MINUTES of the MEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 12 April 2010 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Primary School.
Chairman: Cllr D Liddell
Councillors: R Brocklehurst, J Charlesworth, Mrs P Gallamore, P Handley, R Leech, P Smith and R Stier.
In attendance: 3 Members of the Public and the Parish Clerk.
A resident reported that the street lights on Moorend Lane have been constantly on for 9 weeks. Yorkshire Electricity Board (YEB) aware of the fault. Cllr Stier will contact the YEB engineer to resolve.
A resident reported the poor visibility at the top of Hall Royd Wall at its junction with Moorend Lane due to a boundary hedge. The Clerk will contact Barnsley MBC to investigate the problem. Cllr Smith added that poor parking around the Parish also causes problems with visibility at junctions.
A resident asked if Neighbourhood Watch could have a display at the Annual Parishioners Meeting on Monday 19th April 10. The Chairman advised that community group displays are being encouraged this year so Neighbourhood Watch is welcome to have a display.
Fields in Trust – Mr Wells from the CARE group asked the Parish Council to reconsider their decision taken over a year ago which was not to pursue placing the Silkstone Recreation Ground, The Chestnuts, Orchard Wood and Conroyd Wood in to trust with Fields in Trust. Fields in Trust is a charitable organisation which holds recreation areas in trust in perpetuity to ensure that open spaces and recreation grounds are protected against development.
Cllr Liddell advised Mr Wells that the Silkstone Recreation Ground has a covenant which prevents the ground being used for anything other than recreation without the express permission of the charity commission. Mr Wells felt that the Parish Council had dismissed this option without consulting the Parishioners.
Cllr Liddell stated that the Parish Council’s purpose is to represent the Parishioners on numerous issues and having held the public meeting to hear the presentation from Fields in Trust it was the Parish Councils decision to wholly retain the responsibility and management of their land.
Cllr Handley added that the Parish Council should be in control of their land base and that the Parish Council were reluctant to involve a third party in the management of their land. He also highlighted that circumstances change and it should not be the role of this Parish Council to dictate to any future Parish Council how the recreation land in the Parish should be utilised.
Mr Wells suggested that he be permitted to give a presentation to the Parish Council on behalf of Fields in Trust (who having made one visit to the Parish is unable to revisit). He also agreed to draft a newsletter article for later in the year following the next CARE meeting in the autumn.
The Clerk will check through the old paperwork relating to the Silkstone Recreation Ground, The Chestnuts, Orchard Wood and Conroyd Wood to clarify the terms of any covenants.
None received.
RESOLVED to note Cllr Stier’s declaration of a personal interest in the payment to the Handyman under agenda item 8.
09-196 MINUTES
Silkstone Parish Council - RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 2 March 2010 as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes.
The Clerk was asked to chase Barnsley MBC regarding 5 Moorend Lane and Green Lane footpath discussed in public question time at the 2 March 10 meeting.
The Clerk advised that the land registry have advised that all households on Beech ave backing on to the Silkstone Common Recreation Ground own the part of Footpath 8 which is the width of their boundary.
Further complaints have been received about the overflowing bin on the Silkstone Common Recreation Ground. The Clerk will ask Elaine Down of Neighbourhood Services for a statement to include in the next newsletter and will suggest that a sticker is placed on the bin to highlight the type of waste that is not permitted to be dumped there.
The Clerk will chase the tree officer at Barnsley MBC for a price to cut down the damaged tree in Orchard Wood, which Cllr Bower has raised concerns about.
Planning Committee – RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Monday 22 March 10 as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes.
It was noted that despite the Parish Council’s objection to the extension on Hawthorn Grove, the Planning Regulatory Board of Barnsley MBC have approved the application.
Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party – RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party held on 8 March 10.
RESOLVED that Silkstone Parish Council will register the following comments on planning applications:
2010/0283 15 March 10 – Beacon Court, Silkstone Common removal of tree with a TPO. It was noted that Cllr Stier had inspected the tree and advised that the tree did need to be taken down, therefore the Parish Council have no comment to forward to Barnsley MBC.2010/0326 26 March 10 – 7 The Roses, Knabbs Lane Silkstone Common. Removal of limb and light pruning of Beech tree with TPO. Silkstone PC has no comment on this application.
2010/0320 24 March 10 – 28 Black Horse Drive, Silkstone Common. Erection of side extension. Silkstone PC has no comment on this application.
2010/0336 26 March 10 – 5 Alston Close, Silkstone. Erection of a two storey side extension and single storey garage extension. Silkstone PC will forward the following comment to Barnsley MBC : Silkstone Parish Council express concern about the scale of the extension in relation to the existing building
RESOLVED that Silkstone Parish Council approve the new Standing Orders in line with the NALC Model Standing Orders but wish to exclude item 7b relating to training on the Code of Conduct. The Clerk will delete this item, sign the Standing Orders and place them on file for reference.
RESOLVED that Silkstone Parish Council approve the Financial Regulations which have been updated in line with the new Standing Orders.
09-200 GRANT AID 2010/2011
RESOLVED that with regard to its own Statement of Intent for Community Engagement and the Sustainable Communities Strategy of Barnsley MBC; Silkstone Parish Council give grants to local community groups (as the attached schedule) totalling £3,850 using the Power of Well Being. The Clerk will write the cheques and contact the community group representatives to advise that the cheques will be presented at the Annual Parishioners meeting, on Monday 19 April 10 which starts at 7pm at Silkstone school.
Cllr Charlesworth advised that the2 villages’ festival would not be going ahead this year, so no grant application has been received from the organisers.
RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule dated 5 March 10 totalling £439.38 and invoices for payment schedule dated 12 April 10 totalling £4,566.13.
RESOLVED that the Clerk will purchase 2 combination locks for the communal gates on to the Silkstone Allotments and will advise Allotment holders of the number.
RESOLVED to note that the handyman will carry out hedge trimming of the boundary of the allotments over the next few weeks.
RESOLVED that the Clerk will contact the Highways department to record the Parish Councils concern regarding trucks parked over night in Silkstone creating a road safety issue.
RESOLVED to note the crime figures for February 2010 – Silkstone 4, Silkstone Common 0 and for March 2010 - Silkstone 5, Silkstone Common 8.
RESOLVED to note that that the Ordnance Survey maps of the 3 woodlands have been received and that the Parish Council are now registered as the land owner and the land registered with the Forestry Commission. The application forms for a Woodland Management plan grant were posted to the Forestry Commission on 24 March 2010.
RESOLVED that the handyman be asked to assess the work involved in cutting back a Holly tree at the back of a property on Woodland Rise/Orchard Wood.
RESOLVED to note that the insurance company have contacted the third party insurers and have forwarded a cheque to the Parish Council for the full cost of the repair works to the wall. Hadrians Dry Stone Walling have been instructed to carry out the works and are currently on site and expecting to finish the work prior to the school children returning to school.
RESOLVED that the Clerk will write to Nuttall & Yarwood requesting that the Architect visits the Pavilion and addresses the problem with the water ingress through/over the tanking under the Defects Liability Period.
RESOLVED that the Clerk will request that the cricket and football clubs present their proposals for advertising boards to the Parish Council prior to applying for planning consent.
RESOLVED that the Clerk will advise the cricket club that they may install a white picket fence infront of the steps at the Pavilion. The cricket club will be advised that the Parish Council will not accept any responsibility for the fence and so they must repair and maintain the fence as required.
RESOLVED that the Parish Council will pay for the paint for the cricket side of the pavilion since volunteers from the cricket club will provide the labour.
RESOLVED that the Clerk will ask Barnsley MBC to amend the draft Heads of Terms for the War Memorial land lease to include a 125 year lease as confirmed by e-mail. Also that a clause be included to allow for the Parish Council to hand back the land to Barnsley MBC giving 12 months notice (term to be agreed with Barnsley MBC).
RESOLVED to note that the Scouts summer camp will be held at Silverwood Scout Camp on 4 July 10. The Clerk will convey this information to Cllr Bower so that he can arrange completion of the interpretation board with Roggins before this date.
Cllr Stier / Penistone Area Transport Group meetingCllr Stier / Events at Penistone Paramount – he reported that the staff were extremely helpful and said what an excellent facility it is.
Clerk / Parish Clerks Liaison meeting at the Town Hall included presentations from the elections office and planning explorer demonstration.
RESOLVED to note the following correspondence
Neighbourhood Services, Barnsley MBC / Requesting ideas about preventing a resident from depositing contents of pet cage in waste bin on Silkstone Common Rec. See note under minute number 09-196.YLCA / Committee Structure – advice on changing the SPFWP into a Committee of the Parish Council
Penistone Line Partnership / New membership card and agenda for Annual meeting (passed to Cllr Stier)
Silkstone Common Good Companions / Thank you letter for Parish Council top up grant
Hunshelf Parish Council / Letter of Congratulations to Silkstone PC for obtaining Quality Parish Status.
YLCA / Nominations papers – Silkstone PC nominated Cllr Liddell as Chairman
Land Registry / Information relating to the land ownership of Footpath 8 at the rear of Beech ave.
RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be the Annual Meeting on Tuesday 4 May 2010 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Common Methodist Chapel
FURTHER RESOLVED to note that the Annual Parishioners Meeting will be held in Silkstone Primary School on Monday 19th April 2010 at 7pm when the Chairman and Ward Councillor will give their Annual reports and grant cheques will be presented to community groups.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00pm
Chairman’s Signature / DateSPC Minutes 12 April 2010