/ 900 University Avenue
Riverside, CA 92521

Department Emergency Operations Plan

Non-SEOC Department

{Name of department}

University of California, Riverside

{Completion Date}

Prepared and managed by

UC Riverside {department name}

951-827-xxxx {website link}

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Table of Contents

DEOP Acronyms and Abbreviations 5

I. Roles & Responsibilities 7

A. Scope of Response Duties 7

B. Role in UCR Emergency Management Organization 7

C. Department Response Priorities 7

D. Reporting 7

II. Organization 9

A. Line of Succession 9

B. Recall & Notification 9

C. Field Organization 9

D. Shifts 9

E. EOC Representatives 10

F. Supplemental Personnel 10

III. SEOC Operations Guide 11

IV. Logistics 13

A. Special Financial Procedures 13

B. Special Administrative Procedures 13

C. Emergency Communications 14

D. Supplies, Equipment and Services 14

E. Department Support 14

V. Operation- and Situation-Specific Procedures 15

VI. Plan Approval & Maintenance 17

A. Approval and Distribution 17

B. Maintenance and Revision 17

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DEOP Acronyms and Abbreviations

BES Building Emergency Staff

BSEC Building Supervisor for Emergency Conditions

DEOP Departmental Emergency Operations Plan

DSC Department Safety Coordinator

EOC Emergency Operations Center

EOP Emergency Operations Plan

IC Incident Commander

ICS Incident Command System

LSO Laboratory Safety Officer

SEMS Standardized Emergency Management System

SEOC Satellite Emergency Operations Center

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I.  Roles & Responsibilities

A. Scope of Response Duties

During an emergency or disaster, the mission of the {department name} Department is as follows:

n  Support the campus response to the emergency/disaster by providing and disseminating information as required.

n  {If appropriate: Plan for and support resumption of instruction and research at the earliest supportable time.}

n  {If appropriate: Deliver services and perform outreach to the Department’s existing and emergent customers.}

B. Role in UCR Emergency Management Organization

As defined in the Campus Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), the Emergency Management Organization includes all departments, organizations and people who have direct responsibilities for public safety, security, or protecting UCR assets and resources.

The {department name} Department fulfills a planning support role during and following an emergency.

n  {If appropriate: The Department will be represented in the Chancellor’s Emergency Management Policy Group.}

C. Department Response Priorities

Not applicable.

D. Reporting

The Department will coordinate its activities with the campus Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during an emergency through the Situation Assessment and Damage Assessment Units in the Planning & Intelligence Section.

{If appropriate: The Department is obligated by MOU, contract, law or UC policy to report the following types of situations as indicated:}

Type of Situation / Report to / Contact / Phone / Governing policy/ regulation /

{If this does not apply to your Department, delete the table.}

II.  Organization

A. Line of Succession

During an emergency, it is important that a clear chain of command be maintained, no matter the availability of particular individuals.

The senior Department official available on campus at the time of the emergency is in charge of the Department and responsible for directing its response and support activities as set out in this Plan. Seniority is determined by position title, and is listed here in descending order:

n  {List senior management in order of succession in bullet form, starting with the Director/ Chairman/Chief/etc. and working downward at least five levels. If there are several people who have similar positions and are in the line of succession, you must choose what order they take precedence. Use titles, do not use names.}

B. Recall & Notification

During Business Hours

If an emergency occurs during normal business hours, Department personnel will be notified as follows:

n  {Explain the work-hours notification process in bullet form. Address means of notification (radio, phone, pager, etc.) and responsibility (who will notify whom).}

Outside Business Hours

If an emergency occurs outside normal business hours, the Department will be notified in the following manner:

n  {Lay out the notification process in bullet form. Start with how the first person in your Department is notified and by whom. Then work your way down. Who does the first person tell? If your Department has a recall roster or calling pyramid, then mention when it comes into play. Again, use titles, not names.}

C. Field Organization

Not Applicable.

D. Shifts

Not applicable.

E. EOC Representatives

Not applicable.

F. Supplemental Personnel

Not applicable.

III.  SEOC Operations Guide

Not applicable.

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IV.  Logistics

A. Special Financial Procedures

{Describe how the Department’s normal financial and procurement systems will operate during an emergency. If there are no changes, then include “The Department will follow normal financial procedures during and after an emergency.”}

{Issues to address:}

n  {How are purchasing requests approved, if not in the normal way?}

n  {Do more/different people have the authority to obligate departmental funds? If so, who?}

n  {Are there special account or category codes you will use for emergency purchases? Check with Financial Services to see if they have assigned new codes for this purpose.}

n  {Will your procurement cards have higher limits? Will more/different people be issued procurement cards? If so, who?}

n  {If you recharge other campus departments for your services, will you continue to do so during an emergency? If not, how will you track foregone revenue? If so, are there any changes to how you will work this relationship during an emergency?}

n  {If you charge user fees for your services, will you continue to do so during an emergency? If not, how will you track foregone revenue? If so, will you change fee levels or payment options during an emergency? }

B. Special Administrative Procedures


{Describe how Department staff will record their time spent on emergency-related work. If you will use your normal departmental timekeeping system, describe any changes in procedures. If you will use a different or special system, describe it in enough detail so its workings can be understood by both department staff and outsiders.}

{Issues to address:}

n  {How will emergency work be kept separate from non-emergency work?}

n  {How will you track emergency work carried out in different locations?}

n  {Will office workers’ emergency work be tracked differently than field workers’?}

n  {How will you record the time of managers and exempt staff?}

n  {If you use contractors or temporary workers for emergency work, will they need to account for their time using a different system than they would for non-emergency work?}

Records management

{Describe how the Department will collect, organize, manage and store the emergency-related documentation it generates during and after the emergency.}

{Issues to address:}

n  {Who is in charge of emergency records management?}

n  {How will he/she collect the documentation (every hour, once a day, as needed, at the end of the emergency, etc.)?}

n  {How and where will the records be stored?}

n  {If your Department uses sensitive data related to the emergency (health records, Privacy Act info, etc.), how will it be safeguarded, yet kept separate from non-emergency sensitive data?}

n  {How will you capture and retain electronic data (email, electronic documents, digital photos, etc.)?}

C. Emergency Communications

Not applicable.

D. Supplies, Equipment and Services

Not applicable.

E. Department Support

The Department will attempt to support its own emergency operations with supplies and staffing.

General campus support

{If appropriate: During an emergency, the Department will maintain all normal services.}

{If appropriate: During an emergency, {title of decision authority} will determine which normal Department services will be suspended and the duration of the suspension. This decision will be coordinated with the Policy Group through the EOC Planning & Intelligence Section.}

{If appropriate: During an emergency, the Department will suspend the following normal services:}

n  {List in bullet form the normal services your Department plans to suspend. If there are conditions or durations, include these.}

V.  Operation- and Situation-Specific Procedures

{If appropriate: None required.}

{This is the section where you outline special plans or procedures for particular types of events. These events are occurrences that your department considers an emergency, whether or not they are an emergency for the rest of the campus.

{These procedures can amend or elaborate on topics covered elsewhere in the DEOP. If your department’s handling of a situation is already covered adequately in the rest of the DEOP, then there is no need to duplicate the information here. These procedures are for the exceptions. Some possible special circumstances:

·  Different communications procedures (special communications procedures need to be used)

·  Support required from other departments (i.e., you cannot operate unless the Registrar’s office is also functioning)

·  Changes in normal organization (i.e. all standing Departmental committees are suspended during the emergency)

·  Special internal support required (i.e. X office or Z team has to be available before the Department can accomplish anything)

·  Unusual operating locations (i.e. all Department administrative functions will be moved to the A&I Dining Hall)

{Some example situations for which special procedures may be required:

·  Academic department: Emergency relocation of classes; use of nontraditional instructional spaces; use of alternative scheduling (nights/weekends/etc.).

·  Student services department: Expanded or restricted eligibility for services; changes in delivery methods or locations; nontraditional outreach.

·  Retail/sales department: Expanded/restricted operating hours; use of alternative sales locations; reconstituting damaged inventory; conducting business without normal cash- or inventory-management systems.

{If your department already has written contingency plans, you do not need to duplicate them here; simply refer to them (i.e. “See Department Procedures Guide”) and ensure that copies of the plans are available in the EOC and Alternate EOC.}

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VI.  Plan Approval & Maintenance

A. Approval and Distribution

This Department Emergency Operations Plan (DEOP) establishes policies and procedures for the {department name} Department.

Following is the sequence of events this DEOP will undergo before it is officially approved:

n  {Department name} (drafting and internal coordination)

n  Emergency Management Task Force (EMTF) (review)

n  {Vice Chancellor/Dean to whom the Department reports} (review and approval)

The Department will distribute this Plan and familiarize its staff with the contents. It will be made available on the Department website at {website address} for the general campus community to become familiar with it. Printed copies will be sent to the following:

n  {List people who need paper copies, in bulleted form.}

n  Environmental Health & Safety (2 copies) (for EOC and Alternate EOC).

B. Maintenance and Revision

The DEOP is a living document and will be reviewed and modified on a regular basis.

The Department will review the DEOP at least in the following circumstances:

n  After any Departmental or campus-wide emergency exercise

n  After any actual emergency that affects the Department

n  After any major change in state or federal law affecting the Department’s operations

n  After one year has passed since the last review

Minor changes may be made by the Department and distributed without requiring subsequent review by the EMTF and approval by the {appropriate Vice Chancellor/Dean}. Changes of this sort might include:

n  New titles for positions

n  Name changes for departments referenced in the Plan

n  Changes to phone numbers or addresses

“Major” and “minor” changes are clearly subjective measures, and the ultimate decision to seek reapproval rests with the {title of department head}. Examples of major changes include:

n  Substantive revisions to reporting or organizational structures

n  Changes to more than 15% of the Plan at one time

n  {List any other conditions under which you would want VC reapproval}

In addition, the Department will seek EMTF review and {appropriate Vice Chancellor/Dean} reapproval of the DEOP if more than three years have passed since the last major review.

The Department will distribute updated versions of the DEOP as outlined previously.

{You should have a full roster of the staff and faculty assigned to your Department that includes after-hours contact information for everyone. This is not part of the Plan and should not be published with the Plan. However, everyone who needs to do recall and notification needs to have access to this roster.}

{If you already have such a roster, congratulations. Make sure the people who need to use it know how to get to it, and that it’s kept updated as much as possible.}

{If you don’t have a roster, following is a suggested format for one. Some suggestions:}

·  {List the people you identified in Section IIA (Line of Succession) first, in the same order as you have them listed in that Section.}

·  {Put down as many means of contacting people as you can stand. This means office numbers, home numbers, cell phones, pagers, alternate office numbers (if they work someplace else part-time), and so on.}

·  {“City of Residence” is a planning tool for your management. Knowing how far away someone lives may make a difference as to who is called to respond to an emergency. You’ll probably end up calling people who live in Riverside before you call the ones in Laguna Beach or Monterey Park.}

{Again, this roster will contain sensitive information (personal phone numbers for your people). As such, you will want to exclude it from the version of the DEOP that you post on-line and limit its distribution as you would any other sensitive information of this sort.}

Title / Name / Work Phone / City of Residence / Home Phone(s) / Cell/Pager(s) /

DEOPNon-SEOC v1.0 19 16 NOVEMBER 2005