PTA Board Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2014
Members in attendance: Kimberly Terry, Elaine Thomas, Amysue Kashubara, Carrie Allerding, Annette Pittman, Anessa Burgman, Kaye Shaver, Kelly Proudfit, Anisah Rasheed, Jodi Kolda, Laura Strange, Cheryl Wyrick, and Kelly Shay
Fundraising: The fundraising goal for the fall was $19,500. To date we have raised $17,000. There will be an additional few hundred dollars that will be paid from company matches in the coming months. Due to the $2,500 shortfall between the planned fundraising and the actual money raised. Teachers will not receive an additional $100 to spend on the classroom in the spring, as initially planned.
Special Projects: There was $13,000 in the budget set aside for special projects for the school. There is currently $7,000 left to be spent. Teachers will be given the opportunity to complete a special projects request form to indicate their needs for the classroom, grade level, or school. The requests are due to Carrie Allerding by January 31st. The Executive Board as well as other Board members who are interested, will meet after the February Board meeting to discuss and rank the request. Decisions will be made about which request will be funded based on the amount of money available. The list will then be taken to Dr. Burgman for final approval.
Calendar of Events:
3D Parties—There are 5 classes that earned a 3D party from the fall fundraiser.
Spring Carnival—The Spring Carnival will be held on May 16th. The committee is in need of one or two people who are willing to head up the event. There are chairs already in place for prizes, food, games, and tickets.
Dad’s Breakfast—Cheryl and Dr. Burgman will finalize the dates for the breakfast. Volunteers for the breakfast will be needed.
Field Day—Field Days will be held on June 2nd for 4th and 5th graders, June 3rd for 2nd and 3rd graders, and June 4th for Kindergarten and 1st graders.
Kindergarten Orientation—Kindergarten Orientation will be held March 18th at 9:15. This will be a good opportunity to sell spirit ware and recruit volunteers for the PTA for next year.
Yearbook—Carrie will work on the yearbook this year, but would like to work with someone who can take it over next year. She proposed allowing all interested 5th graders submit art work to be considered for the cover of the yearbook. There will be a form sent home to the 5th graders that describe the requirements to be considered for the cover. The PTA Board will vote on the art work to be on the cover.
Fifth Grade Celebration—Fourth grade parents will be needed to coordinate the celebration for the fifth graders.
Nominating Committee: A nominating committee will need to be formed for next year. The committee will be recruiting a Treasurer, Secretary, and Vice President of Service. Vice Presidents will contact their committees to see what additional Board vacancies will need to be filled. Executive Board positions will need to voted on at the General PTA meeting that will be held on April 29th.
School Supplies: There are companies that will allow you to prepay for school supplies, and then have a box of supplies on the child’s desk the first day of school. We are currently researching options to see if this might be a fundraising opportunity for next year. We are hoping to find a company that will be willing to give the school a portion of the profits that would then go to help children in the school that might have difficulty purchasing supplies.
Alison Wood Memorial: The idea of a Buddy Bench was proposed to honor Ms. Wood. The Beautification committee is going to look into options for the bench. We would also have a plaque on the bench as well. Once the bench is installed we could have a dedication ceremony and invite the Claxton community to the ceremony.
Box Tops: March 1st is last collection in order to receive the money for this school year. So far $1,400 has been raised this year. Food Lion is also doing an additional Box Top promotion this year. Additional information will be forwarded to Amysue.
EC Committee: The EC Committee will hold their first meeting on either January 27th or 29th. This meeting is open to all parents who are interested in supporting all children at Claxton to form meaningful friendships. The first proposed task of the committee is to help the children with special needs at the Spring Carnival.
Newsletter: The frequency of distribution of the newsletter was discussed. It was decided that it should be sent when relevant information needs to be distributed, instead of one particular day of the week. There is a 46% open rate for the newsletters. The Box Top links have been the most popular link in the newsletter. Members have reported that the upcoming dates are also very helpful.
Skateland: The Skateland night on March 20th will be a completion to see which class can have the most students present. Dr. Burgman will attend that night. The committee is looking for freebies to give away to thank parents for supporting the Skateland fundraiser.
Dr. Burgman’s Report: A parent night will be held for 3rd grade parents on January 28th to discuss new assessment requirements. Ms. Shaver will retire at the end of January.