2017-18 UWF Center for Cybersecurity Travel Funding Guidelines and Application
The UWF Center for Cybersecurity has faculty travel funding available to enhance cybersecurity research and education following the guidelines below.
· UWF regular faculty engaged in cybersecurity research or instructional activities are eligible to apply. Adjunct and visiting faculty are not eligible.
· Applicants must clearly describe how the proposed trip enhances cybersecurity research or instruction (e.g., presenting cybersecurity research at a conference, applying for external grant funding or participating in a cybersecurity curriculum development conference).
· Applications for the 2017-18 fiscal year (July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018) are due by October 9, 2017 for Fall 2017 review and January 31, 2018 for Spring 2018 review. All proposed travel must be completed by June 30, 2018.
· Eligible faculty may apply for up to $1500 in cybersecurity travel funding related to ONE trip per fiscal year. Applicants must identify other sources of funds to cover trip costs exceeding this amount on the application and TAR. Departments are strongly encouraged to provide some matching funds for travel funding requests.
· Highest priority will be given to tenure-track faculty members in support of cybersecurity research activities, including conference presentations and activities that directly support external grant proposal submission. Travel requests in support of instructional activities or from non-tenure track faculty will be prioritized and considered based on available funding and criteria.
· Center for Cybersecurity travel funding may only be used for:
o Domestic travel in support of cybersecurity research activities (e.g., research presentations at relevant conference, research activities that directly support external grant proposal submission)
o Domestic travel in support of cybersecurity instructional activities (e.g., cybersecurity course development, cybersecurity education conference)
· Faculty who receive cybersecurity travel funding will be expected to present their work at an annual UWF cybersecurity showcase.
Additional Information
· If for any reason travel is not completed, funds must be returned so that they can be used to support other eligible applicants. Please notify Julie White.
· Remaining funds not used for approved trip should also be returned and cannot be used toward a second trip.
· The maximum amount requested from the Center for Cybersecurity cannot exceed $1500. Additional funds from departmental or other sources are encouraged for all applications and required for trips exceeding this amount.
· When completing your TAR, leave the main index code blank, and if your application is approved, the Center will fill in the index code before forwarding the TAR to travel. However, if you have identified additional funding sources or your trip cost exceeds $1500, include the additional indices to be charged on your TAR.
· Center for Cybersecurity travel funding may not be available to fund all applicants and prioritization of applications will prevail under such circumstances. A recommendation to fund or not fund a travel application does not necessarily represent a judgment on the merit of a travel application, and should not be used as a basis for departmental decisions about fund travel requests at the departmental level.
Application Process
· For travel funding consideration, faculty should submit a complete application by the deadline to the Center for Cybersecurity via email to Julie White at that includes the following items:
o completed TAR
o completed Center for Cybersecurity Travel Funding Application (revised 9/15/2017), which is available on the Center for Cybersecurity web site at http://uwf.edu/cybersecurity/.
o travel request information (e.g., conference presentation submission/acceptance, conference/workshop information (including agenda or schedule of events))
· For questions or more information, please contact Julie White at or 850-474-2999.
Center for Cybersecurity Travel Funding Application
Please review Center for Cybersecurity travel funding guidelines prior to completing this application. Please submit completed application, TAR and travel information by the deadline via email to Julie White at .
Application Date: __________________________________________________________________
Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Department: _____________________________________________________________________
Chair’s/Director’s Signature: _________________________________________________________
Amount Requested from Center (max. $1500): __________________________________________
Tenured: ______ Tenure Earning: _______ Instructor/Lecturer
Non-Tenure Earning: ________
Professor: ______ Associate Professor: ______ Assistant Professor: _________
Conference/workshop name, date, location and URL:
Description of cybersecurity research/teaching trip activities and anticipated outcomes: (Limit 500 characters) (e.g., conference presentation, publication, grant proposal, course development or redesign)
Other sources & amount of matching travel funds including departmental funds: (Limit 250 characters)
(Encouraged for all applications and required if TAR exceeds $1500)
Justification Statement: Benefits for individual/University/Center for Cybersecurity:
(Limit 500 characters)
Abstract of research to be presented or summary of trip activities: (Limit 800 characters)
CC Travel Application rev 20170915