Document 1
Qualification Information
For the Provision of:
Any Qualified Provider for
Community Non Scalpel Vasectomy Service
On behalf of:
North Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Reference No:Project_Itt_266
Date of Issue:
Table of Contents
Covering Letter3
Section 1 – Introduction
2Instructions and Guidance for Completion5
3Qualification Submission Clarification5
4Qualification Timetable5
Section 2 - Assessment Criteria
3Service Delivery9
4Assessment of Financial Statements18
Section 3 – Important Notices
4Authorised Representative20
5Availability of Information 20
7Accuracy of Information and Liability21
11Right to Reject Submissions23
12Right to Cancel or Vary the Process23
13Provision of Further Information Prior to Submission24
14Freedom of Information24
15Submission Process and Costs24
16Governing Law25
17Compliance with IM&T for AQP Submissions25
Dear Potential Provider
This is an offer for the provision of a Community Non-Scalpel Vasectomy Serviceunder theAny Qualified Provider (AQP)process.
Offer Reference Number: itt_266NDCCG 20 Vasectomy
Period of contract: Contracts will be issued with end date 31st March 2018
Closing date for completion of qualification documents: 12noon on Friday 11th September 2015
This AQP process is being undertaken by the AQP Support Hubfor and on behalf of North Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group.
North Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group isthe Contracting Authority.
The offer documentation comprises of the following:
Document 1 Qualification Information
Document 2Service Specification
Links regarding the CCG policies and contractual documents are stated on the offer advert page.
There is a facility on the AQP online form to ask any questions in respect of the offer documents.
North Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Groupreserves the right to change dates and times or modify any stage of the process including the introduction of additional steps or stages in order to maximise efficiencies.
If qualified, your organisation will be required to accept the terms and conditions and be compliant with the NHS Standard Contract 2016/17 (Multi/Bilateral) and any subsequent revisions thereof. Please note that the Contracting Authority will not enter into an arrangement with any individual or organisation that does not fully accept this requirement. Please note that caveat responses will be considered as non-acceptance of this requirement.
Please read the qualification questionnaire and the supporting offer documents very carefully since failure to comply with the requirements contained therein will invalidate your submission.
The Contracting Authority and the AQP Support Hublook forward to receiving your submission.
Yours faithfully
Emily Armstrong
Interim Head of Procurement - North
3rd Floor North, Cardinal Square
10 Nottingham Road
1.1The purpose of this document is to provide information and instructions to allow potential providers to submit a response for qualification to deliver Community Non-Scalpel Vasectomy Serviceusing theAny Qualified Provider (AQP) process.
2.Instructions and Guidance for Completion
2.1Instructions and guidance information is available - insert details of locally available guidance on completion.
2.2 All judgments are made solely on the information provided in the submission, so please take care to ensure that full answers are provided where called for. This is particularly important to note if you are known to or have had past relationships with the Contracting Authority as prior knowledge cannot be used to assess the documentation.
2.3 There areassessment criteriaof Pass/Fail which will be applied to the Service Delivery and Legal sections of the qualification document.
3.Qualification Submission Clarification
3.1 The AQP Support Hub and the Contracting Authority reserve the right to request Potential Providers to clarify any part of their qualification response. Any requests for clarification will be issued via Bravo. When a question has been raised by the assessment team the provider will be sent an email detailing the question raised. Providers will have 48 hours to respond to the query.
3.2 Ifthe Potential Provider fails to provide an adequate response to one or more points of clarification, or fails to respond in a timely manner, the Potential Provider may be excluded from progressing further in the process.
4.Qualification Timetable
4.1 Table 1is the timetable for the qualification process. This is intended as a guide and whilst the North Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group does not intend to depart from the timetable it reserves the right to do so at any time.
Table 1
Stage / DatesAny Qualified Provider (AQP) advert published / Friday 14th August
Provider Notice Board closes / Friday 4th September
AQP submissions must be completed / 12 noon on Friday 11th September
Assessment of submissions / Friday 9th October
Providers who have qualified at Stage 1 and 2 notified / Friday 9th October
Contract Award / Friday 30th October
Service Commencement / Monday 4th January
Longstop Date / 31st March 2016
Section 2 Assessment Criteria
Please note that it is a mandatory requirement to respond to every question on the qualification form. In order to qualify for the Any Qualified Provider (AQP) process all questions with assessment criteria of pass/fail must be assessed as a pass.
1.1In securing services from providers using the (AQP) model, NHS commissioners need assurance of competence, quality and safety. This process aims to ensure that appropriate information is gathered from providers for the relevant sections of the qualification form for this assurance to be secured.
1.2This document sets out the criteria against which providers will be assessed after completing the qualification form.
2.1Table 2 shows how each of the questions will be assessed.
2.2Some of the responses required are information purposes only; others have a pass/fail element to them.
Table 2
Section / Requirement / Required Response / AssessmentQualification Envelope
Section 1: Declarations
1 / Pricing model confirmation / Positive / Pass/Fail
1 / Agreement to terms of NHS Standard Contract / Pass/Fail
1 / Consent to credit reference / Pass/Fail
1 / Confirmation of relevant policies / Pass/Fail
1 / Confirmation of state of organisation – insolvent, compulsory winding up order, receivership / Pass/Fail
1 / Confirmation clinicians referred to providing service / Pass/Fail
1 / Confirmation of application / Pass/Fail
Section 2: Contact Details and Addresses
2 / Applicants representatives details / Information provided / For Information
2 / Premises – address details / For Information
2 / Organisation’s legal entity name & address / For Information
2 / Parent organisation / For Information
2 / Parent organisation – name & address / For Information
Section 3: Organisation
3 / Organisation category (depending on organisations category, will depend on which of the following options you will see) / Information provided / For Information
3 / SME / Information provided
(if applicable) / For Information
3 / Charitable organisation / For Information
3 / State of incorporation / For Information
3 / Incorporation information / For Information
3 / Partnership arrangements / For Information
3 / Describe arrangements / For Information
Section 4: Regulation
4 / CQC registration / Information provided
(if applicable) / Pass/Fail
4 / Staff Details - Professional Registrations / Pass/Fail
Section 5: IM&T
5 / IM&T system / Compliant / For Information
5 / ODS Code status / Compliant / For Information
5 / Information Governance (IGSoC) status / Compliant / For Information
5 / Choose and Book status / Compliant / For Information
5 / N3 Connection Status / Compliant / For Information
5 / NHS Mail Account / Compliant / For Information
5 / Local IM&T requirements / Compliant / For Information
5 / Data Protection Act / Compliant / Pass/Fail
Section 6: Insurance & Indemnity
6 / Public Liability Insurance / Information Provided / Pass/Fail
6 / Employers Liability Insurance / Pass/Fail
6 / Clinical Negligence/Professional Liability / Pass/Fail
6 / NHS Litigation Authority / Pass/Fail
Section 7: Conflicts of Interest and Litigation
7 / Regulation 23 of the Public Contracting Regulations 2006 / Compliant / Pass/Fail
7 / Conflicts of interest / Compliant / Pass/Fail
7 / Litigation / Information provided / Pass/Fail
Technical Envelope
1 / Specification Compliance / Information provided
(if applicable) / For Information
1 / Relevant Experience / Information provided
(if applicable) / For Information
1 / Three years of Accounts / Meets assessment criteria / Pass/Fail
2 / Service Delivery / Pass/Fail
3 / Mobilisation / Pass/Fail
4 / Local Agreements and Partnerships / Pass/Fail
5 / Clinical governance / Pass/Fail
6 / Staff / Pass/Fail
7 / Equity of Access / Pass/Fail
8 / Local questions / Pass/Fail
2.3Each section of the form will be assessed individually and a fail on one or more sections will result in an overall fail.
2.4If further information is available for a question it will be found within the Bravo notes attached to each question of the on-line application form.
3.Service Delivery
3.1Technical Envelope of the on-line form; Service Delivery will be assessed using the assessment criteria as detailed in table 2 and will cover the following areas:
Section 1: Three years of accounts
Section 2:Service Delivery
Section 3:Mobilisation
Section 4:Local Agreements and Partnerships
Section 5:Clinical Governance
Section 6:Staff
Section 7:Equity of Access
Section 8:Local Questions (if applicable)
3.2The Service Delivery questions will be assessed on an individual basis by members of an assessment team against the published criteria.
3.3Following independent assessments there will be an assessment meeting to discuss responses and to agree whether a Potential Provider’s submission can be qualified.
3.4Providers are advised to pay particular attention to the bulleted points following the questions that indicate to providers what commissioners are looking for in response to these questions.
3.5Please note that within the Technical Envelope of the on-line form the question relating to Contracts and Service Lines in Section 1 is for information only and will not be assessed using the assessment criteria in table 3.
3.6There is a maximum character limit to each free text question on the Bravo system (2000 characters - approximately 450 words). It should be noted that:
3.6.1The word count is intended to give an indication to the provider as to the depth of the response required for each of the questions.
3.6.2There is no obligation to fully utilise the word count.
3.6.3Answers that exceed the maximum word count may not be assessed after the maximum word limit has been reached.
Table 3
Assessment Criteria / ResultQuestion not answered or there is some information missing.
The response does not meet the full criteria and there is limited information provided or an answer that largely fails to address the question or that is flawed in aspects.
There are significant gaps and no evidence that issues will be addressed and or managed in line with expectations and the standards required. / Fail
A comprehensive answer to the question in terms of detail, accuracy and relevance.
A good degree of evidence to show the Bidder’s ability toachieve what is stated within the response and achieves the required standard of delivery. / Pass
3.7Table 4 shows the questions that will be asked on the on-line form and the bullet points give an indication of the areas that the commissioner expects the provider to cover in their response, providing evidence and examples where appropriate.
Table 4
Section 1: Experience, Specification and Finance Details (Pass/Fail)Please confirm you have read and understood the service specification and can deliver the service as described
Please indicate as appropriate.
Please provide details of any relevant experience for the service being applied for; (excluding NDCCG experience) If none state none.
You are expected to provide an example, not NDCCG, which demonstrates your experience in delivering this service against the requirements of the service specification.
If no relevant experience state “none” as your response.
Please attacha summary (PDF only) of the last 3 yearsprofit and loss and balance sheet(even if unaudited). If you do not have 3 years please supply as many as you have.
Section 2: Service Delivery (Pass/Fail)
Please provide details of your proposed service delivery model. Describe, with practical examples, how you will ensure the outcomes outlined in the service specification will be captured. Please include how the geographic and demographic properties in the service specification are met.
Maximum character count: 2000
You are expected to provide details of your proposed service delivery model against the requirements of the service specification.
In addition your response should include but not be limited to:
- A description of the model of delivery, identifying the key aspects of the model.
- How you will monitor performance and quality.
- How you will record progress against outcomes.
- How you will review the model to identify opportunities for improvements to service delivery.
- How you will meet the needs of each geographic location.
- How you will cover reasonable access to remote locations.
Whilst no activity is guaranteed under the AQP contract to ensure adequate provision of the service, please can you advise of your total weekly procedure capacity across all sites included in section 2
Please provide the appropriate numeric value
Please provide details of how you process a serious incident in line with the serious incident framework within the NHS Standard Contract 2015/16 in order to prevent any reoccurrences.
Maximum character count: 2000
You are expected to provide details on how you:
- Carry out reviews of the incident including timelines
- Report an incident to Commissioners and other relevant authorities and/or bodies
- Comply with the serious incident framework
- Develop an action plan to prevent reoccurrences
Please provide details of how you will work with the commissioner to review processes and procedures to continually improve your service delivery model?
Maximum character count: 2000
You are expected to provide details on how you intend to:
- Carry out the review of your policies and procedures, providing any timelines where appropriate.
- Engage commissioners in developing and improving your service delivery model.
- Report to commissioners your internal developments and improvements to the service.
- Provide details of any future developments planned or otherwise.
Please advise how you will ensure you remain accredited to carry out the service as per Male and Female Sterilisation, Evidence Based clinical guideline number 4, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 2004 during the life of the contract
Maximum character count: 2000
You are expected to provide details on how you intend to:
- See enough patients annually to remain accredited
- Explain how work on other contracts supports your accreditation requirements
- Engage commissioners in developing and improving your service delivery model.
- Report to commissioners your internal developments and improvements to the service.
- Provide details of any future developments planned or otherwise.
Please confirm you will supply the commissioners annual documentation of your valid accreditation
Please indicate as appropriate.
Explain how you will triage patients to ensure they are clinically appropriate and improve the patients’ experience.
Maximum character count: 2000
Please detail your triage procedures and what steps are taken to maximise the patient experience.
Section 3: Mobilisation (Pass/Fail)
Please attach a detailed plan of how you will mobilise the service, your plan must show the key tasks and milestones and their completion dates, as well as the key roles of those responsible and accountable within the implementation team. The plan must also show where key tasks are critical and dependent on.
Within your mobilisation plan please provide your implementation plan across all locations.
Section 4: Local Agreements and Partnerships (Pass/Fail)
Please describe what arrangements with other providers you have in place or need to have in place to enable you to provide this service, including details of any sub-contracting arrangements.
Maximum character count: 2000
Please ensure that you cover all sub-contracting arrangements, in particular those which impact the clinical aspects of the service. Please ensure that your response correlates with non-contracted staff and responses within Section 7 Staff.
Please provide details of how you will manage the sub-contracting arrangements to ensure the delivery against the service specification and adherence to the desired governance model?
Maximum character count: 2000
You are expected to provide details of:
- How you will ensure sub-contractors are fully compliant with the service model and associated quality and safety requirements.
- How you will maintain management and contractual responsibility of the sub-contractors.
- How you will ensure any sub-contractors deliver and report on the identified service outcomes.
Section 5: Clinical Governance (Pass/Fail)
Please Enter the name and position of your clinical governance lead (CGL).
Please provide the full name and position of your CGL.
If your CGL is not clinically qualified please give further details of how Clinical Governance will be clinically over seen.
Maximum character count: 2000
Please provide details of how your CGL will be supported by clinical members of staff.
Describe how this service links to your organisation’s governance arrangementsand clinical audit?
Maximum character count: 2000
You are expected to provide details of your governance arrangements clearly outlining how these will link to your service. Your response should include but not be limited to:
- Governance organisational structures.
- Continual review of service provision and acting upon any issues.
- Implementation of risk assessment processes and on-going management of risks.
- How any incidents are captured and changes incorporated into the service delivery.
Please provide details of your process to ensure effective management of the 7 pillars of clinical governance.
Maximum character count: 2000
You are expected to provide details of how you will apply the 7 pillars of clinical governance within your service model.
Describe your arrangements by professional grouping for ensuring appropriate clinical supervision will be in place for all clinical staff.
Maximum character count: 2000
Please detail all arrangements regarding clinical supervision of staff.
Section 6: Staff (Pass/Fail)
Please confirm that all applicable staff will have obtained the relevant Standard DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service), Enhanced DBS or Enhanced DBS with List Checks prior to providing the services.
Please note that staff relates to all people delivering this service, including contracted and sessional staff.
If you answer No, please explain what steps will you take to ensure that all staff have appropriate checks in place prior to service commencement?
Please describe what training you provide to staff in relation to delivering this service including maintaining professional boundaries
Maximum character count: 2000
You are expected to provide details of how you will ensure your staff are appropriately trained, registered and qualified over the period of the contract. Your answer should include but not be limited to:
- Process for monitoring training, identification of training needs and provision of continuous professional development.
- Process for ensuring the workforce maintains clinical knowledge and follow up-to-date national standards and best practice guidelines.
- How you maintain staff training records.
- How staff training will be delivered
Please illustrate your answers with relevant past experiences where appropriate.
For the staff involved in the delivery of the service, please describe how you will ensure they implement all your organisation’s policies in day to day practice?
Maximum character count: 2000
You are expected to clearly detail how you will ensure your staff team implement your organisations policies on a daily basis. Your answer should include but not be limited to:
- What systems are in place?
- What processes are in place?
- What protocols are in place?
- What supervision is in place?
Section 7: Equity of Access (Pass/Fail)
How does your organisation demonstrate compliance with public sector equality duty for both staff and patients/carers?
Maximum character count: 2000
Please note that this question relates to the wider organisation policy rather than just staff.
Your response should include reference to the following key areas:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic* and those who do not.
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic* and those who do not.
- How you will work with a population of patients with diverse needs including sensitivities to age, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality and disability.
- How you will ensure your services are accessible to all parts of the local population.
* Explanation of protected characteristics can be located on the Home Office website -
4.Assessment of Financial Statements