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The RIBA Boyd Auger Scholarship 2017

Application form

Please read the Information to Applicants carefully before attempting to complete the application form. Incomplete application forms will not be accepted.

·  Please ensure you also attach a reference from your personal tutor, head of school, or most recent employer, indicating their support for you as an applicant.

·  If your proposal involves more than once participant, please complete sections A, B, C and D of the form for each applicant.

Internal Reference No: / BA16- / Date received:
A. Personal Details
Full Name
Contact email address
Telephone number
Postal address for correspondence
RIBA Membership number
B. Academic history
Institution / Award obtained / Dates
School of Architecture for Part 1:
School of Architecture for Part 2:
School of Architecture for Part 3:
Other qualifications/institutions:
C. Employment history
Job title and Name of Employer / Dates / Main responsibilities
D. Title of research project being supported by this bursary
E. Statement of project aims (No more than 50 words)
F. Anticipated costs of project
Category / Total amount for project / Amount contributed by others * / Amount sought from the RIBA Boyd Auger Scholarship
Administrative costs
Other expenses (please specify)

* Please include documentation confirming the availability of these amounts [such as a letter signed by donor(s) or bank statement].

G. Project Timetable
Anticipated start date
Anticipated completion date
How much time will you devote to the research?
H. Description of project
This section is for you to describe your project. Please ensure you:
·  clearly define the research aims and objectives, and provide context for the project;
·  clearly explain the personal and professional benefits of this research proposal. You should give some indication of your academic and professional commitment to architecture to date and how you feel an RIBA Boyd Auger Scholarship will assist you.
·  explain how you will undertake the research and when it will be carried out.
·  where applicable, detail any ethical implications or risks involved in your work and explain how they will be addressed.
Please type your statement in the space below. It should not exceed 1,500 words.
I.  Dissemination Methods
Please detail below how you plan to disseminate your research findings (e.g. a blog, student seminar, an exhibition, publications)
J. General Terms and Conditions and declaration
1.  The applicant must agree to use the money for its intended purpose. The RIBA reserves the right to request the return of funds where they feel it has been used incorrectly
2.  The project should be completed within two years of 31 August 2017.
3.  The award holder must submit two hard copies of a final report detailing their research or reporting on their travel experiences. This will be given to the Auger family.
4.  The award holder must submit an electronic copy of a final report for publication on the RIBA website.
5.  The scholarship will be paid in two instalments. Please note that the final instalment of 20% of the total award will only be released after the final report is judged satisfactory by the Awards Committee.
6.  Award holders should submit a brief report after a period of twelve months indicating progress to date and the approximate date of completion.
7.  If for any reason it becomes clear that the research will take more than two years to complete, the award holder should inform the RIBA immediately indicating a revised completion date.
8.  The final report must be submitted within three years of the original application to retain access to the award.
9.  The final report, and any subsequent publications based on the research work should acknowledge the receipt of an RIBA Boyd Auger Scholarship.
I have read the above conditions and I undertake to abide by them, and declare that the information provided is, to the best of my knowledge, correct in every respect.
Signed Date

·  Please ensure you also attach a reference from your personal tutor, head of school, or most recent employer, indicating their support for you as an applicant.

·  Completed applications should be emailed to . Mark submissions as ‘Boyd Auger 2017 Submission’

The application deadline is 12PM on Friday, 2 June 2017. Awards will be available from July 2017.

Please keep a copy for your records.

RIBA Boyd Auger Scholarship 2017