Rancocas Nature Center Chapter
Native Plant Society of New Jersey
Meeting Summary
DATE November 16, 2015
TOPIC Native Plant Utilization Project (NPUP)
ATTENDANCE8 (see attached list)
- Toni Price opened the meeting by commenting and inviting others to comment on the Fall NPSNJ Conference in Branchburg, NJ. The primary observations were:
- The importance of bio-diversity and the role of native plants therein
- The recognition of the annual cycle of the interactions among plants and wildlife, at both the general and specialized levels
- The attendees’ appreciation for the participation of Dr. Doug Tallamy, entomologist and native plant advocate
- In other business, Toni indicated that she had requested the Chapter’s allocated $500 for speakers and requested ideas for whom to invite; suggestions for January or after included:
- NRCS on meadow replacement for turf (contact by Toni Price)
- Don Knezic, Pinelands Nursery, on collections and propagation of native plant seeds (contact by John Black)
- Phillip Alampi Beneficial Insect Rearing Laboratory (NJ Department of Agriculture) on their work (contact by Bill Beetle)
- Larry Kuser, Fernbrook Nursery, on propagation of native woody plants, especially native azaleas (contact unassigned)
- Wild Ridge Plants, a local provenance native plant nursery, on planning for and implementation of habitat restoration and native plant gardens (contact unassigned)
- “The Creature Show,” a web documentary film program featuring New Jersey’s threatened and endangered specie by Director Jared Flesher was mentioned as an entertaining way of learning about the ecological relationships. The films are also available via facebook.
- Jeff DiFrancesco and John Black presented their continuing work on the Native Plant Utilization Project (NPUP):
- John had not succeeded in inserting language into the video narrative regarding the human-ecology (native plant) connection. John will upload it to the OneDrive so Bill Beetle and/or others can take a shot at this.
- Jeff distributed his framework for developing business cases and the calculator on direct and indirect costs for traditional non-native and native landscaping (and the associated comparative savings). Jeff asked for assistance in defining the parameters and quantitative factors to be incorporated in the calculators. These costs should be considered on both the initial implementation and annualized bases. Landscaper Laura Allen of Vincentown Nursery should be contacted to help with cost factors. Three business case studies will be develop to demonstrate three different scenarios of the cost savings.
- John and Jeff introduced the desirability of providing municipalities with a graduated certification process for initiating and following through on native plant utilization. All agreed this would be a good tool. Bill Beetle indicated Sustainable Jersey, staffed through The Sustainability Institute at The College of New Jersey, has developed just such a program, including an action very similar to this project. Bill will distribute this action among the project team and will reach out to the Institute to arrange a meeting to explore collaboration – there may be no need to reinvent the wheel here.
- Bill reminded everyone that the resource interview form (attached) was available and that he had contacted Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve which was eager to be included as a resource. Bill documented the interview in a resource record (attached).
- All agreed that the actual meetings and presentations with municipalities will be done by two-person teams in each case, at least initially.
- Jeff suggested the use of MeetUp and facebook to expand member participation and “attendance” at Chapter meetings.
- John agreed to ask Christine to assist in preparing and printing native plant request cards which customers can leave with garden centers and nurseries to generate demand for native plants.
ACTIONS: See table next page
January 18, 2016, at 7:00 at RNC
Prepared by: Bill Beetle
Date prepared: December 13, 2015
Attachments (3)
ACTIONS / E. Baratta / B. Beetle / J. Black / C. Black / J. DiFrancesco / M. Fishman / T. Price / H. Rola / UNASSIGNED1 / Contact Speakers
Pinelands Nursery – D. Knezic / X
Alampi Beneficial Insect Laboratory / X
Fernbrook Nursery – L. Kuser / X
Wild Ridge Plants - J. Rosenbaum/R. Mackow / ?
2 / Upload video narrative to OneDrive / X
3 / Propose language insert regarding human/ecosystem interdependence / X
4 / Assist to research/identify landscaping cost factors / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
5 / Contact Laura Allen & solicit assistance regarding cost factors / X
6 / Develop cost calculator / X
7 / Distribute Sustainable Jersey "native plant" action / X
8 / Contact The Sustainability Institute & book meeting regarding collaboration / X
9 / Explore use of Meetup and facebook / X
10 / Develop and print RNC Chapter plant request cards / X
Native Plant Utilization Project --- Resource Outreach Guide
Background/Purpose Statement: [Use as much or little as you see fit.]
- NPSNJ Mission: “Our mission is to promote the appreciation, protection, and study of the native flora of New Jersey.”
- Rancocas Chapter launching a project to bring out the increased use of native plants in horticulture and landscaping
- Broad audience: Home residential gardeners, garden clubs, home owners associations; public regulatory/decision-makers (municipal environmental commissions, shade tree commissions, planning boards); municipal and county highway, parks or facilities units; NJDOT; professional and volunteer practitioners guidance materials and training/education: Master Gardeners, Rutgers NJEAS Environmental Stewards, planners, landscape architects engineers
- Starting with municipal activities: public facilities and parks management and maintenance by delivering presentations and encouraging measures to convert to native plant uses
- This will include providing a resource package for undertaking these measures
** ** **
1. Contact Information:
Resource Name:
Contact Name:
Address:Phone number: Web address:
2. Request their willingness to be referenced as a resource, based on having explained our purpose and initial steps to convert municipal practitioners. Response:
3. Type of Resource:
Commercial NurseryRetail/Wholesale
Service area
4. Type of plant materials available:
General natives
Specialized natives – describe
If unclear, confirm materials are natives species, not native cultivars
Geographic focus:
Inner coastal plainOuter coastal plain
Other – describe:
5. Other services available?:
Planning/design and material selection
Management and maintenance support/advice
Native Plant Utilization Project: Resource Outreach Record
Outreach Date: October 23, 2015
1. Contact Information:
Resource Name:Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve
Contact Name:Jennifer Pennington, Communications
Kelly Joslin, Education
Address:P.O. Box 685 (mail)Phone number: 215-862-2924 1635 River Road Web address:
2. BHWP is definitely willing to be referenced as a resource.
3. Type of Resource:
Commercial Nursery: NoRetail: Wholesale:
Non-profit: Yes – 501c3Plant sales: Yes – May thru November, plant sales events spring and fall
Service area: Entire Delaware Valley in PA and NJ
4. Type of plant materials available:
General natives including trees, shrubs, vines, perennials, annual, ferns, grasses, etc., including species not found on preserve site
Specialized natives – describe: not specialized
Plant materials are natives species, with a very few native cultivars
Geographic focus:
Inner coastal plain: YesOuter coastal plain: less so
Other – describe:
5. Other services available?:
Planning/design and material selection
Yes, but limited in past. Could be explored depending on client and project as a fee for service arrangement
Installation: No
Management and maintenance support/advice: Not normally as a direct service, but offers mini-course and work sessions on topics that would support implementation, management and maintenance. Considerable information and program offerings on website.