UnionGroveHigh School

Pre-Calculus Syllabus


Instructor: Mrs. Turner Room: 224 Email:

Text: Precalculus(by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill) 2011. Math IV Frameworks. Georgia Department of Education.

Course Description:

Pre-Calculus is the fourth course in the Math sequence of the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE). Students in Pre-Calculus have completed and mastered topics covered in Advanced Algebra, Analytic Geometry and Coordinate Algebra. This course is a rigorous course to prepare students for college level courses such as Calculus. Successful students are those willing to accept the challenge of such a course.

Materials: Calculator: A graphing calculator is recommended for this class. Suggested models are TI-84 + or TI-Nspire. Do not purchase the TI-Nspire CAS which is not allowed. A class set of graphing calculators will be available for use in the classroom.

Three ring notebook, notebook paper, graph paper, pencils, highlighter, dry erase marker, and red pen.

Course Content:

1st semester:
Introduction to Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometry of General Triangles
Trigonometric Identities / 2nd semester:

GSE Standards can be found at:

Grading Weights:

Grading will be broken down as follows:

80% Course Final Average

20% Final exam

Course Final Average Categories and Weights:

50% Major Tests

40% Quizzes, Classwork, Homework, etc.

10% Midterm Exam

Warm Ups:

Students should enter class and immediately begin working on the warm up activity found on the board. Students are responsible for keeping up with these questions, as they may be relevant to current or future tasks and may be used for unannounced quizzes throughout the semester.


Homework is an important part of learning mathematics and will be assigned daily. A mixture of task related and skill based assignments will be used to help the student master content being covered.All work must be shown for each problem. Homework collection will be unannounced and graded for accuracy. Late homework will not be accepted without an excused absence.


Quizzes and graded assignments will be given throughout the year to assess current progress of the skills mastered. The assessments may be given on an announced or unannounced schedule.

Summative Assessments:

Tests will be given midway through and at the end of each unit. A student who is absent from school the day before an announced test will be held responsible for taking the test at the scheduled time. If a student is absent on a test day, she/he must schedule a makeup test with me on the day s/he returns to school. Tests may be cumulative in nature. A cumulative mid-term will be given at the end of first semester and a final at the end of second semester.

Unit Repair:

In an effort to aid student mastery, UGHS students will have the opportunity to participate in Unit Repair if he/she makes a 69 or lower on a unit assessment (as defined by the teacher***). In order to receive this opportunity, the student must communicate with the teacher to receive instructions. Students will be required to complete coursework as defined by the teacher to show a greater understanding of material to reassess. The student has 2 weeks from the date the graded test is returned to complete the practice work and take the reassessment. Students will receive an average score of the first and second assessment for their final assessment grade. Evidence to retest will be posted in infinite campus.

*** Consideration for reassessment will include:

  1. The amount of effort/preparation a student gave
  2. Completion of the unit work/assignments
  3. Student attendance during the time of the unit (unexcused)


Attendance is extremely important. You miss valuable class discussions that help you master topics being covered when you are absent. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements to make up missed work or assessments and secure all notes from classmates. Class time will not be spent completing makeup work.

Tardy Policy:

Tardy is defined as not being in your assigned seat when the bell begins to ring.

Restroom / Hall Passes:

No passes will be issued the first and last 10 minutes of the class period

You must have a pass with you in order to traverse the hallways.


I am available after school unless I have a meeting or a parent conference. I have morning duty so I am not available before school. Please check with me during class if you plan to come to a tutoring session to be sure I’m available that day. Tutoring times will be posted on my board weekly.

Classroom Management Behavior Guidelines:

Student should adhere to all rules as stated in the Henry County Schools and Union Grove High School Handbooks.

Not choosing to follow the rules will result in four-step and or office referral:

1st — Warning and documentation

2nd — Conference with student and call home

3rd — Action Form, after-school detention, and call home

4th — Administrative referral

NO FOOD or DRINK!!! (CLEAR water in its original container is allowed)

Classroom Cellphone Policy:

Cellphones will be used on a very limited basis for instructional purposes only as indicated in the daily lesson plan by the teacher. Personal use of the cellphone will result in four step and collection of the phone to be retrieved by the parent in the front office.

*The teacher reserves the right to adjust or modify these policies to better accommodate students’ needs.*


Parents, if you have read and understand all of the objectives, requirements, and expectations for this course, please email me at.

Please list your child’s name and class period in the subject line of the email. Please include additional contact information in the body of the email.

If you have academic or behavior concerns/questions regarding your student, please contact Mrs. Turner at .