Kindergarten Math Makes Sense – Manipulatives (2008)

Lessons and Activity Banks - Page 1

Unit / Lesson Materials / Activity Bank Materials
Unit 1:
Exploring Patterns / pattern blocks, attribute blocks, snap cubes, counters, small objects for sorting and patterns (beads, buttons, small toys, paper clips, shells), sorting trays (plastic trays or shoe box lids), shakers (filled, sealed cans) or other small instruments, straws, string / small objects or counters of different colours, sizes, or types (beads, blocks, paper clips, small toys, bingo chips), attribute blocks, feely boxes (shoebox, old sock), variety of buttons, pattern blocks, snap cubes, pattern strips (individual patterns on strips of paper), straws, toothpicks, cups, variety of instruments, cardboard boxes, glue, construction paper
Unit 2:
Exploring Number / 2-colour counters, balls, small bags, counters (small
toys, buttons, crayons, etc.), snap cubes, red and blue toy trucks or counters, numeral cards (LM 9), teddy bear counters, teddy bears (3), small containers, glue, skipping rope, bird stamps or stickers (optional), LM 16 five frames (paste on heavy paper and laminate), masking tape, blue and yellow objects (counters, crayons, erasable markers), dinosaur and animal counters (optional), dot cards (LM 4-7), dice, crayons,
paper, sticky tack / small boxes, 8-10 nuts and bolts, dot cards (LM 4-7), small bags, counters, small objects (beads, buttons, toys, blocks), plastic links, 5-part spinner (LM 8), blocks (or snap cubes), paper clips, pencils, numeral cards 1-5 (LM 9), magazines with pictures of groups of 2 or 3 objects, scissors, bingo dabbers (or markers), squares of paper to make dot cards, crayons, paper, storybook ‘Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed’, index cards, assortment of stickers, floor-sized five frame, five frames (LM 16), 2-sided counters, paper cups, small towel, tray, paper hole punches, sticky tack, red counters, drawing of a tree on chart paper

Kindergarten Math Makes Sense – Manipulatives (2008)

Lessons and Activity Banks - Page 2

Unit / Lesson Materials / Activity Bank Materials
Unit 3:
Exploring Geometry and
Measurement / different sizes of a variety of 3-D objects (bowls, mugs, spoons, containers, hats), variety of objects (sponges, paper towel rolls, balls, dice, crayons, cans, markers, boxes, pylons), large books, 3-D geometric models, building materials (lego, snap cubes, blocks), modeling clay, familiar 3-D objects (balls, building blocks, teddy bear counters, toy cars), pairs of 3-D objects (straw and pencil, mug and drinking glass), crayons, strips of paper cut different lengths, scissors, trays, buckets of water or sand, 2-pan balances, objects of similar/different masses / variety of familiar objects (blocks, sponges, cans, film canisters, balls, dice, boxes, paper towel rolls, small toys, crayons), large books (for a barrier), 3-D geometric models, flat stones or blocks, modelling clay, bucket, paste (for paper maché), strips of newspaper, balloons, paint, paintbrushes, tape, pipe cleaners, cotton balls, glue, construction paper, tape, scissors, teddy bears, objects of 2 different heights, squares of paper, straws of various lengths, sand, small shovels, containers and boxes of different shapes and sizes, 2-pan balances, yogurt containers with lids, rocks,
Unit 4:
to 10 / counters, mat (as imaginary pond), paper, crayons, dice, sticky tack, erasable marker, 2-colour counters, glue, can, overhead projector, construction paper, index cards, bingo dabbers (2 colours), classroom objects (blocks, counters, pencils), small toys, chart paper, buttons, snap cubes, chairs or cushions, marching music, finger paint, stuffed toys / masking tape, dice, 6 squares of a ten frame, variety of small objects, numeral cards 1-10 (LM 3, 4, 15-19), glue, counters, craft sticks, five frames, bell or other musical instrument, 2-colour counters, cup, snap cubes, plastic container, yellow counters, blocks, ten frames, dot stickers, index cards, bingo dabbers, 10 x 10 grid (LM 20), crayons, scissors, paper, hula hoops, rod with a magnet attached, fish shapes, tub (to represent a lake), yarn, art materials (ribbon, paper), pattern blocks, stickers

Kindergarten Math Makes Sense – Manipulatives (2008)

Unit Centres

Unit / Centre Materials
Unit 1
Exploring Patterns
pg. 8/9 / yarn, 2-3 colours of beads, snap cubes, blocks (variety of shapes and sizes), objects from nature (leaves, pebbles, pine cones, rocks, shells), objects based on a chosen theme (grocery store, restaurant, office), plastic containers, sand, small toys, shapes or cookie cutters, predictable pattern books (titles suggested in teacher guide)
Unit 2
pg.10/11 / beads, string, five frames (LM 16), objects from nature (acorns, rocks, shells, leaves), snap cubes, small baskets, small toy animals, variety of small items (beads, foam shapes, stickers), newspapers, flyers, magazines, glue, paper, scissors, numeral cards 1-5 (LM 9), shallow pan, shells, water
Unit 3
Exploring Geometry and Measurement
pg. 10/11 / socks, plastic bottles, sand, funnels, string, elastic bands, paint, paintbrushes, glue, googly eyes (optional), 2-pan balance, blocks (variety of shapes and sizes), variety of boxes and plastic food containers, alphabet letters (ex. magnets), variety of building materials (to create an object that begins with a specific alphabet letter), identical containers with water in one and sand in the other
Unit 4
To 10
pg. 12/13 / numeral cards 1-10 (LM 3,4), crayons, glue, paper, snap cubes, five frames (LM 9), small objects from nature (acorns, twigs, rocks, leaves, pine cones), buttons, paper bags, yarn, pipe cleaners, paint, stickers, paper, large numeral cards 1-6 (LM 15-17), sand
