School Counseling Services
Quarter 1Practices & Milestones
High School Counselors
School Counseling Model ElementsQuarter 1(Aug 8 -Oct 7) / Interval of Milestones
Foundation / H.S. / Early Mid End
Conduct needs assessment (i.e. parents, staff, students) to determine program goals/priorities /
Establish at least three (3) program goals that are aligned with school & district goals /
Identify student standards, competencies and indicators to deliver core curriculum to all students by grade-level. /
Ensure program managementagreement is developed and equally supported by school counselor and principal (i.e. program priorities, implementation strategies, organization) /
Utilize earlier program or school data to identify students for early intervention (i.e. grade retention, attendance, discipline) /
Management System
Utilize previous school year data (i.e. program data, school data) to prioritize delivery components (i.e. individual student planning, responsive services, student support services) /
Develop Year-At-Glance program calendar (i.e. prevention/awareness weeks, FAFSA Frenzy, stakeholder training/programs) /
Develop/publish master schedule that provides a plan of the school program components/activities (i.e. class visits, cohort meetings, college visits) /
Determine model delivery strategies and pacing of grade-level competencies used to implement ICAP /
Develop at least one(1) action plan that aligns to program goals (i.e. core curriculum, small group, close-the-gap) /
Co-develop schedule and pacing of individual and group counseling for targeted students with District/external support staff. /
SCS School Counseling Practices and Milestones are aligned to the ASCA National Model, Tennessee School Counseling Model/Standards Policy and TEM Framework/Rubric for Professional School Counselors. The practices & milestones are representative of universal delivery components/strategies that are commonly managed by District school counselors. It excludes specific school-level programs/services that are unique to schools, school-level or school zones.
School Counseling Model Elements
Quarter 1(Aug 8 -Oct 7) / Interval of Milestones
Management System / H.S. / Early Mid End
Establish or refine school counseling referral process to ensure student needs are met regularly /
Conduct annual audit of 504 Service Plans and distribute at-a-glance accommodation to pertinent staff /
Review 504 Service Plan case log and schedule student annual reviews/eligibility meetings /
Establish benchmarks to monitor progress of individual students or cohorts of students that need immediate academic support/planning /
Record/monitor student referrals processed and finalized (i.e. crisis, SRT, Displaced Families) /
Delivery System
Provide annual orientation on the School Counseling Program and Services to new/returning students, staff and parents /
Coordinate/provide student orientation on peer bullying & school safety /
Coordinate/provide prevention programs or information on Child Sexual Abuse /
Provided a balanced delivery of all program components to ensure all students have access to the school counseling program /
Ensure grade-level competencies on the ICAP are provided in a sequential and meaningful manner (i.e. college planning, scholarship search, FAFSA) /
Utilize a variety of delivery model strategies to address social-emotional development among students (i.e. 9th grade students/new students) /
Provide/coordinate individual and small group counseling/activities for students with identified needs /
Collaborate with school staff to ensure ninth (9th) grade students/parents have a successful transition in to school (i.e. graduation requirement, study skills, time management) /
Assist parents/guardians with referrals to district/external agencies /
Assist new/transitional students who enroll in or withdraw from school throughout the school year /
Monitor new/returning OAG students’ academic performance, course completion and progress towards high school completion /
Collaborate with District departments and school staff to communicate updates to Board policy/procedures or school-level procedures (i.e. enrollment, crisis response, grade placements) /
Provide prevention education and training to school staff and parents (i.e. CASA, Peer Bullying, Youth Suicide) /
School Counseling Model Elements
Quarter 1(Aug 8 -Oct 7) / Interval of Milestones
Delivery System / H.S. / Early Mid End
Provide annual orientation on Section 504 to school staff /
Establish re-occurring meetings with support staff to identify preventive & responsive strategies to address individual or school-wide student needs (i.e. SSW, School Psy. School Nurse) /
Coordinate and/or serve on the various school support teams to facilitate preventive and responsive strategies for school (i.e. academic, attendance, behavior, climate & culture) /
Provide or co-facilitate annual orientation on the SRT/S-Team process to school staff /
Conduct cohort monitoring to provide “real time” advisement on progress in courses, specialty programs and college entrance test (i.e. dual enrollment, grad point, ACT results) /
Conduct transcript analysis to confirm appropriate grade-placement and graduation status with students/parents (i.e. cohort, new students,) /
Circulate deadlines and resources to assist students/parents with the college application process (i.e. Test Prep, College App. Week, TN Promise App.) /
Performs at least one week of time-task analysis of program/services and submits to School Counseling Services /
Conducts at least one(1) program results analysis to guide program evaluation and improvement (i.e. core curriculum, small group, closing-the-gap) /
Submit semester program report to School Counseling Services /
Conduct program assessment of student referrals to adjust services/activities for students /
Assess implementation/completion of grade-level competencies on ICAP to ensure delivery to all students /
School Counseling Services