Overnight Stays Policy
RGC WORCESTERNovember 2013
Overnight Stays Policy
TheRGC Worcester Overnight Stays Policy is based on the overnight stays section within the overarching British Gymnastics Safeguarding Policy and British Gymnastics Health, Safety and Welfare Policy. The policy is to be followed when RGC Worcester takesgymnasts under the age of 18 years to training, events or competitions that involves an overnight stay. Where an overnight stay is not required, the RGC Worcester Transport Policy should be followed.
British Gymnastics (BG) requires that when a club takes gymnasts under the age of 18 years on a journey involving an overnight stay, the club must ensure that there is a designated trained person responsible for child protection on the trip.
To adhere to the Child Protection Support Unit (CPSU) child protection standards, this designated person must not be related to or in a relationship with the coach attending the trip. Training for the designated person should be the BG Safeguarding and Protecting Children Awareness Course or a BG-approved equivalent.
Transport to events
For the majority of events, gymnasts will travel to and from the event with their own parents/carers. Where club transport is to be arranged, under BG best practice, RGC Worcester will, in advance of the trip:
- Check on driving license, car insurance and MOT (if the car is over 3 years old).
- Ensure there are seatbelts for each passenger and booster seats as required.
- Check driving experience (additional training may be required for anyone driving a mini-bus – DVLA should be contacted for further details).
- Additional check on driver (following recruitment of staff/volunteers policy).
- Organise central pick-up and drop –off points (to avoid the driver being alone with a gymnast).
- Obtain consent from parents to allow their children to be transported to an event.
- Plan the route and breaks (if necessary).
- Contact numbers for parents.
- If disabled participants are to be transported, the transport used should be appropriate and accessible for their needs.
As recommended by BG, a club register will be kept of any volunteer driving a group of gymnasts. The register will record all the necessary checks completed on the drivers.
Where events involve an overnight stay and RGC Worcester is responsible for the provision of the accommodation, the club will ensure a designated trained person, who is not involved in the delivery of training, is present. This designated person’s role will depend on the scale of the event: these include (but are not limited to):
- Responsibility for responding to concerns.
- Supervision and co-ordination of accommodation.
- Holding pre-event welfare briefings.
- Holding daily de-briefs.
- Monitoring compliance with codes of conduct.
When taking mixed gender teams away on trips, RGC Worcester will ensure at least one male and one female member of staff accompany the gymnasts.
In planning for any trip, RGC Worcester will have in place contingency plans for a ‘worst case scenario’ and ensure procedures include all the necessary information are in place to deal with any problem that might arise. These will include (but are not limited to):
- Risk Assessments.
- The team manager/group leader will ensure an ongoing process of risk assessment (using BG Health & Safety Policy for guidance).
- Supervision.
- BG recommends a minimum of 1:10 adult to child ratio as a minimum level of supervision on trips. This ratio will be increased if:
- The group is made up of primary school aged children.
- Gymnasts with disabilities.
- Trips are abroad.
- Advice on ratios for trips abroad will be taken from BG.
- If the group is mixed sex, there will be at least one male and one female supervisor.
- Medical issues/First aid.
- A list of emergency contact numbers & medical information on each gymnast attending the event and a first aid box will be taken on any trip.
- Club insurance.
- RGC Worcester will ensure adequate travel insurance is in place for any specific trip.
- Accommodation.
- When a large group is travelling and RGC Worcester is responsible for booking the accommodation, the club will book accommodation well in advance to ensure the group is kept together in one hotel.
- In line with BG best practice, anyone over the age of 18 will not share a room with anyone under the age of 16.
- Room allocation, where possible, will be planned prior to the trip.
- Facility providers/Tour operators.
- If using a facility provider or tour operator, the club will liaise with BG for advice and use the Service Provision checklist, as detailed in the BG Health, Safety & Welfare Policy.
- Consent forms.
- Parents will complete a consent form for a trip.
- RGC Worcester will provide parents with details of the trip. This will include (but not limited to):
- Transport arrangements.
- Key timings – pick-up, departure, return.
- Destination and contact details.
- Room allocation.
- Code of conduct.
- Contact details for trip staff.
- Trip requirements – pocket money, kit etc.
RGC Worcester will ensure gymnasts are accommodated according to their age and gender by using the following BG guidelines:
- 18 years or older gymnasts will not share a room with any gymnast under the age of 16 years.
- Coaches, helpers and volunteers will not share a room with any gymnast regardless of age.
- Where ever possible, coaches’ rooms will be next door to the gymnast or at the very least, on the same floor.
- Gymnasts will be supplied with an emergency contact number for them to call in the night should they need to.
- If parents are staying in the accommodation, they may be accommodated with only their own children.
Travel Insurance
BG is to approve all travel arrangements in order for RGC Worcester to have adequate insurance cover. As the normal BG insurance does not cover Travel or Emergency Medical Expenses, the club will take out specific travel insurance either with BG (through or will provide details of an alternative insurer to BG for approval.
BG Travel Application Forms
When planning any trip, the advice laid down in the BG Health, Safety and Welfare Policy will be followed: As recommended by BG, the BG Club Trip checklist will be used to assist in planning and, permission for the overnight trip will be obtained from BG at least 4 weeks prior to the trip. The relevant application forms will be completed and submitted to BG for approval:
- Overnight Stay Application (within UK).
- Overseas Travel Application
The Club Trip checklist, and Overnight Stay and Overseas Travel application forms can be found inBG Health, Safety & Welfare Policy at
Hosting RGC Worcester Gymnasts
(Ref: BG Health, Safety & Welfare Policy)
British Gymnastics is unable to regulate or insure against the hosting of gymnasts in any situation other than within establishments licensed for the provision of overnight accommodation.
As such, if RGC Worcester wishes to host their gymnasts who are under the age of 18 years with families or accommodate gymnasts with gymnasium facilities, school halls etc, the club will seek advice from the local Social Services and obtain additional insurance cover (BG insurance will not provide cover in these circumstances).
Hosting gymnasts with families
RGC Worcester is to ensure appropriate procedures are in place to make sure families who are hosting the club gymnasts are suitably vetted. If this cannot be carried out, then hosting will not be considered.
Where families can be vetted, a risk assessment will be undertaken prior to hosting taking place. The risk assessment will consider the following:
- Seek consent from the gymnast’ parents.
- Ensure the host family has knowledge of any medical or dietary needs of their guests.
- Ensure the host family is made aware of any special needs or requirements for gymnasts, and that it is the coaches‟ responsibility to make certain that the hostfamily agrees to provide adequately to meet the needs of the gymnast/s.
- Ensure children are hosted in pairs that are appropriately matched.
- Host families should be clear about the arrangements for transporting the children.
- Children staying with host families should have easy access to a telephone and to their coach and welfare officer.
- Parents/guardians should be made aware that children may not be as fullysupervised as they are in the gym/during training.
BG has developed a sample form contained in section 7 of the BG Health, Safety and Welfare policy, which shouldbe completed by any family wishing to host a gymnast in their home.
Hosting gymnasts in unlicensed establishments e.g. gymnasiums or schools
It is recognised that groups attending large gymnastics festivals are often accommodated within “dormitories‟ in schools or gymnastics centres. This situationis not ideal but may be the only available option.
The following guidance should beconsidered:-
- Ensure groups are sharing with other groups they know.
- Ensure there are separate sleeping and washing areas for males and femalesand staff and gymnasts. It would also be appropriate to allocate rooms in agegroups where possible.
- Adults should not share the dormitory with young people but should beaccommodated in a nearby room.
- Ensure that there is waking night staff to regularly patrol theaccommodation and prevent unauthorised entry.
- Ensure accommodation is safe and secure (fire exits, emergency proceduresetc.).
- Ensure Welfare Manager/Event Organiser visits the accommodation prior tothe event to ensure it is satisfactory and address any concerns
Areas of Responsibility for Welfare Officers at Events, Competitions or Trips
The role of the RGC Worcester Welfare Officer at events includes:
- To ensure that parents and gymnasts are aware of the role and responsibilities of club officials.
- To report any incidents in line with BG reporting procedures.
- To take a child-focused approach and respond to the needs of the gymnasts during the event.
- To work in partnership with other staff to resolve any welfare-related issues that need to be addressed at the event.
- To assist the event organizer with the implementation of procedures for photography and the use of video cameras at the event and managing any issues that arise out if these policies.
Further roles applicable to residential events include:
- To supervise and co-ordinate accommodation at the event.
- To lead the supervision of the gymnasts during non-training periods.
- To ensure all participants fully understand their responsibilities in relation to the BG Safeguarding Code of Conduct and RGC Worcester Code of Conduct.
Review November 2014