Evaluation Form
Please take a moment and give us your feedback.
Title of Presentation: Invasive, Noxious or Obnoxious Weeds--What’s the Difference?
Presenters Name: Today’s Date:
1. Overall, how satisfied were you with this presentation?
Extremely well Well Fairly well Not at all
2. The content of this presentation was appropriate and informative.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
3. The content of the handouts are appropriate and informative.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree NA
4. How did you find out about this class?
Newspaper Friends/Relatives Brochure Flyer with Shopper Other (please state________)
5. What did you like most about this presentation?
6. Has this presentation motivated you to a course of action regarding invasive or noxious weeds? Yes No If yes, check all that apply.
a) ___I will survey my property for invasive and/or noxious weeds.
b)___ I will identify and conduct further research on control methods for weeds.
c)___ I will take a course of action to control, or eradicate the weeds on my property.
d)___ I will pursue further information on Cooperative Weed Management programs.
7. Would you recommend this presentation to others?
Additional comments:
Thank you for attending this program by University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardeners.
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