Political and Security

Sponsors: Brazil

Topic: “Reform of the United Nations Security Council”

The General Assembly,

Reminding all nations of the changes that have occurred between the creation of the United Nations and present day in terms of political and economic power that the nations of the world possess,

Noting with disapproval that the United Nations has spent fifteen years discussing the reform of its Security Council and that today’s structure has been frozen for six decades and does not relate to the challenges of today’s world,

Reminding all nations that an outdated structuring of any body of power fails to efficiently and effectively use resources to address important issues,

Stresses that unless structural reform of the Security Council takes place, it may leave it unprepared to deal with future events,

1. Calls for the addition of the G4 nations to the status of permanent members on the Security Council due to their political and economic dominance in the world at the present, their projected dominance in the near future, and their history of regular election onto the Security Council by their respective groups,

2. Calls for the addition of two permanent African nations to the Security Council to further improve global representation,

3. Recommends the addition of three nonpermanent member seats to be filled by the current means of selection of nonpermanent members,

4. Suggests that the issue of veto power held by the permanent members not be affected with the addition of more permanent members to the Security Council at the current time,

5. Recommends that the retribution of veto power amongst any added permanent member be discussed at a later date not to precede five years,

6. Urges for the creation of a committee to create strict guidelines and requirements that must be met for any future restructuring of the Security Council.