Dear members of the Scientific Committee of the ICRR 2011
It is now high time to start planning the sessions of the meeting and I would be grateful for your input. Attached please find two documents:

1. An Excel file with a draft program layout of all ICRR meetings starting from 1991 including the suggested program for ICRR2011.
2. A pdf file with pictures of the conference venue.
As in the previous ICRR meetings, we will have oral sessions with invited speakers and long poster sessions for proffered papers. The posters will be on exhibit during the whole meeting and we plan to assign each presenter with a time when she/he should be at the poster.
As to the oral presentations, we can have up to 6 parallel events. We propose the following oral presentations:
- Four 120 min symposia and two 90 min symposia (the latter can be extended to 120 min, but then they would go beyond 7 pm which may be too long). In total we can have 36 symposia.
- Four refresher courses. Perhaps we should not go for 6 parallel ones, but aim at 4. So in total: 16 refresher courses.
- Four conference lectures, 4-6 parallel. In total between 24 and 36.
- Four plenary award lectures: The Failla award lecture, the Bacq & Alexander award lecture, the Weiss medal lecture and the Fry+Curie award lectures (30 min each).
- The Bob Painter debate. For those not familiar with the form of this debate: we select around 6 speakers who will debate on a hot topic. The idea is to make the debate lively and amusing. We must select a topic that is controversial and will initiate vigorous discussions. Bob Painter initiated the debates, hence the name. As far as I recall, the last ICRR Bob Painter debate was held in Toronto. The topic was: are DSB the ultimate lesions leading to cell death?
I would be grateful for your suggestions on topics for the sessions and presentations. Attached please find a WORD file, where you can type in your ideas. Please save the file and send back to me by mail. Based on this, we will select the topics and proceed with selecting speakers. I will be grateful for sending your input until July 30th.
Thank you and kind regards,
Andrzej Wojcik, Prof. D.Sc.
Centre for Radiation Protection Research,
Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Toxicology,
Stockholm University, Svante Arrhenius väg 20C, room E515,
106 91 Stockholm, Sweden.
Tel: +46 8 16 1217, Fax: +46 8 16 4315
Tel. mobile: +46 762 122 744