune


1945 Linotype Operator, Proof-reader, The Nassau Guardian

1948 Linotype Operator, Reporter, News Editor, The Tribune

1963 Founder/Editor, Bahamian Times (official organ of the

Progressive Liberal Party)

1967 Founder/Chairman Diversified Services (public relations)

1971-1992 Public Relations Director, Free National Movement

Managing Editor, Bahamas Handbook (two years)

Columnist, The Tribune and The Nassau Guardian

2002-2007  Columnist, The Tribune

2007- Director General, Bahamas Information Services


1959 Co-Founder, National Committee for Positive Action (PLP

think tank and activist group)

1962 Unsuccessful candidate for Parliament (PLP)

1965 Drafted Opposition Petition to United Nations

Committee of Twenty-four (Decolonization);

Member of delegation to UN Committee of


1967 Elected to Parliament (PLP) in first black majority


Appointed Chairman of Bahamas Telecommunications


1968 Re-elected to Parliament

Appointed Minister of Communications

1969 Appointed Minister of Tourism

1971 One of Dissident Eight and Co-founder, Free National


1972 Appointed to the Senate

Drafted Opposition’s Memorandum for Independence

Constitution Conference, London; Member of delegation to

the Conference

1977 Re-appointed to the Senate

Spearheaded (with late Bazel Nicholls) re-unification of

splintered opposition

1982 Re-elected to Parliament (FNM)

1992-1999 High Commissioner to UK and Ambassador to France,

Germany, Italy, Belgium and the European Union

Permanent Representative to the International Maritime


Representative to the Commonwealth and the African

Caribbean Pacific Group

Doyen, Caribbean Diplomatic Corps, UK

Co-Founder, Friends of The Bahamas, UK

Member of Bahamas delegation to inauguration of new

South Africa Government, 1994

1999-2002 First Bahamas Ambassador (non-resident) to People’s

Republic of China

Ambassador (non-resident) to Republic of Cuba

Chairman, Bahamas Broadcasting Corporation

Co-Chairman, Parliamentary Review Commission

Co-Chairman, Bahamas Order of Merit Awards Committee

Appointed Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael

and St. George (2001)

Co-Founder, Bahamas China Friendship Association (2005)

1967-2002 Delegate to numerous international conferences including

Caribbean Community, Commonwealth Parliamentary

Association, Commonwealth Heads, UNESCO, IMO and

Joint African Caribbean Pacific/European Union

2007- Deputy to Governor General

INTERESTS: Literature, music, theatre, art, ecology

FAMILY: Married Joan Eleanor nee Bullard. Father of seven sons,

four daughters

RELIGION: Roman Catholic