Date: August 24th , 2011 Number on council: 12

Number present: 11

Prepared by Makenzie Mastrud

Senate Chair Sidney West called the Senate meeting of the 2011-2012 Senate to order at 3:45 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.

Roll Call

The following Senators were not present at the meeting:

- Zach Libby

Approval of Minutes

Motion: Senator Buchta

Second: Senator Bingham

Discussion: None

Call to the Audience


Unfinished Business


New Action Business

Motion: Senator Bingham

Second: Senator Niemann


Motion: Senator Buchta to open item A

Second: Senator Alcorn


Motion: Senator Buchta to pass item A

Second: Senator Walton


Motion: Senator Buchta to open item B

Second: Senator Lee

Discussion: None

Motion: Senator Alcorn to vote on item B

Second: Senator Cortez

Vote: Unanimous

Motion: Senator Buchta to open item C

Second:Senator Woodhouse

Motion:Senator Buchta to amend item C to read as OA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in New Action Business

Second:Senator Bingham


Motion:Senator Niemann to open item D

Second:Senator Bingham

Discussion: None

Motion:Senator Buchta to vote on item D

Second: Senator Lee

Vote: Unanimous

Motion: Senator Bingham to open item G

Second:Senator Villa

Discussion: None

Motion:Senator Bingham to vote on item G

Second: Senator Cross

Vote:Two yes, six no, two abstain

Motion: Senator Buchta to open item E

Second: Senator Lee

Discussion: Senator Bingham expresses concern about support for other sporting events

Sammy Smart states that's money can be taken from line 140 for t-shirts and that we might get money back from unfilled buses down to Tucson for the game.

Motion: Senator Buchta to vote on item E

Second:Senator Niemann


Motion: Senator Buchta to open item H

Second: Senator Alcorn

Discussion: Senator Bingham asks how ticket sales worked last year for the ASU football game.

Sammy states that ASNAU did not use Central Ticketing last year, instead tickets were sold directly from the ASNAU office. Money was misplaced and never found that is why this year ASNAU would like to sell tickets through the Central Ticketing office to ensure that no money will be misplaced, this will up the cost of the tickets by $2, however ASNAU wants to cover this charge for students using Line ?

Motion:Senator Woodhouse

Second:Senator Villa


Motion:Senator Bingham to open item F

Second:Senator Buchta

Discussion: Chloe Olson states that the Senate Clerk and Senate Parliamentarian will make the same amount of money this year, $1,360 each.

Sidney West states that this year NSO advisors together will make a total of $5,440, ASA Delagates will make a total of $8,160 together and, Senators will make $1,630 each throughout the course of the year.

Blaise Caudill states that these salaries were handed down to the new ASNAU members of this year from last years staff and when reviewed this years members noticed that changes needed to be made.

Sammy Smart states that she would like to use this money to hire some one, possibly two people, to run the Club headquarters. They would be paid $8.50 an hour and work 10 hours a week.

Senator Neimann states that after calculating the math, there is a total of $4,352 to be put in to other lines.

Motion:Senator Bingham to move $1,360 from Line 112 to Line 119

Second:Senator Lee


Motion:Senator Niemann to move $2,720 from Line 105 to Line 142

Second:Senator Bingham


Motion:Senator Woodhouse to move $1,632 from Line 111 to Line 142

Second:Senator Alcorn


Motion: Senator Bingham to add the new total amount of Line 142 to the minutes. The total in Line 142 is now $4,352.

Second: Senator Buchta

Discussion: None

Vote: Unanimous

Executive report

  1. President- Blaise Caudill

-Meetings with President Haegarregarding ASNAU being more student orientated

-Meet with faculty president

-Student regant selection

-Attended every student oreientation this summer, welcomed all students and found 500 interested in ASNAU, plus 100 more students last night at the ice cream social

-Meet with Matt Tantauabout building new Chief of Staff office in the ASNAU office. Also discussed fixing the wires in the in ASNAU office

-Meet with Jane Kuhn about Club Headquarters location.

-Talked and meet with other Arizona University’s Presidents throughout the summer

- Graduate student senate, having a member present at every senate meeting. Graduate students are allowed to use what comes from the 23 fee.

-Tailgating, we have the Pine Ridge lot for all home games this year.

-All of the welcome week flyers and posters say that the bus to Tucson for the UofA game is free so spread the word that is actually costs $10 per student.

b. Vice President of Student affairs- Sammy Smart

-No announcements

c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Sidney West

- No announcements

d. Chief of Staff- Chloe Olson

-No announcements

Staff Reports

A. ASA- Chelsea Byers, Wes Enns, Jenn Hancock

- No announcements

B. Public Relations- Julia Lesniak

- No announcements

C. Special events- Caitlin Heck, Rachel Rogala

- No announcements

D. NSO- Erick Gonzalez, Heather Reeves

-No announcements

Committee Reports

  1. Appropriations: None

B. Legislative: None

Senator Reports

  1. Nate Alcorn –No announcements

B. Hal Bingham – No announcements

C. Anthony Buchta – No announcements

D. Samantha Cortez– No announcements

E. Samantha Cross – No announcements

F. Ryan Lee – No announcements

G. Zach Libby – No announcements

H. Annsley Niemann– No announcements

I. First Name Last Name – No announcements

J. Matthew Villa – No announcements

K. Gavin Walton – No announcements

L. Shayla Woodhouse – No announcements

Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)

Rick Brandel – No report

Art Farmer – No report

Discussion Items




Motion: Senator Buchta

Second: Senator Cortez

