Annex 1

to the Regulation of LASE Committee on Ethics

Sample application


(name, surname)

student of Latvian Academy of Sport Education




To LASECommittee on Ethics

Please consider my application for______

(Bachelor, Master, PhD)

paper ______(title) ______




and give the conclusion on its compliance with ethical standards.


(name, surname) (signature)

In the Annex:

  1. Application for research.
  2. Research tools used in the study (questionnaire (s), interview sheet, sample laboratory report, test, etc.).
  3. Permit from the institution where the research will take place.
  4. Letter to parents (if the participants are children and adolescents under the age of 18).

Annex 2

To the Regulation of LASE Committee on Ethics

Sample of research application


(name, surname)

student of Latvian Academy of Sport Education

research application

______paper title:

(Bachelor, Master, PhD)


Research aim: ______


Research tasks:


Research methods:


Research course plan:


Research venue: ______

(title, address, phone)

Student: ______(name, surname)

Paper supervisor: ______(name, surname))



To the Regulation of LASE Committee on Ethics

The sample of the study participant's consent statement

I, ______

(name, surname)

am informed about


(name, surname)

research ______


aim and course.

With my signature I certify that I voluntarily agree to participate in this research.





to the Regulation of LASE Committee on Ethics

Sample statement of parental consent

I, ______

(name, surname)

agree / disagree

that my son / daughter


(name, surname)

participates in ______

(name, surname)

performed research ______





Brivibas gatve 333, Riga, LV-1006
Phone: +371 67543410 (office)  Fax: 67543480  E-mail:




(Organization title in dative )

About the permission to conduct research

LASE student______

(name, surname)

in the framework of Bachelor / Master / PhD paper performs research ______

(research title)

with an aim: ______

(research aim)

in which needs to be involved ______

(contingent involved in the research)

In the framework of the research______


(list what will be done)

Participation in the research is voluntary and participants have the right at any time to suspend or reject the participation. It also respects the anonymity of the participant and non-disclosure of the data obtained. The person who is the subject of the study will be fully informed about the nature of the research and its aims.

A written permit from the subject of the research or parents / guardians of the research subject will be requested before the commencement of the research.

Please allow to conductresearch in your organization.

Sincerely yours,

LASE, here the student should indicate the name of the particular study program and receive a signature from the qualification manager or program director



(Organization title)


(title of coordinator’s position)


(Personal signature ) (Name, surname)


place for stamp