Waupaca County

Environmental Youth Connections (EYC)

Environmental Education Needs Assessment

Please take time to fill out this survey on your previous environmental education efforts it will help us at EYC better serve you and your school district.



Subject or Curriculum Connection: ______

1.  Are you currently teaching environmental education in which you utilize parks, forest and natural resource areas? ____yes ___no If yes, please list location and environmental topics. (i.e. soil, geology, wetlands, wildlife/habitat, forestry, prairie, water quality, weather)

2.  Do you know if your school district has a school forest? ___yes ___no

Are you interested in developing a school forest or land for an additional school forest? ___yes ___no

3.  Have you ever used the school forest and to what extent? ___yes ___no

4.  Are you currently teaching environmental education in the classroom? ___yes ___no

If yes, please briefly list the environmental topic.

5.  Please list any challenges of utilizing community parks, forests and natural resource areas.

6.  Are you interested in environmental education workshops with an emphasis on connecting learning opportunities to your own “backyard”, parks, forests and natural resource areas? (EYC would support workshop expenses, coordination, stipends, project cost or supplies)___yes ___no

7.  Which of these environmental education workshops would you be interested in attending,

(Please see the Workshop Opportunities for a brief description of the programs listed here.)

___Project Learning Tree

___Flying WILD


___Got Dirt?

___butterfly and rain garden training

___School Forest Development

___Train the Trainer – if you have previously attended an environmental education workshop supported by the WI DNR and or UWSP (i.e. LEAF, project WILD and project WET) and you would be interested in sharing your expertise to benefit your colleges

Please list any other ideas you may have for training.

Please feel free to add any comments or questions that you may have. Return this survey by Feb. 15.

Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions in this survey.

Carrie Esch Connie Abert

Environmental Youth Connections 4-H Youth Development Faculty

Project Consultant Waupaca County UW-Extension

715-366-4145 71-258-6230