Present: Cllr. J. James (Chair) Cllr. M. Butler
Cllr. Mrs J. Webster
Cllr. M. Thomas
Cllr. D. Carpenter
In Attendance: Mr Gareth Havard (Clerk)
1. To accept apologies for absence:
Apologies were noted for Cllr. C. Holland, Cllr. Mrs L. Thomas, Cllr. Mrs B. Russell, Cllr. B. McDonald, Cllr. Mrs J. Smith and Cllr. J. Faragher
2. To disclose personal or pecuniary interests in items of business listed below:
None declared.
3. To consider Planning Matters:
(i) BBNP 17/14972/FUL – Condition variation to Upper Barn, Pendoycae Farm, Blaenavon Road, Govilon. Recommend Approval.
(ii) BBNP 17/15158/FUL – Access alterations for A40 to Tyr Ywen Farm, Tyr Ywen Road, Llanwenarth. Recommend Approval.
(iii) BBNP 17/15249/FUL – Rear single storey extension to Penheolgerrig, Twyn Allwys Road, Govilon. Recommend Approval.
(iv) BBNP 17/15187/LBC – Alterations to listed building at Cwmcelyn Farmhouse, Llanellen. Recommend Approval.
(v) MCC DC/2017/01000 – Advertisement consent for pole sign at Costa Coffee, Iberis Road, Llanfoist. Recommend Refusal.
Members recommended refusal on the grounds that the building holds an elevated position and the existing advertising signage on the face of the building is more than sufficient. It was noted that a previous similar application on behalf of the McDonalds building was also recommended for refusal by this Council. Members also drew attention to the photograph filed under this application whereby the proposed pole sign actually obscures the advertising on the face of the building which further supports refusal as noted above.
4. BBNP 12/08243/FUL – 2 Eco Houses, Blaenavon Road, Govilon: The Chairman introduced this item with reference to a meeting with representatives of BBNP back in 2012 when assurances were made that consideration would be given to release a proportion of the sale proceeds of the plots of land back to the Community Council for use on community projects. The Clerk had subsequently been asked to follow this up with BBNP.
The Clerk reported that following a review of the minutes of the meeting held in June 2012, it was clear that the assurances noted by the Chairman were reflected in the minutes. Furthermore, a conversation with Mr David James (Rural Housing Enabler) raised a supplementary question regarding the size of the plots when considered with BBNP policy regarding the number of dwellings per hectare before contributions for affordable housing are applicable. Consequently, a letter has been sent to Mr Julian Atkins of BBNP to raise these matters. A response is awaited.
5. AOB – Deeds and Title Plans relating to Salisbury Hall, Govilon: The Clerk reported that following liaison with Gabb & Co and an exhaustive search of the Community Council’s archived records, it has not been possible to locate the Deeds and Title Plans for the Salisbury Hall. Following discussion, it was resolved that permission be granted for the Clerk to arrange a short meeting with Gabb & Co to establish next appropriate steps.
The meeting closed at 8.05pm.