Jonquil D. Ogden

TE 600

May 26, 2005

Assignment 2a

Learning Theory / Key Theorists / Summary of Theory / Application in Teaching and Learning
A branch of psychology that bases its observations and conclusions on definable and measurable behavior and on experimental methods, rather than on concept of "mind."
Control Theory / William Glasser / Behavior is controlled by whatever people want at a given moment. / Issues such as survival, power, love, and independence, as well as hunger, health, and addiction all play a strong role in the daily behavior of students. Dealing with students on any level, much less an educational level, means being aware of these triggers. While we can’t effectively meet all of these needs, addressing these issues with our students is a part of daily life at school.
Character Education / John Dewey / Students need to learn better moral values and how to make better decisions. / On any given day one lesson in patience is as valuable as the quadratic equation. Life skills are often more relevant to their education than grammar and history.
Experience Education / Founded in the ideas of Carl Rogers, this theory is gaining in popularity. Recent in-depth developments by James Neill 2004 renewed focus on this client-centered Rogerian philosophy. / It is a system of learning by doing. / In the experiential component of our program, students apply math, art, technology, and design when they build mini choppers in the welding lab. They learn how to temper their anger when they become dog trainers for handicap accessibility. They discover their personal worth and improve decision making skill in their civics and government class. They realize their own honesty when they can run a student run business and manage their own profit.
ARCS model of motivation / John Keller / The acronym standing for Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction provides tools to provide motivation for students. / All students need to connect with the educational material they encounter. These connections will help them be more successful which builds confidence.
This school of thought claims that psychology should be concerned with a person's internal representations of the world and with the internal or functional organization of the mind.
Multiple Intelligences / Howard Gardner / eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential / We should place equal attention on individuals who show gifts in the other intelligences: the artists, architects, musicians, naturalists, designers, dancers, therapists, entrepreneurs, and others who enrich the world in which we live. Teachers need to be trained to present their lessons in a wide variety of ways using music, cooperative learning, art activities, role play, multimedia, field trips, and inner reflection.
Social Cognitive Theory / Albert Bandura / Motivational factors and self-regulatory mechanisms contribute to a person's behavior, rather than just environmental factors. / People acquire behaviors through the observation of others and then imitate what they have observed.
Theory that knowledge is actively developed through the cognitive processes of the individual. By engaging prior knowledge with present learning, the teacher assists the students to build on their understanding of the world and its workings.
Discovery Learning / Jerome Bruner / In Discovery Learning students are encouraged to explore their own thoughts, consider their own meanings, and find a personal application to their lives. / Students can reflect on themes, conflicts, and meaning within a story. They may come up with different answers and they may all be right based on their own perspectives.
Constructivism / Jean Piaget / The concepts of Constructivism emphasize that learning occurs through a network of connections intellectually, experientially, and emotionally. People respond to learning according to these factors. / Gathering background information on the Internet can help students prepare for a film. They will have a richer understanding of the film.