Patient Participation Group, Tollesbury

Minutes of meeting held on Monday 12 January 2015 at Tollesbury Surgery, 6.30pm

Present: Albert Gable (Chairman), Rohita Rajapakse, Eve Compton, Maureen Crosbie, Denise Davidson, Jo Devereux, Leanne Mullenger, Flavia Woodwark

Apologies: Liz Crees, Jan Hawkins, Julie Dent, Ron Dent, Maggie Willis, Gwenda Jones

1. Minutes of last meeting held on 3 November 2014

Agreed as correct.

2. Matters arising

None other than those listed on Agenda for the meeting.

3. Broadband crash on 2 January 2015

Rohita reported on the problems surrounding loss of internet access on 2 January. She had been in touch with BT, NHS England and CCG other relevant bodies. The matter had been outside the control of the practice. Complaint has been logged with BT

4. Dr H Paywandi

It was understood that Dr Paywandi, who had been working in the practice every Monday for some time, was going abroad. Rohita said that in view of this (lady doctor) Dr Iyer, who was currently covering on Fridays, would work on Mondays as well.

5. NHS Choices – CQC

Rohita referred to the feedback on practices provided by the NHS Choices website. The CQC look at this before their visits, and feedback is therefore all the more important and should be encouraged.

6. Tolleshunt D’Arcy Surgery

Albert and Ron had met to talk about the options following the lack of support from NHS England for a replacement surgery in the village. The Village Hall was still a possibility. The Pavilion was deemed unsuitable because of problems with access. In addition the Vicar and PCC had kindly offered the use of the church vestry. Apparently there was also nothing to stop the use of a private sitting-room in a residential building.

It was thought that the Parish Council had written to Priti Patel, local MP, but it was not known what reply (if any) had been received. This would be followed up.

It was suggested that Essex Coalition of Disabled People (ECDP) might be interested in supporting the campaign to maintain services for patients in Tolleshunt D’Arcy.

Albert and Ron would continue to work on the matter as a matter of urgency, and they were thanked for this.

7. Friends and Family Test

Rohita reported that very few responses were being received. During discussion it was agreed that most patients would not think of filling in the form on a routine visit. The doctors did not have time to hand out forms to individual patients.

A volunteer was needed to collate and review the responses. Rohita said she would start the process, but that she hoped someone else from PPG would offer to help in due course.

8. PPG Event, Chelmsford, 22 January 2015

Albert said he would attend this event, which was open to all PPG members. It was understood that Jan would also be going, and possibly the locality pharmacist.

9. Any other business

9.1Community Mental Health Teams

Jo updated members on the reorganisation of mental health teams.

9.2 INR Machine

Leanne said that she would be speaking with her consultant soon, and would report back to the next meeting.

10. Date of next meeting

Monday 2 March 2015 at Tollesbury Surgery, 6.30pm.

The meeting closed at 7.20pm.