BSU Graduate Committee Meeting-MINUTES
Wednesday–November 20, 2013
111 Deputy Hall
Committee Website:
Present: Christel Kippenhan, Mark Christensen, Rick Koch,Wendy Greenberg
Absent: Heidi Hansen (due to schedule), Michael Urban, James McCracken
Non-Members: James Barta, Joan Miller
- *Approval of the Minutes of 23, Oct. 2013[use the committee website listed].
Christel moved (Wendy 2nd) to approve minutes as is. Motion carried.
- Announcements/FYI: Joan will check deadlines for creativity award and mini-grants…how many received and who will review will be determined later.
- New Business
a)*Proposed New Policy: Recognition of Veteran Status: not a determining factor but a positive factor only in admission decision.Need to add Veteran status on application-Form 1 and Graduate Special Status; consensus is that the wording of the proposal is appropriate as is. Reference MnSCU policy on applications; this will be done within GSO.
b)Think SUMMER 2014!!!!
Below are the end dates for metro area school districts.
Anoka-Hennepin: June 12, 2014
Mounds View Public Schools: June 5, 2014
Cambridge-Isanti: June 6, 2014
Columbia Heights Public Schools: June 12, 2014
Fridley Public Schools: June 10, 2014
North Branch: June 10, 2014
Princeton School District: June 5, 2014
St. Paul Public Schools: June 6, 2014
Minneapolis Public Schools: June 6, 2014
English Department wants to offer classes; however, courses are cancelled due to low enrollment; discouraging for faculty. Contact Angie Gora, summer programmer, for more ideas. It was suggested to include vacation type events in a course, would this attract students to attend?Seniors could be targeted for different offerings.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:55 a.m.; the next meeting will be on Dec. 11 at 8 a.m. in Deputy 111.
Joan Miller, Reporting Secretary
School of Graduate Studies
- Old Business
c)Update on research paper/thesis samples….EVSS sample already on website.
d)Rubrics? What did the departments have to say?
e)How do we grow the graduate school at BSU? Representatives were to take back to departments for input.
f)Continue with Graduate Faculty Orientation Review
i. Item #3, The Job of the Graduate Faculty Representative/Q & A….committee is not adverse to repeating one week….three week…..etc. No later than to the GR….Joan will go through and make sure wording is consistent…
ii.Item #4, Advising a Thesis or Research Paper: tabled till next year.
g)*Revised Graduate Assistantship Guidelines-NAME CHANGE ONLY: Reference to Dean, School of Graduate Studies…change to College Dean or Director?
h)Temporary Graduate Faculty Status: Newly hired faculty may be appointed to Temporary Graduate Faculty by the Dean of Graduate Studies for up to one year upon request from relevant Department Chair or Graduate Program Coordinator and College Dean. Duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges (Full vs. Associate) are based on the graduate degree the newly hired faculty holds. Prior to the expiration of the Temporary Graduate Faculty Status, the faculty member would need to apply for the appropriate Graduate Faculty (see above).