
I am now going to read out some questions. Each question has a choice of five answers. Please tell me which answer best describes your health TODAY. Do not choose more than one answer in each group of questions. It may be necessary to remind the respondent regularly that the timeframe is TODAY. It may also be necessary to repeat the questions verbatim. First I'd like to ask you about mobility. Would you say that: READ SCALE.

You have no problems in walking about?...... 01

You have slight problems in walking about?...... 02

You have moderate problems in walking about...... 03

You have severe problems in walking about?...... 04

You are unable to walk about?...... 05

Note: the EQ-5D questions are used under license.


Next I'd like to ask you about self-care. Would you say that: READ SCALE.

You have no problems washing or dressing yourself?...... 01

You have slight problems washing or dressing yourself?...... 02

You have moderate problems washing or dressing yourself?...... 03

You have severe problems washing or dressing yourself?...... 04

You are unable to wash or dress yourself?...... 05

Note: the EQ-5D questions are used under license.


Next I'd like to ask you about your usual activities, for example work, study, housework, family or leisure activities. Would you say that: READ SCALE.

You have no problems doing your usual activities?...... 01

You have slight problems doing your usual activities?...... 02

You have moderate problems doing your usual activities?...... 03

You have severe problems doing your usual activities?...... 04

You are unable to do your usual activities?...... 05

Note: the EQ-5D questions are used under license.


Next I'd like to ask you about pain or discomfort. Would you say that. READ SCALE.

You have no pain or discomfort?...... 01

You have slight pain or discomfort?...... 02

You have moderate pain or discomfort?...... 03

You have severe pain or discomfort?...... 04

You have extreme pain or discomfort?...... 05

Note: the EQ-5D questions are used under license.


Finally I'd like to ask you about anxiety or depression. Would you say that: READ SCALE.

You are not anxious or depressed?...... 01

You are slightly anxious or depressed?...... 02

You are moderately anxious or depressed?...... 03

You are severely anxious or depressed?...... 04

You are extremely anxious or depressed?...... 05

Note: the EQ-5D questions are used under license.


Now, I would like to ask you to say how good or bad your health is TODAY. I'd like you to try to picture in your mind a scale that looks rather like a thermometer. Can you do that? The best health you can imagine is marked 100 (one hundred) at the top of the scale and the worst state you can imagine is marked 0 (zero) at the bottom. I would now like you to tell me the point on this scale where you would put your health today.

Range ...... 0-100

Note: the EQ-5D questions are used under license.


The following questions ask about physical activity, social relationships and health status. By health, we mean not only the absence of disease or injury but also physical, mental and social well-being. Would you say that in general your health is: READ OPTIONS

Excellent...... 01

Very Good...... 02

Good...... 03

Fair...... 04

Poor...... 05


Now thinking about your physical health, which includes physical illness and injury, for how many days during the past 30 days was your physical health not good?

Range ...... 0-30


Now thinking about your mental health, which includes stress, depression, and problems with emotions, for how many days during the past 30 days was your mental health not good?

Range ...... 0-30


During the past 30 days, for about how many days did poor physical and mental health keep you from doing your usual activities, such as self-care, work, or recreation?

Range ...... 0-30


I am now going to ask you how satisfied you feel, on a scale from 0 to 10. 0 means you feel no satisfaction at all and 10 means you feel completely satisfied. I will start by asking how satisfied you are with life. So thinking about your own life and personal circumstances, on a scale of 0 to 10, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole? Repeat if Question is unclear to Respondent Repeat above. Would you like me to go over this again for you?

0...... 00

1...... 01

2...... 02

3...... 03

4...... 04

5...... 05

6...... 06

7...... 07

8...... 08

9...... 09

10...... 10


How satisfied are you with your standard of living? On a scale from 0 to 10. 0 means you feel no satisfaction at all and 10 means you feel completely satisfied.

0...... 00

1...... 01

2...... 02

3...... 03

4...... 04

5...... 05

6...... 06

7...... 07

8...... 08

9...... 09

10...... 10


How satisfied are you with your health? On a scale from 0 to 10. 0 means you feel no satisfaction at all. 10 means you feel completely satisfied.

0...... 00

1...... 01

2...... 02

3...... 03

4...... 04

5...... 05

6...... 06

7...... 07

8...... 08

9...... 09

10...... 10


How satisfied are you with what you are achieving in life? On a scale from 0 to 10. 0 means you feel no satisfaction at all. 10 means you feel completely satisfied.

0...... 00

1...... 01

2...... 02

3...... 03

4...... 04

5...... 05

6...... 06

7...... 07

8...... 08

9...... 09

10...... 10


How satisfied are you with your personal relationships? On a scale from 0 to 10. 0 means you feel no satisfaction at all. 10 means you feel completely satisfied.

0...... 00

1...... 01

2...... 02

3...... 03

4...... 04

5...... 05

6...... 06

7...... 07

8...... 08

9...... 09

10...... 10


How satisfied are you with how safe you feel? On a scale from 0 to 10. 0 means you feel no satisfaction at all. 10 means you feel completely satisfied.

0...... 00

1...... 01

2...... 02

3...... 03

4...... 04

5...... 05

6...... 06

7...... 07

8...... 08

9...... 09

10...... 10


How satisfied are you with feeling part of your community? On a scale from 0 to 10. 0 means you feel no satisfaction at all. 10 means you feel completely satisfied.

0...... 00

1...... 01

2...... 02

3...... 03

4...... 04

5...... 05

6...... 06

7...... 07

8...... 08

9...... 09

10...... 10


How satisfied are you with your future security? On a scale from 0 to 10. 0 means you feel no satisfaction at all. 10 means you feel completely satisfied.

0...... 00

1...... 01

2...... 02

3...... 03

4...... 04

5...... 05

6...... 06

7...... 07

8...... 08

9...... 09

10...... 10


How satisfied are you with your spirituality or your religion? On a scale from 0 to 10. 0 means you feel no satisfaction at all. 10 means you feel completely satisfied.

0...... 00

1...... 01

2...... 02

3...... 03

4...... 04

5...... 05

6...... 06

7...... 07

8...... 08

9...... 09

10...... 10


Now a few questions about the stress in your life. In general, how would you rate your ability to handle unexpected and difficult problems, for example, a family or personal crisis? Would you say your ability is: READ OPTIONS

Excellent...... 01

Very good...... 02

Good...... 03

Fair...... 04

Poor...... 05


In general, how would you rate your ability to handle the day-to-day demands in your life, for example, handling work, family and volunteer responsibilities? Would you say your ability is: READ OPTIONS

Excellent...... 01

Very good...... 02

Good...... 03

Fair...... 04

Poor...... 05


Thinking about stress in your day-to-day life, what would you say is the most important thing contributing to feelings of stress you may have? DO NOT READ CHOICES. DO NOT PROBE. CHOOSE THE ANSWER THAT BEST MATCHES THE RESPONDENTS ANSWER

Time pressures / Not enough time...... 01

Own physical health problem or condition...... 02

Own emotional or mental health problem or condition...... 03

Financial situation (e.g., not enough money, debt)...... 04

Own work situation (e.g., hours of work, working conditions).....05

School...... 06

Employment status (e.g., unemployment)...... 07

Caring for - own children...... 08

Caring for - others...... 09

Other personal or family responsibilities...... 10

Personal relationships...... 11

Discrimination...... 12

Personal and family's safety...... 13

Health of family members...... 14

Other - Specify...... 15

Nothing...... 16


I'd like to ask about some things that may have happened in the past 12 months, that is, from <RLE> to yesterday. Some of these experiences happen to most people at one time or another, while some happen to only a few. Now I'd like you to think just about your family, that is, yourself or your spouse/partner or children if any. Did you or someone in your family have a major financial crisis?

Yes...... 01

No...... 02


Did you or someone in your family fail school or a training program? For this question family includes yourself or your spouse/partner or children if any

Yes...... 01

No...... 02


Did you or someone in your family experience a change in job for a worse one? For this question family includes yourself or your spouse/partner or children if any

Yes...... 01

No...... 02


Did you or someone in your family get demoted at work or take a cut in pay? For this question family includes yourself or your spouse/partner or children if any

Yes...... 01

No...... 02


Did someone in your family pass away? For this question family includes yourself or your spouse/partner or children if any

Yes...... 01

No...... 02


Were you or someone in your family beaten up or physically attacked? For this question family includes yourself or your spouse/partner or children if any

Yes...... 01

No...... 02


Were you or someone in your family bullied? For this question family includes yourself or your spouse/partner or children if any

Yes...... 01

No...... 02



Now some questions about your eating and drinking habits. How often do you usually drink regular (non-diet) soft drinks? READ OPTIONS

Once a day or more...... 01

4 - 6 times a week...... 02

1 - 3 times a week...... 03

Less than once a week but more than once a month...... 04

Once a month or less...... 05



How often do you usually drink sugar sweetened fruit drinks (such as Kool-Aid and lemonade), sweet tea, and sports or energy drinks (such as Gatorade or Red Bull)? READ OPTIONS

Once a day or more...... 01

4 - 6 times a week...... 02

1 - 3 times a week...... 03

Less than once a week but more than once a month...... 04

Once a month or less...... 05



How often do you usually drink sweetened specialty coffee or tea based drinks (such as lattes, mochacinnos, frappacinnos) READ OPTIONS

Once a day or more...... 01

4 - 6 times a week...... 02

1 - 3 times a week...... 03

Less than once a week but more than once a month...... 04

Once a month or less...... 05



How often do you eat out at a restaurant, fast food establishment or cafeteria? READ OPTIONS

Once a day or more...... 01

4 - 6 Times a week...... 02

1 - 3 Times a week...... 03

Less than once a week but more than once a month...... 04

Once a month or less...... 05



Now I'd like to ask you some questions about sodium or salt intake. Most of the sodium or salt we eat comes from processed foods and foods prepared in restaurants. Salt also can be added in cooking or at the table. Are you currently watching or reducing your sodium or salt intake?

Yes...... 01

No...... 02=> /NUT_7



How long have you been watching or reducing your sodium or salt intake? Do not accept ranges, ask respondent for their best estimate.

Day(s)...... 01O

Week(s)...... 02O

Month(s)...... 03O

Year(s)...... 04O

All my life...... 05



Has your doctor or other health professional ever advised you to reduce your sodium or salt intake?

Yes...... 01

No...... 02



Now a few questions about what you do in your leisure time, that is activities not at work or at school. In a typical week how much time do you spend playing computer games, surfing the internet, playing video games, watching television or videos? DO NOT READ SCALE. PLEASE ROUND UP.

None...... 01

Less than an hour...... 02

From 1 to 2 hours...... 03

From 3 to 5 hours...... 04

From 6 to 10 hours...... 05

From 11 to 14 hours...... 06

From 15 to 20 hours...... 07

More than 20 hours...... 08



In a typical week how much time do you spend reading on the Internet (e.g., the news, articles, a book), not counting at work or school? Include books, magazines, newspapers, homework DO NOT READ SCALE. PLEASE ROUND UP.

None...... 01

Less than 1 hour...... 02

From 1 to 2 hours...... 03

From 3 to 5 hours...... 04

From 6 to 10 hours...... 05

From 11 to 14 hours...... 06

From 15 to 20 hours...... 07

More than 20 hours...... 08



In a typical week how much time do you spend reading hard copy books, not counting work or school? Include books, magazines, newspapers, homework DO NOT READ SCALE. PLEASE ROUND UP.

None...... 01

Less than 1 hour...... 02

From 1 to 2 hours...... 03

From 3 to 5 hours...... 04

From 6 to 10 hours...... 05

From 11 to 14 hours...... 06

From 15 to 20 hours...... 07

More than 20 hours...... 08



The next set of questions is about smoking. At the present time, do you smoke cigarettes...? READ OPTIONS

Daily...... 01=

Occasionally...... 02

Not at all...... 03



Have you ever smoked cigarettes daily? READ OPTIONS

Yes...... 01

No...... 02



The next set of questions will ask you about things that some families have or are able to do, but which other families may not be able to afford. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. Do you and your family eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day?

Yes...... 01=> /MD_Q03

No...... 02



Is this because you cannot afford it, or for some other reason?

Cannot afford it...... 01

Some other reason...... 02



Are you and each family member able to get dental care if needed?

Yes...... 01=> /MD_Q05

No...... 02



Is this because you cannot afford it, or for some other reason?

Cannot afford it...... 01

Some other reason...... 02



Do you and your family eat meat, fish or a vegetarian equivalent at least every other day?

Yes...... 01=> /MD_Q07

No...... 02



Is this because you cannot afford it, or for some other reason?

Cannot afford it...... 01

Some other reason...... 02



Are you and your family able to replace or repair broken or damaged appliances such as a vacuum or a toaster?

Yes...... 01=> /MD_Q09

No...... 02



Is this because you cannot afford it, or for some other reason?

Cannot afford it...... 01

Some other reason...... 02



Do you and each member of your family have appropriate clothes for job interviews?

Yes...... 01=> /MD_Q11

No...... 02



Is this because you cannot afford it, or for some other reason?

Cannot afford it...... 01

Some other reason...... 02



Are you or your family able to get around your community, either by having a car or by taking the bus or an equivalent mode of transportation ?

Yes...... 01=> /MD_Q13

No...... 02



Is this because you cannot afford it, or for some other reason?

Cannot afford it...... 01

Some other reason...... 02



Are you and your family able to have friends or family over for a meal at least once a month?

Yes...... 01=> /MD_Q15

No...... 02



Is this because you cannot afford it, or for some other reason?

Cannot afford it...... 01

Some other reason...... 02



Is your house or apartment free of pests, such as cockroaches?

Yes...... 01=> /MD_Q17

No...... 02



Is this because you cannot afford a pest free home or for some other reason?

Cannot afford it...... 01

Some other reason...... 02



Are you and your family able to buy some small gifts for family and friends at least once a year?

Yes...... 01=> /MD_Q19

No...... 02



Is this because you cannot afford it, or for some other reason?

Cannot afford it...... 01

Some other reason...... 02



Do you and each member of your family have a hobby or leisure activity?

Yes...... 01=> FSC_Q020

No...... 02



Is this because you cannot afford it, or for some other reason?

Cannot afford it...... 01

Some other reason...... 02



Now I'm going to read you a statement that may be used to describe the food situation for a household. You and other household members worried that food would run out before you got money to buy more. Was that often true, sometimes true, or never true in the past 12 months?

Often true...... 01

Sometimes true...... 02

Never true...... 03



The following questions are for households where there is at least one child between 1 and 16 years of age. Do ALL the children in your household have some new (not second hand) clothes INCLUDE HOMEMADE CLOTHES IF THEY ARE NEWLY MADE? READ OPTIONS

Yes...... 01

No because you can't afford it...... 02

No for some other reason...... 03



Do ALL the children in your household have at least two pairs of properly fitting shoes? INCLUDE ALL FOOTWEAR - BOOTS, SANDALS, TRAINERS, etc. READ OPTIONS

Yes...... 01

No because can't afford it...... 02

No for some other reason...... 03



Do ALL the children in your household eat fresh fruit or vegetables at least once a day? READ OPTIONS

Yes...... 01

No because can't afford it...... 02

No for some other reason...... 03



Do ALL the children in your household eat at least three meals a day? READ OPTIONS

Yes...... 01

No because can't afford it...... 02

No for some other reason...... 03



Do they all eat one meal with meat, chicken or fish (or a vegetarian equivalent) at least once a day? READ OPTIONS

Yes...... 01

No because can't afford it...... 02

No for some other reason...... 03



Do they ALL have books at home suitable for their ages? READ OPTIONS

Yes...... 01

No because can't afford it...... 02

No for some other reason...... 03



Do they ALL have outdoor leisure equipment suitable for their ages (bicycle, rollerblades, etc.?) VERY CHEAP OR SELF-MADE EQUIPMENT ARE TO BE INCLUDED READ OPTIONS