The Five Books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy (The Schocken Bible, Volume 1)
by Everett Fox (Commentary), Schwebel (Illustrator)
- Paperback: 1056 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.88 x 9.72 x 7.03
- Publisher: Schocken Books; (February 8, 2000)
- ISBN: 0805211195
Leviticus As Literature
by Mary Douglas
- Paperback: 304 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.66 x 8.44 x 5.46
- Publisher: Oxford University Press; (May 2001)
- ISBN: 0199244197
- Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy (Berit Olam Series)
by David W. Cotter (Editor), Stephen K. Sherwood, Jerome T. Walsh (Editor)Hardcover: 306 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.20 x 9.34 x 6.28 - Publisher: Michael Glazier Books; (April 2002)
- ISBN: 0814650465
Leviticus (Interpretation, a Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching)
by Samuel E. Balentine
- Hardcover: 220 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.93 x 9.34 x 6.10
- Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press; (February 2003)
- ISBN: 0804231036
Leviticus: A Commentary (Old Testament Library)
by Erhard S. Gerstenberger, Douglas W. Stott (Translator)
- Hardcover: 456 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.57 x 9.07 x 6.33
- Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press; (October 1996)
- ISBN: 0664220649
Handbook on the Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
by Victor P. Hamilton
- Hardcover: 544 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.32 x 8.87 x 5.88
- Publisher: Baker Book House; (August 1982)
Leviticus, Numbers
by W. Bellinger (Author)
- Paperback: 370 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.94 x 8.45 x 5.48
- Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.; (July 1, 2001)
Leviticus (New American Commentary, Vol 3A)
by Mark F. Rooker
- Hardcover: ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.11 x 9.35 x 6.28
- Publisher: Broadman & Holman Publishers; (July 2000)
Reading Leviticus: A Conversation with Mary Douglas
by John F. A. Sawyer (Editor)
- Hardcover: 290 pages
- Publisher: Sheffield Academic Press; (January 1996)
Leviticus-Deuteronomy (Bible Study Commentary)
by M. Goldsmith
- Paperback
- Publisher: Christian Literature Crusade; (October 2000)
Midrash Tanhuma: Translated into English With Indices and Brief Notes: Exodus and Leviticus
by John T. Townsend
- Hardcover: 394 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.25 x 9.50 x 6.25
- Publisher: KTAV Publishing House; (February 2003)
Exodus and Leviticus (Genesis to Revelation)
by Keith Schoville, Gary Ball-Kilbourne (Editor)
- Paperback: 112 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.29 x 8.31 x 5.15
- Publisher: Abingdon Press; Revised edition (August 1997
The Paleohebrew Leviticus Scroll
by D. N. Freedman, K. A. Mathews
- Hardcover
- Publisher: Johns Hopkins Univ Pr; (August 1987)
Leviticus: God Among His People
by Samuel J. Schultz
- Paperback: 144 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.38 x 7.46 x 5.14
- Publisher: Moody Publishers; (August 2001)
Divine Presence and Community: A Commentary on the Book of Leviticus (International Theological Commentary)
by Frank H. Gorman
- Paperback: 176 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.42 x 8.22 x 5.28
- Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.; (January 1998)
Targum Neofiti 1: Leviticus: Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Leviticus (The Aramaic Bible, Vol 3)
by Martin McNamara (Editor), Robert Hayward (Editor), Michael Maher (Editor)
- Hardcover: 264 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.94 x 10.50 x 6.98
- Publisher: Michael Glazier; (January 1995)
A Translator's Handbook on Leviticus/Leatherette (Helps for Translators)
by Rene Peter-Contesse, John Ellington
- Paperback
- Publisher: United Bible Societies; (December 1990)
A Handbook on Leviticus (Ubs Handbook)
by Rene Peter-Contesse (Editor), John Ellington (Editor)
- Paperback: 458 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.03 x 9.46 x 6.50
- Publisher: United Bible Societies; (December 1992)
Leviticus (Mastering the Old Testament, Vol 3)
by Gary W. Demarest
- Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.78 x 9.00 x 6.05
- Publisher: Word Publishing; (November 1993)
Vayikra Sefer Va Yikra Leviticus a New Translation With a Commentary
by Nosson Scherman, Hersh Goldwurm
- Hardcover: 340 pages
- Publisher: Mesorah Publications Ltd.; (March 1990)
Rashbam's Commentary on Leviticus and Numbers: An Annotated Translation (Brown Judaic Studies, No. 330)
by Martin I. Lockshin (Translator)
- Hardcover: 309 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.98 x 9.30 x 6.38
- Publisher: Brown Judaic Studies; (October 2001)
Targum Onkelos to Leviticus: An English Translation of the Text With Analysis and Commentary
by Israel Drazin
- Hardcover: ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.00 x 9.50 x 6.50
- Publisher: KTAV Publishing House; (December 1993)
Leviticus & Numbers (The College Press Niv Commentary. Old Testament Series)
by Clyde M. Woods
- Hardcover
- Publisher: College Press Publishing Company, Inc.; (June 2002)
Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy
by James B. Jordon
- Paperback
- Publisher: Inst for Christian Economics; (December 1989)
Notes on the Greek Text of Leviticus
by John William Wevers
- Hardcover: 560 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.56 x 8.80 x 6.38
- Publisher: Society of Biblical Literature; (1997)
- Targum Onqelos to Leviticus: And the Targum Onqelos to Numbers
Hardcover - Publisher: Michael Glazier; (December 1988)
- Ibn Ezra on Leviticus: The Straightforward Meaning
Paperback - Publisher: KTAV Publishing House; (June 1990)
Law, Legend, and Incest in the Bible: Leviticus 18-20
by Calum M. Carmichael
- Hardcover: 224 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.00 x 9.00 x 6.00
- Publisher: Cornell Univ Pr; (June 1997)
FrameWorks : Vayikra-Il Crie-Leviticus
by Matis Weinberg
- Hardcover: 300 pages
- Publisher: The Foundation for Jewish Publications; (March 15, 2000)
A Comparative Study of the Ritual of Ordination As Found in Leviticus 8 and Emar 369
by Gerald A. Klingbeil
- Hardcover: 679 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.00 x 9.50 x 7.25
- Publisher: Edwin Mellen Press; (April 1998)
by George Bush
- Hardcover
- Publisher: Klock & Klock Christian Pub; (June 1981)
Bibliographies for Biblical Research: Leviticus
by Watson E. Mills (Editor)
- Hardcover: 92 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.50 x 9.25 x 6.50
- Publisher: Edwin Mellen Press; (June 2001)