Work Meeting Minutes
City Council
City Council Chambers, Ephraim City Hall
5 South Main, Ephraim, Utah
April 19, 2017
5:30 pm
Call to Order
The Ephraim City Council convened in a work meeting on Wednesday, April 19, 2017, in the City Council Room. Mayor Squire called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
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Roll Call
Members Present Richard Squire, Mayor
Margie Anderson, Mayor Pro Tem
Tyler Alder
Alma Lund
Richard Wheeler
Members Excused
John Scott
Staff Present
Brant Hanson, City Manager
Marcus Gilson, City Attorney
Bryan Kimball, Community Dev.
Leigh Ann Warnock, City Recorder
Ron Rasmussen, Police Chief
Chad Parry, Public Works Director
Cory Daniels, Power Director
Staff Excused
Phil Murray, Rec Director
Ephraim City Council | , 2017 | Page 1 of 3
Steve Widmer, Financial Director
I.Discussion Agenda
- Main street Traffic Flow Study for UDOT
Snow College students of Monica Peterson were present to make a case for additional traffic lights on Main Street.
Jake Davis, reported there have been many close calls between vehicles and pedestrians at the intersection by Walmart. Research was done by the team, finding different traffic flows, and concluded a traffic light at that intersection is needed to protect pedestrians. Three major Main Street intersections in Ephraim were observed; Center Street, 300 north, and 700 north by Walmart. All present safety issues from high traffic flow. The team discussed ways to reduce traffic flow and suggest implementation of a plan in which traffic signals are a high priority for the City.
Elysa Garcia reported there is a large amount of traffic at the intersectionsalong Main Street. College students are concerned about these issues, as many must walk to Walmart for groceries. A significant amount of the students who walk are international students without cars. 100% of the international students asked were in favor of additional traffic lights. Many walk to Walmart several times a week from their dorms. Southbound cars coming into town from the highway are traveling very fast. A traffic light would increase safety for students and other pedestrians. It was also mentioned the intersection by Roy’s pizza is a safety issue. It is most troublesome because of lack of visibility and large amounts of traffic.
Kyle Friantreported the conclusion of their study is that the lack of opportunities for traffic to stop or slow is the main cause of accidents. The intersection by the Richfield Walmart has a traffic light. Much of the traffic coming south off the highway does not slow down until way past the Walmart. Also observed was the issue of traffic flow and congestion. People walk or drive to Maverik because there is a traffic light and it is safer. 360 cars per hour pass the Maverik, with 260 in the same amount of time at Walmart, but the Walmart intersection has more congestion because there is no opportunity to stop traffic and reduce congestion. Future growth in many areasof the City will onlycontinue to increase that traffic. The student group recommendsthe City conduct traffic flow studies, and requestUDOT do their own studies to ensure something is done to fix the problem.
Becca Blair explained once the problem is examined, a solution can be found. Further studies are needed. She demonstrated the Stroop test, which shows reaction time slows down when it has to deal with conflicting information. This slowed reaction time happens because of interference, or a processing delay caused by competing or incompatible functions in the brain. After repeated attempts, it will get easier and shows how the brain can be reprogrammed and refocused. A new traffic light is something that draws attention. Many people do not pay adequate attention to their speed as they move along.
Jake Davisconcluded thatwithout proper traffic control, there is a continued threat to pedestrians and traffic alike. Lights are needed at the three busiest intersections in the city; 700 north, 300 north, and Center Street. Traffic flow studies lead to more efficient flow of traffic.
Bryan Kimball commented thata few years ago there were a series of accidents at the Center Street intersection. Then City Manager, Regan Bolli, had UDOT conduct an actual study for that location. It was found that while there is plenty of traffic on Main Street, there is a formula for what warrants a stop light, which includes the wait time for cross traffic. The report at that time concluded there was not enough east and west traffic to warrant a traffic light.
Brant Hanson commented he called UDOT after speaking with Monica Peterson the week before. There was hesitation from UDOT because they know the area well and don’t feel it warrants a light yet. Brant mentioned that Snow students would like a study conducted and they agreed to do one, counting pedestrians as well as vehicles. 300 north has always been a concern, but again, there is not enough east/west traffic. UDOT said if Ephraim gets to a point that it warrants a light, there will be more conversation.
Mayor Squire commented he appreciates when citizens come prepared and have already done research and taken action rather than handing the topic to the Council and saying, “fix it.”
B.Agenda Review
Ted Olsen Presentation- Tedwill not be able to come until 7:00 or slightly after.
Javiation Contracts – This item will be moved to the beginning of the regular meeting as Mel Leseberg must travel a fair distance to get home.
Model Aircraft/Drone Flying Activity- This item has been moved to the May 3rd meeting.
Warrant Register Inquiries
Spillway – Steve Widmer explained these costs are 75% reimbursable, possibly more. We did in-kind matching and still need to do the final numbers.
There being no further discussion, Councilmember Alder moved the work meeting adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Wheeler. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried.
Minutes Approved:
City RecorderDate
Ephraim City Council Work Meeting | April 19, 2017 | Page 1 of 3