Weekly Plan
Section 1
Class: 8A & 8B Topic: Echo Questions, Past Tenses, Present and Past Obligation
Unit No: 1 Themes: Holidays
Time Allocated: 7X40 (8A) 7X40 (8B) Context: Celtic Camp, Holiday Brochures, Letter
Week/Date: W1 2nd - 6th March 2009
Limitations: -
Delimitations: -
Materials: Energy 3 Coursebook, Workbook, wordstores, notebooks, dictionaries, realia (Cyprus brochure), cassettes
Inter-disciplinary Aspects: -
Explanations: Monolingual Ss Pre-intermediate, u-shape seating, 14 year olds 20 Ss in 8A 21Ss in 8B One student in 8B has dyslexia and is autistic.
Section 2
Learning Objectives (Knowledge): Echo Qs are introduced eg I get up early Do you? Past Simple and Past Continuous are practiced. Question form in Past Simple is reviewed. In pairs Ss ask Qs to each other in Past Simple Tense using cues from ex2 p.13. Ss remember the right prepositions to describe their perfect holiday eg by car/plane, on foot.
Learning Objectives (Skills): New vocabulary is introduces eg noticeboard, on duty, canteen, wake-up, countryside. Ss learn new phrases from the reading text ie. Listen up, I’ll show you around, OK guys, Let’s get moving. In pairs Ss complete the information gap through listening to the script ex5. The rise of the intonation in echo questions is introduced eg. Are you? Ss match new words with the pictures using visualization skill for remembering new vocabulary ex2 p.12
Learning Objectives (Attitudes): In pairs Ss choose a character and show interest in the new person. Ss communicate with each other using echo question by establishing interest and sympathy in introductions ex8 p.11. Ss brainstorm about Iona’s holiday and express their opinion in groups. Ex5 p.13
Specific focus: Writing a brochure description of a perfect holiday.
Procedure (raising awareness, warm-up motivation, review, lead in, individual work, project, homework, observation summary, feedback): Daily routines- taking the register, asking about the weather, the temperature, seasons, months and the date of the day. Brainstorming ideas about the pictures in the book. Eliciting the meaning of new words. Asking pre-reading Qs to stimulate ideas on texts or listening. Feedback on pronunciation of news words and intonation in echo Qs. Ss are encouraged to take part in using echo Qs in introductions to show interest to each other. Ss try to summarise the texts or the gist. Feedback on accuracy-using PST and PCT together. Personalization activity- bringing realia of a Cyprus brochure-asking leading Qs eg title, What activities can you do in Cyprus? etc
Learning Methods and Techniques:
· Problem Solving
· Discovery Learning: ex1 eliciting the meaning of the words, finding another word
· Experiential Learning
· Group work: ex5 stimulating a discussion about Iona’s holiday
· Pair work: role-play ex8 introduction showing interest
· Games/ songs
· Drama/ role play: ex8
· Project based learning: ex3 p.12designing a brochure about perfect holiday
· Cooperative and cooperative work: ex1, 2 4 p.13 using PST & PCT
· Brainstorming: ex2 p.10 about the gist of the listening text
· Debates/Discussions: about holidays
· Question-Answer: ex3 p.11 Wh Qs on text
· Simulations
· questionnaires
· Whole class activity: ex6 p11 Echo Qs
· Others
Feedback during and at the end of the lesson- recap: Feedback on fluency and pronunciation in responding through echo Qs.
Pre-planning Instruments for the Teacher: Realia Cyprus brochure
Pre-planning Instruments for the Students: Realia – designing a brochure about perfect holiday
Section 3 Evaluation and Assessment (short answer questions, portfolio, open ended questions, matching, project work, mind maps, peer assessment, individual and group assessment and performance based evaluation)
Means of Assessment (Knowledge): Responding via using the right echo Qs to the 7 statements.
Distinguishing between Past Simple & Continuous in ex4 p.13
How will I know?
Ss practised using echo Qs in pairs in ex6. Ss could choose the right tenses to describe the actions and know which actions could take place before the other.
Means of Assessment (Skills): Listening about the conversation the Celtic Camp and identify the new words and phrases in the script. Completing the listening chart ex5 p.11
How will I know?
Ss can answer to the Wh- Qs by using details from the text and find the complete phrases. Ss can complete the information in pairs via listening context.
Means of Assessment (Attitudes): Taking the role of A and B and asking Qs and using echo Qs by showing interest. Discussing about Iona’s holiday in groups.
How will I know?
Ss would take roles and switch roles in dialogues about introductions. Ss could stimulate a discussion about their opinions about Iona’s holiday in Sweden.
English Teacher: Assistant Head minister:
2/3/2009 2/3/2009
Section 4: Evaluation of the Unit Plan
To what extent are the learning objectives realized?
Eliciting the meaning of vocabulary and complete phrases in texts, completing the information gap via listening, role-play of echo Qs and designing a brochure about perfect holiday by understanding the concept of the elements in the brochure have taken place.
To what extent have the classroom activities been effective in achieving learning objectives?
Ss working in pairs to answer the text, completing the charts, role play, Ss working in groups in designing their brochure and the matching of pictures with the words were stimulating to create an interest in classes.
Limitations(physical environmental, mobility, sight, sound): -
Limitations [language] (ability to communicate immediately and effectively in speech, writing; ability to receive information): -
Limitation (Time): -
Limitations (personal differences, socio-economics, culture, age, gender, preparedness):
Limitations (Teaching style, presence or persona of the instructor; learning differences and preferences: -
English Teacher: Assistant Head minister:
6/3/2009 6/3/2009