Centre for Electronic Governance, Jaipur
(Established by Govt. of Rajasthan)
Training Program: Advanced Java
Duration: 60 Days Fees: 5000/-
1. Introducing the Java Technology
Relating Java with other languages, download, install, and configure the Java environment on a Windows system. Describing the various Java technologies such as Java EE, Java ME, Embedded Java SE, key features of the technology and the advantages of using Java, Using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Introduction to java virtual machine (jvm).
2. Java EE
Java EE 5 Platform Overview, Platform – Distributed Multi tiered Applications, Web & Business Components, Containers – services & types, ava EE Application Assembly & Deployment – Packaging Applications, Java EE modules, Getting Started with Web Applications
3. Exception Handling
Understanding the different kinds of errors that can occur and how they are handled in Java, Understanding the different kinds of Exceptions in Java, Writing code to handle Exceptions
4. Applet Programming and AWT
Introduction to Applet, Applet Programming, Advantages of Applet , Applet Life Cycle, Methods for Drawing and Event Handling, Introduction to AWT Programming, Methods for Adding UI Components
5. Database Application with JDBC
Layout of the JDBC API, JDBC divers, Java.sql, javax.sql package, Database connectivity using Ms-Access, MySQL, Queries and results
6. Event Handling
Introduction to Event Handling, Event, Event Sources, Classes, Event Listener, Handling Windows Events
7. Java Swings
Overview of Swings, Graphical User Interface (GUI) with frames , GUI Components and Containers, Database Connectivity using JDBC, Using Controls and Menus, Understanding Layout Managers
8. Java Networking
Networking Programming, Networking Basics, Client-Server Architecture, Socket Overview, Java.net packages, URL connection class, Network protocol, Developing Networking Applications in Java
9. Servlates
Introduction to Web Application, Web Application, Deployment and Packaging, Deploying web application, Introduction and overview of the Java Servlet API, Servlet Implementation API, Servlet Lifecycle, Request and Response API, Session Handling, Filters for Web Application
10. JSP (Java Server Pages)
JSP Introduction, JSP life cycle, The structure of a JSP Page, Components of Java Server Page, Scope of JSP objects, Handling JSP Errors, JSP Directives, JSP and JDBC – connectivity with database using jsp, Introduction to the tomcat server – path settings, running tomcat, deploying JSP files in it
11. RMI (Remote Method Invocation)
Introduction, RMI Architecture, Locating Remote Object, Developing Application with RMI
12. XML (Extensible Markup Language)
Introduction to XML, Document Type Definition and Validity, Internal & External Entity, Attributes Declaration, XML Namespace, XML Assignments
13. EJB (Enterprise Java Beans)
Programming for the Enterprise, EJP Fundamentals, Writing your First Bean, Introduction to Session Beans, Entity Beans, Bean Managed persistent Entity Beans, Container Managed Persistent Entity Beans
14. Hibernation
Introduction to Hibernate, Hibernate Architecture, First Hibernate Application, Hibernate Architecture & API, Hibernate Configuration, Hibernate Sessions, Persistent Class & Mapping Files
15. Project and Report Writing