Beginnings of the Church in NZ
Optional Questions
- During the 18th and 19th centuries what were some of the events happening in Europe?
There was a Revolution in France, where the poor rose up in revolt; there was a famine in Ireland and the poor people starved. Many of the Founders / Foundresses lived in these times and were affected by these tragedies. Their experience led them to want to work for God in helping others. In the future, what two events in N.Z. society today would people look back upon as tragedies or injustices? - Overcrowded towns and not enough work for all, caused families to emigrate to far-away lands. How did this affect the people and their Catholic Faith?
- Choose one country e.g. France, Ireland, Enqland, and trace the route these people travelled. stating the time it took: the conditions of travel at that time; the way they filled in their day; the way they kept in touch with those they left behind and what they brought with them to help them continue their Catholic Faith?
- Did the people of N.Z. - the Maoris, the Settlers, the Missioners, welcome the Religious. What did they want the Religious to do for them?
- Was the work these Religious engaged in a true reflection of the Founders/Foundresses dreams?
- The dreams of the Founders/Foundresses came from their own lived experiences. What experiences today would you see as pointing to a need for the future? Religious are part of the fabric of the Church's life. They respond out of the human experiences they live - they all began in family life. How can family life continue to bring life and colour to the fabric of the Church's Life today?
- 'Suffering helps to form character'. Take the life of one of the founders or foundresses and show how this might be so in their life.
- What social ills or needs were the Religious Orders trying to respond to in their day? Compare these with the social ills of today.
- Make a time-line and place all the Religious Orders and Congregations onto it. Look for the earliest. Look for the density area on your time-line. Can you give reasons for the density area?
- In a time when women had no status in law, and had as yet not even the privilege of the vote, could seldom go anywhere withou an escort, the foundresses managed to form and keep running their Religious Congregations. Do you know of any other women of that tme who were working to establish better rights for people? Compare their efforts.
- HedgeSchools, French Revolution, Oceania, Penal Laws, Propogation of Faith, Jansenism. Study these terms and relate them to today.
- Take the Congregation or Order you are most familiar with and study its goals at its beginnings, then interview a person from that Congregation or Order and see if the goals are the same or if time has changed them.