FALLBROOK FARM – Amended Planning Area A
Planned Development (PD) Standards
Section 1. Administrative Provisions
A. Unless otherwise stated, the definitions contained in Article 1, Section 18-3 of the
City of Thornton Development Code, as amended, shall apply to this Planned Development and accompanying Planned Development (PD) Standards. In the event of conflict, these PD District Standards control.
B.Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise in these PD Standards, the following terms shall have the stated definitions:
1. Planning Area (PA): The areas for development referred to on the Conceptual Site Plan/Overall Development Plan.
2. District: The entire Fallbrook Farm (PD) District.
3. Residential Patio Home: One dwelling unit located on a small lot and/or defined by a building envelope combined with Homeowners' Association (HOA's) ownership of commonly owned property.
Section 2. Interpretations
A. Unless otherwise stated, all references to Code sections in these PD Standards refer to sections in Chapter 18 of the City of Thornton Municipal Code, as amended.
B. Attached as part of these PD District Standards are the following exhibits:
Exhibit A: Legal Description
Exhibit B: Conceptual Site Plan/Overall Development Plan
C. Section 18-5 of the Thornton City Code, "Interpretations’', shall be used to interpret the PD District.
Section 3. Designation of Separate Planning Areas
Fallbrook Farm PD District is divided into the following Planning Areas:
Planning Area A (PA-A):Residential - High-Density Medium-Density
Planning Area B (PA-B):Residential - High-Density
Planning Area C (PA-C):Residential Patio Home
Planning Area D (PA-D):Residential - Low-Density
Planning Area E (PA-E):Neighborhood Park
Planning Area F (PA-F):Residential - Low-Density
Planning Area G (pA-G):Residential - Low-Density
Planning Area H (PA-H):Church/School
Planning Area I (PA-I):Community Retail
Planning Area J (PA-J):Adams County 12 School District – Middle School
A map showing the boundaries of the Areas are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan/ Overall Development Plan.
Section 4. Use Regulations and Development Standards
The following use regulations and development standards apply in the various Planning Areas of this District.
Section 4.1 Planning Areas D, F, and G - Residential- Low-Density
A. Purpose: These areas provide for the development of a variety of lot sizes and housing forms depending on the Planning Area's location and relationship with adjacent Planning Areas. Specific lot configurations within each Planning Area shall be determined with the initial Subdivision and/or Development Permit review process.
B. Main Uses Permitted:
1. Agricultural uses;
a. Crop production (until development occurs)
b. Grazing (until the commencement of construction within the Planning Area where grazing is occurring)
2. Institutional and community service uses:
a. Church
b. Day Care Facility
3. Recreation uses:
a. Community park or recreation facility
b. Neighborhood park or playground
c. Open Space
4. Residential uses:
a. Single-Family Detached dwellings
5. Temporary uses:
a. Temporary construction yard or construction office
b. Temporary sales trailers and model homes including sales centers
C. Yard, Lot and Space Regulations:
1. Front yard setback as measured from street right-of-way:
Face of Home and garage: 20 feet minimum
Face of Home for side entry garages: 15 feet to primary structure to allow for variation in the front yard setback
The front setback shall be varied such that the same front setback is not used on two or more adjacent dwellings.
2.Side yard setback:10 feet minimum (20 feet minimum between structures) for lots less than 65 feet wide on a straight frontage and for lots less than 6,500 square feet on a curved frontage
7.5 feet for lots 65 feet wide and greater (15 feet minimum between structures) and with a three car garage on a straight frontage; or on lots 6,500 square feet or greater and with a three car garage on a curved frontage.
3. Corner side yard setback: 15 feet minimum
20 feet for side entry garages
4. Rear yard setback: 20 feet minimum
5. Encroachments:
a. Cantilevers, including structural elements may encroach into required setback by no more than 18 inches. Overhangs may encroach a maximum of 24 inches.
b. Open patios and decks under 30-inches in height may be located within the rear yard setback as long as they are no closer than 15 feet from the rear property line.
D. Dwelling Unit Density:
1. Maximum density per Gross Acre: 5.0 units/acre
2. Only one dwelling unit is allowed on a lot.
3. Floor Area
a. Minimum square footage for a residential structure on a lot is 1,200 sq. ft.
b. Basements and garages do not count in calculating square footage for the purposes of this provision.
E. Height:
1. Main Structure: 35 feet
2. Maximum height of other permitted structures: 16 feet
F. Single-Family Detached Lot Coverage:
- 60 percent for residential structures
2. 25 percent for non-residential structures
3. 75 percent for all structures combined
G. Minimum Lot Size: 6,000 square feet
H. Additional Provisions:
1. Off-street parking shall be a minimum of two enclosed spaces in the garage and two spaces in the driveway for a total of four off-street spaces per dwelling. Consult the parking provisions listed in Sections 18-386 through 18-392 of the Development Code to determine the requirements for other allowed uses.
2. The minimum lot frontage on a curve or cul-de-sac shall be 40 feet and a minimum of four legal parking spaces on the street for lots fronting on the bulb of a cul-de-sac as required.
Section 4.2 Planning Area C - Residential Patio Homes
A. Purpose
This area provides for the development of patio-style homes. Specific building envelopes and lot configurations within this Planning Area shall be determined through the Subdivision and/or Development Permit review process. The intent is to provide patio style homes where the outdoor living space is focused around a patio and open space and lawn areas. The building envelope/structure is privately owned and all driveways, private streets, private alleys and common areas are owned and maintained by the Homeowners' Association.
B. Main Uses Permitted:
1. Agricultural uses;
a. Crop production (until development occurs)
b. Grazing (until the commencement of construction within the Planning Area where grazing is occurring.)
2. Institutional and community service uses:
a. Church (SUP)
b. Day Care Facility (SUP)
3. Recreation uses:
a. Community park or recreation facility (SUP)
b. Neighborhood park or playground
c. Open Space
4. Residential uses:
a. Patio home defined by a building envelope combined with HOA ownership and maintenance of commonly used property/open space.
b. Patio home on a lot ("fee simple") with common area, (including but not limited to private streets, private alleys, shared driveways, front yards, and common open space), maintained by the HOA.
c. Attached or detached garage with finished usable living space (i.e., recreation room or studio) above but no additional dwelling unit. Detached garages are permitted only on fee simple lots.
5. Temporary uses:
a. Temporary construction yard or construction office.
b. Temporary sales trailers and models homes including sales centers.
C. Yard, Lot and Space Regulations: (See Exhibit 10n Page 6)
1. Patio Home Structure Setbacks:
a. Distance between Patio Home Structures
Rear to Rear: 28 feet
Rear to Side: 20 feet
Side to Side: 10 feet
b. Patio home structure to building envelope/lot:
Side: 4.75 feet
Rear: 12 feet
Front: 18 feet
c. Setbacks as measured from back of walk on public or private streets or property boundary as shown on Exhibit 10n Page 6:
(1) Front yard setback as measured from right-of-way on public streets:
Face of Home: 10 feet minimum
Face of Garage: 18 feet minimum
The front setback shall be varied a minimum of two feet such that same front setback is not used on more than two adjacent dwellings, but still meet minimum standards.
(2) Side yard setback where:
adjacent to common open space within the Planning Area: 5 feet
adjacent to public open space outside of the Planning Area: 15 feet
adjacent to Multifamily: 15 feet
adjacent to the Subdivision Boundary: 25 feet
(3) Corner side yard setback (side of home that faces the street with or without intervening common open space): 15 feet
(4)Rear yard setback where:
adjacent to public street right-of-way: 20 feet
adjacent to common open space within the Planning Area: 12 feet
adjacent to public open space outside of the Planning Area: 15 feet
adjacent to Single-Family Detached homes: 15 feet
adjacent to Multifamily: 15 feet
adjacent to the Subdivision Boundary: 25 feet
d. Encroachments:
(1) Roof overhang eaves may encroach up to 18 inches into the required setback.
(2) Covered patios, decks and other ancillary structures shall be located within the building envelope as indicated at the time of the Subdivision and/or Development Permit.
(3)Bay windows, overhangs, fireplaces/chimneys, entertainment centers and like features on the structure may encroach a maximum of 18 inches into the required setback.
D. Dwelling Unit Density:
1. Maximum density per Gross Acre: 8.0 units/acre
2. Floor Area
a. Minimum square footage for a residential structure on a lot is 1,000 square feet.
b. Basements and garages do not count in calculating square footage for the purposes of this provision.
E. Height:
1. Main Structure: 35 feet
2. Maximum height of other permitted structures: 16 feet
F. Minimum Building Envelope Size: 40 feet wide x 40 feet deep minimum
G. Common Internal Open Space when building envelopes are utilized: In the Patio Home Area, all areas, excluding the primary structures and garages, driveways when in front of the home, and private front walks and private patio areas in the rear, shall be used and maintained by the Homeowners' Association (HOA) as common space.
H. Additional Provisions:
1. Off-street parking shall be a minimum of two spaces in the garage and two spaces in the driveway for a total of four off-street spaces per dwelling.
2. Fencing along the private lot lines shall be a maximum of four (4) feet in height and open pickets or a three (3) rail open fence. A 2" x 4" welded wire grid is permitted for pet enclosure. An area of three inches shall be provided between the ground and the bottom of the fence or wire to allow room for mowing. No fencing is permitted to extend beyond the front facade or sides of the structure.
3. No structures are permitted in the common areas. Prohibited structures would include, but are not limited to, sheds, fences, decks, lawn ornaments, patio covers and architectural projections with the exception of an eighteen inch (18") projection for encroachments.
Section 4.3 Planning Areas A and B - Residential Medium and High-Density
1. Planning Area A – Residential Mediaum
A. Purpose: This area provides for the development of a variety of attached housing types. Specific building configurations and architectural styles within these Planning Areas shall be determined through the Subdivision and/or Development Permit review process.
B. Development Criteria: Development within Planning Area A shall conform to the requirements of Single Family Attached Development Standards, Section 18-450, and the Development Code's Design Criteria in Section 18-470 with the following exceptions:
1. Alley side is considered the rear of the home.
2. A minimum of three different floor plans are being provided in Planning Area A[LD1].
23. The front setback from E 140th Ave shall be fifteen feet.
3. The setback and landscape buffer the from Colorado Boulevard right-of-way shall be 25’ feet.
3.Dwelling unit density: Maximum of 7 DU/acre.
2. Planning Area B – Residential High-Density
A. Purpose: This area provides for the development of a variety of attached housing types. Specific building configurations and architectural styles within these Planning Areas shall be determined through the Subdivision and/or Development Permit review process.
B. C. Development Criteria: Development within Planning Area B shall conform to the requirements of Section 18-45018-190, Multifamily District and the Development Code's Design Criteria in Section 18-532(d) 472 with the following exceptions:
1. Dwelling unit density: Maximum of 17.55 dwelling units perDU/ acre[LD2].
2. Driveways, bike paths, sidewalks and pedestrian trails shall be designed to encourage pedestrian use throughout the community.
3. Off-street parking shall meet the parking provisions listed in Sections 18-386 through 18[LD3]- 392 18-160 of the City of Thornton Code.
Section 4.4 Planning Area E - Park
A. Purpose: This Planning Area provides for a 1 0.633-acre proposed park as a part of the Public Land Dedication Requirements.
B. Main Uses Permitted
1. Community park and recreation facilities
2. Neighborhood park or playground
3. Open Space
C. Park Improvements: The park site shall be fully improved by the Developer in conformance with City Code. The specific configuration and improvements required within this park site will be determined through the Subdivision and/or Development Permit process.
Section 4.5 Planning Area I - Community Retail
A. Purpose: The Community Retail Planning Area provides for retail and office uses that serve the development and residents of the surrounding neighborhoods. Access to this area permits residents from several neighborhoods to patronize uses within this Planning Area without the need to penetrate the adjacent residential neighborhood given that access is from the adjacent arterial streets.
B. Development Criteria: Development within Planning Area I shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 18, Section 18-193, Community Retail District of the City of Thornton Development Code, with one exception: Sexually-oriented businesses will be a prohibited use on this site.
Section 4.6 Planning Area J - Adams County School District #12 - Middle School
A. Purpose: Planning Area J is proposed as a Middle School site for the Adams County School District #12. There are no requirements for review and approval by the City of Thornton of the proposed school site plans.
Section 4.7 Planning Area H - Church/School
A. Purpose: This area provides for the development of a church and parochial school, as well as ancillary uses including, but not limited to, a rectory and convent which is defined as residences for priests and nuns.
B. Main Uses Permitted:
1. Agricultural Uses:
a. Crop production (until development occurs)
b. Grazing (until the commencement of construction within the Planning Area where grazing is occurring)
2. Institutional and Community Service Uses:
a. Church
b. School
c. Day Care Facility
d. School/Playground/Recreational Facilities
3. Residential Uses:
a. Rectory/Parish Staff Residence
b. Convent
c. Clergy Retirement Facility
4. Temporary Uses:
a. Temporary construction yard or construction office.
b. Temporary sales trailers and model homes including sales centers.
C. Yard, Lot and Space Regulations:
1. Setbacks:
a. All uses will conform to Sections 18-246, 18-248 and 18-252 of the Thornton City Code and shall be indicated at the time of the Development Permit.
b. All non-residential uses shall have a minimum setback of 50 feet from public rights- of-way.
D. Height:
1. Church - Not to exceed 65 feet, exclusive of church steeples
2. School - Not to exceed 35 feet
3. Residential - Not to exceed 35 feet
4. Accessory Buildings - Not to exceed 35 feet
Section 5.0 Open Space and Trails
A. Open space and trails are located throughout the Fallbrook Farm PD District and generally identified on the CSP/ODP as a part of the Public Land Dedication Requirements and private common space areas. The specific configuration and improvements required within the open space areas will be determined through the Subdivision and/or Development Permit review process.
B. Main Uses Permitted:
1. Outdoor Recreation uses
2. Parks and tot lots
3. Site furniture
4. Sidewalks/trails
5. Trail head or parks parking
6. Irrigation/agricultural ditches
7. Pedestrian bridges
8. Utility and other required easements
9. Open space
10. Community fences
11. Entry monuments and signage
12. Temporary sales and construction trailers
13. Landscaping
14. Underdrains
15. Drainage facilities
Section 5.1 Landscaping Requirements
A. Landscaping and berming will be installed by the Owner(s)/Developer(s) along Colorado Boulevard, East 144th Avenue and York Street. The landscape area adjacent to East 144th Avenue shall be 35 feet from back of curb to the property line. The landscape area adjacent to Colorado Boulevard and York Street shall be 35 feet from back of curb to the lot line within the residential area only. Landscaping along these areas shall be done concurrently with the development of the adjacent Planning Area. Maintenance of these areas shall be by the HOA.
B. All common area and front yard landscaping within the Planning Areas shall be per the Development Permit, in accordance with Development Code Amendments, and installed by the Builder and/or Developer. All proposed landscaping shall be indicated at the time of Development Permit.
C. Landscaping shall .be installed within all common areas in a Planning Area in accordance with a Phasing Plan and Development Permit approved by the City of Thornton.
D. The Developer shall improve the detention ponds in accordance with the Thornton City Code in effect at the time of approval of the Development Permit.
E. The Developer will install a ten-foot wide concrete trail and native non-irrigated landscape with trees and shrubs as required by the Thornton City Code and approved by the City of Thornton and the Signal Ditch Company along the Signal Ditch. The trail may be attached to the street in areas where the street parallels the ditch.
F. The Developer will install a ten-foot wide concrete trail and landscape the 32-foot buffer on the southern boundary of Planning Area G. The tree equivalent for this buffer tract shall be at a minimum of one T.E. per 20 lineal feet of buffer length. Final landscaping details will be reviewed with the Minor Development Permit application for Planning Area G.
G. The Developer of the property shall comply with the drought restrictions in effect at the time of permitting for the installation of all landscaping on the Property and within any right-of-way areas to be landscaped.
H. All regional trails shall be ten feet wide and located in a 3D-foot wide easement, with the exception of the regional trail along the southern boundary of Planning Area G. This trail shall be ten feet wide and located in a 32-foot wide tract from the south property line to the back of curb of the adjacent roadway north of the buffer tract. The City of Thornton is responsible for maintenance of the regional trail and the HOA is responsible for maintenance of the area outside of the improved trail within the easement and tract.