IEEEUniversity of Saskatchewan Student Branch
Cinnati Loi, 2012-2013IEEE Vice Chair
Ph: (306) 262-0628
Meeting Minutes: 30 October 2012
Present: Crystal, Cinnati, Neil, Bradley, Ian, Malcolm, Kyle W, Jordan, Keira, Callahan, Kyle S, David, Karen, Shea
Regrets: Mike, Chad
Last Meeting's Minutes:
Motion to accept –Cinnati
Seconded – Kyle W
- This might be the last meeting of the term
- Applied for Dean’s funding
- $550 for BBBS Xmas
- $500 for Grad Banquet
- $2500 for Illumination
- $400 for Robotics
- Thank everyone for coming out to BBBS Xmas party
- Didn’t get to the popcorn party
- Looking into the McNaughton Grant that Lindsay put in
- Will have meeting next week
- NSS AGM is on Thursday
Cinnati (Vice Chair):
- Will put pictures on website when we get them
Neil (Finance):
- Brad updated the logo
- The design will be posted on the cabinet
Chad (McNaughton):
- Not present
David (Public Relations):
- We are going to Edmonton this year
- Called the bus company to see if it’s feasible
- Will probably take 2 15 passenger vans
- We need 35 people to make the bus feasible
- The trip usually costs about $100
Callahan (Academic):
- SPARC happened last week and will happen this week
Bradley (Social):
- Bxxr night on Saturday happened
- Not very good turnout
- Didn’t make any money.
- Brad had to pay out of his own pocket
- Only 1 professor came out to Prof-Student bowling
- 14 students + 1 prof attended
- Next event will not be till after Xmas
Ian (HVC):
- Been talking to Huskie Athletics and looking to finish printing HVC poster
- Huskie Athletics is taking the cost of it
- Huskies Athletics is looking to find a $2500 sponsor and we will take care of the smaller sponsorships
Malcolm (Illumination):
- Selling tickets sporadically
- $20 for members and $25 for non-members
- Will be in front of Tau lab and online
- Jan 25 – 26, 2013
- Not present
Shea (Graduate Student):
- Will organize a Xmas pot luck
KyleW (Graduate Banquet):
- Pizza sale went well
- Made $170 +/- $20 today
- Made $814.75 +/- $20to date
Kyle S/Karen(Second Year Rep):
- Bxxr night was before math midterm, so they couldn’t come out
- Will potentially go into 2nd year class to do a membership drive
Jordan/Keira (Third Year Rep):
- Will do more announcement
Motion - Ian
Seconded - Neil
Next Meeting: December 4, 2012