The Dawn of Civilizations
World Religions
Name: Period:
Directions: You will research and become an expert on the nine major religions of the world (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Shinto). Please present your information in either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Power Point.
Your project will include the following: Report must follow in this order.
(5 pts.) Title Page. This is the first page. Please see the attached
Page 2 for exact format.
(25 pts.) A World Religions Chart. Using Microsoft Word
complete the chart on the major world religions. Here are
some websites that you might find useful:
See Page 3.
(30 pts.) Map of the World. Color code a world map to show the relative
presence and population of all the major religions in the world
today. Include annotations on the map to indicate where the
religions make up the majority populations in a country, and
where a minority population may have a particular influence on a
country’s political, social, cultural, or economic setting. Page 4.
(50 pts.) Picture Identifications. For each of the nine religions, you must
find six images/pictures that are representative of that religion.
They could be pictures of places of worship, objects important in
religious rituals, founders of that religion. See page 5.
(10 pts.) A Bibliography. You are responsible for at least four sources.
(100 pts.) %
(Please don’t write anything in parenthesis)
(Enter 2 times)
World Religions
Your Name
(Enter 15 times)
Research submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements of World History
Mrs. Schmid
Phillipsburg High School
World Religions Chart
Judaism / Christianity / IslamName of God
Religious Teacher
Holy Book
Place of Worship
Holy Day/Sabbath
Judaism / Christianity / Islam
Special Ceremonies
Food Restrictions
Original Language
Size Ranking
Main Locations
Date Founded
World Religions Chart
Hinduism / Buddhism / Shinto / TaoismName of God
Religious Teacher
Holy Book
Place of Worship
Holy Day/Sabbath
Hinduism / Buddhism / Shinto / Taoism
Special Ceremonies
Food Restrictions
Original Language
Size Ranking
Main Locations
Date Founded
Picture Identifications
For each of the 9 religions, you must find 5 images/pictures that are representative of that religion. They could be pictures of places of worship, objects important in religious rituals, founders of that religion, etc. Take these images and group/categorize them in 5 categories (minimum of 6 pictures in each category). For each category, you will have to write a substantive paragraph that not only describes the images, but most importantly, explains how they all link together (under a heading of your choosing, of course). Your explanation is the analysis; therefore, make sure you explain fully and clearly.
(in alphabetical order with author’s last name)
(it is not necessary to write out the words “Books, Encyclopedias, Periodicals”)
Last name, First name. Title of the book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date.
Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Encyclopedia. Date.
Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Magazine volume (Year):
Page numbers.
Online References: One Page on a Web site
Last name, First name. “Title of the Web site.” URL Address (accessed date)
University of Chicago Press. “Chicago Manual of Style Online.” (EXAMPLE)
www.chicagomanualofstyle.org. (accessed October 29, 2008).
Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Encyclopedia. URL Address
(accessed date).
Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Magazine. Page
numbers. URL Address (accessed date).