Scene 1
5 years ago, Tower of Fate
Klarion and his cat, Teekl, are running through the tower
Klarion:Give it up, Nabu.
Doctor Fate:You really think you can defeat me in my own home, Klarion, you have chosen a poor battle-ground to fight me. (The tower reveals its true form, a hyper-dimension, the floor beneath Klarion disappears; Teekl jumps into Klarion’s arms, as he continues walking, despite there being no floor beneath him)
Klarion:Your host is growing old, Nabu, you’re weakening.
Doctor Fate:I’m still spry enough to finish you.
Klarion:Then why do you continue hiding?
Doctor Fate:I am not hiding (Dr Fates surround Klarion) I am everywhere (Teekl meows)
Klarion:Good find Teekl (he blasts the Dr Fate above him at 20 degrees, blasting him into the wall, the other Dr Fates disappear) you’re getting sloppy, Nabu!
Doctor Fate:Then it is time this madness came to an end (he blasts Klarion into a wall, then holds him in place with several anchor cuffs) you’re finished
Klarion:Ha, not even close, you old geezer (he breaks free of the cuffs and blasts Dr Fate backwards) give me the helmet!
Doctor Fate:Never (he creates an anchor shield to block Klarion’s fire, but the blast just circles around the shield and hits him)
Klarion:I can keep this up all day; give me the helmet (he blasts Dr Fate again, continuing the blast, weakly, Dr Fate weakly opens an anchor portal, he takes off his helmet, revealing Kent Nelson, the anchor begins to close but he manages to chuck the helmet through the portal, it closes) NO! (He grabs Kent by the neck and pins him against the wall) where did you send it?
Kent:Not got the faintest idea, memory slips at my age. Even if I did remember, I’d rather die than tell you
Klarion:As you wish (from outside the tower Kent’s screaming can be heard as Klarion kills him)
Written by Antony Rowe
Doctor Fate created by Gardner Fox and Howard Sherman
Klarion created by Jack Kirby
Dracula created by Bram Stoker
Special thanks to Danny Robins and Dan Tetsell
Scene 2
30th October 2012, 05:00 EDT
<Arron>:My name is Arron Redbeard, and it’s been a tough year for me. 11 months ago, thereabouts my planet was destroyed, along with 6 and a half billion of the populous. Most flights were grounded during the attack, I figure maybe 50 survived it, don’t know any of them. It’s been nearly a year, and the pain hasn’t subsided. Not even slightly, but life moves on. I’ve spent those months rounding up prisoners for the Galactic police. And I’ve recently got a new job. I’m an envoy, working with the galactic defence force, with Earth. As such I have a position here, in the United Nations
UN HQ, New York
Renee:Good morning Arron, I am Renee Wax, new head of the UN. (They shake hand)
Arron:You seem troubled
Renee:The mask, must you wear it?
Arron:Yes, literally must, no sight without it, sorry if that disturbs you, it’s something I’ve had to live with
Renee:My apologies, I didn’t know.
Arron:You called me here, what do you want?
Renee:(Activates a holo-globe) there’s a community in Transylvania in Romania, we know very little of them, they’re not what you call social, but there are rumours, people believe they are Vampires, blood-sucking mad-men, some believe they are monsters, needing to be extinguished
Arron:And what do you think?
Renee:I think they’re extra-terrestrial, but since I don’t like people calling me crazy, I’d like an expert opinion
Arron:And I’ll give you one, but first I’m going to meet them.
Renee:No-one has ever met them before, and returned alive
Arron:I have a feeling it’ll be easier for me (he presses a button on his glove and is teleported)
Scene 3
Transylvania, Romania, 30th October 13:23 EET
The following conversation is in Romanian, but translated for the sake of being easy to read
Arron lands in what appears to be a war camp
Dr Van Helsing:They did not say they were sending more help
Arron:They aren’t, what are you doing?
Dr Van Helsing:We cannot live with these scourges for the rest of time, tonight, we wipe them out
Arron:Genocide then
Dr Van Helsing:The Vampires are responsible for the deaths of thousands, and they will only kill more if they are not snuffed out.
Arron:Tell me something, if you’re going after vampires, as you say you are, why are you doing it with guns? (He takes a gun and disassembles it) I have contact with the Prime Minister and the President, this is not authorised.
Dr Van Helsing:If you are not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem
Arron:You do not want to make an enemy of me.
Dr Van Helsing:(Points a shot-gun at Arron) neither you of me
Arron:You’re pointing a shotgun at someone with bullet-proof armour, and a rocket launcher; do you really think firing that is a good idea?
Dr Van Helsing:1 man cannot beat an army. (He raises the alarm and the entire military gathers) this man is in league with the blood-suckers, kill him (Arron presses a button on his glove, and as the army attempt to shoot him, their guns jam)
Arron:Doctor Helsing, you’re an idiot, tell your men to stand down before they hurt themselves. I’ve still got some travelling to do, and I don’t want to see you following me. (He walks away)
Dr Van Helsing:We need better guns tonight.
Lost district, 15:00
<Arron>:No man has ever set foot here and lived to see tomorrow, did the ‘Vampires’ kill them, or is there something else down here? (He sees dark clouds over-head, and sees a machine producing them) blocking out the sun, clever, I’d destroy it if it weren’t deliberately set for only a small localised area. Odd behaviour for supposed savage killers. Hmm, I wonder what it’s like to live with them.
Dracula household, 12 hours ago
One of the Draculas stares in awe at the artefacts, a young man; his older sister comes along
Ingrid:I hope you’re looking forward to your birthday, if history is anything to go by it may be your last.
Vlad:Thanks for the pep-talk. (He sighs) why does everyone have to put on this helmet on their 18th birthday?
Ingrid:It’s tradition, and it’s not everyone, I never had to do it, because ‘I’m a girl’ and in this family, girls are 2nd class citizens.
Count:(Echo) Vladimir! (He finds Vlad and Ingrid) Ingrid, how many times have I told you to stop bothering your brother
Ingrid:I wasn’t, I was just
Count:(Eyes glowing read and in a deep voice) LEAVE! (Ingrid storms off) ignore her. (He puts his left hand over Vlad’s left shoulder) just think, tomorrow comes your 18th birthday, and you’ll finally receive your full powers.
Vlad:I can’t wait
Count:Of course you can’t, wait a minute, that wasn’t sarcasm you used on me then, was it?
Vlad:Not exactly, it’s just; do I have to put on this stupid helmet?
Count:Of course you do, it’s tradition, besides who doesn’t want a shot at infinite power?
Vlad:But everyone who wears it is either rejected or killed.
Count:Indeed, and 2 minutes before the stroke of midnight, you will wear the helmet, no buts. (The servant rushes into the scene)
Renfield:Excuse me, masters.
Count:What do you want, Renfield?
Renfield:I just thought that I’d tell you, another one’s cropped up
Count:That’s the 3rd one this week
Count:That’s the 5th one this week, how many more have to die before we find this killer?
Renfield:Our spy tells us that Doctor Van Helsing and his armies are preparing for war with us.
Count:Van Helsing is far more public with his murders, guns, stakes, garlic; he feeds his ego with the brutality and publicity of it all; this just doesn’t fit his style. If this case is going to be solved, we need an expert, sadly none of them to find around here.
Renfield:I hate to boast, but I’m not a bad detective.
Count:No, you’re a terrible one. I remember the last time you tried to solve a mystery and concluded it was I that had been stealing from my own blood cellar
Renfield:In fairness sir, you had been, in your sleep, and lucky I had found out or we would’ve never activated the machine, and saved you from sunlight exposure.
Count:You accused your master of stealing from his stocks! Now go to the dungeon and give yourself another 50 lashings.
Renfield:(Sighs) right away master (he wonders off)
Count:You really can’t get good help these days.
Vlad:It would seem not.
Count:Now, how’s about a pint of vintage blood before you go to bed.
Vlad:You know I hate that stuff right.
Count:It is not pleasant, but you need blood to survive, Vladimir, you will have to drink it at some point.
Vlad:There are alternatives
Count:Yes, but they all taste horrible
Vlad:And blood doesn’t?
Count:Then it’s time for the young Dracula to go to bed.
Vlad:It’s only half 3!
Count:You’ll need to be up dark and early tomorrow to celebrate, good night.
Vlad:(Sighs) good night. (He strolls off to his room)
The sun begins to set
<Arron>:If the rumours are true, sunset is when they start to wake up (He rings the door-bell)
Count:(Answers the door) the celebration isn’t for another 7 hours, come back late (he slams the door)
Arron:OK… (The count opens the door again)
Count:Unless you’re any good with detective work.
Arron:One of my specialties
Count:Oh, then please do come in, Mr…
Arron:Call me Arron. (He sniffs) death, I can smell it, what has happened here?
Count:Inside, quickly! (He drags Arron into the house) a number of dead bodies have turned up on our doorstep lately
Count:Sadly no, there is a gathering of people coming ready to celebrate my son’s birthday and coming of age, if any of them find those bodies and report it, we’ll all be sentenced, to death.
Arron:Very well
Count:I will be prepared to pay whatever you desire
Arron:Payment will not be necessary, money is not the reason I’m around. The rumours surrounding this little district are both intriguing and disturbing, Dr Van Helsing is preparing for war, tonight. I ask that I know the truth, all of it.
Count:You are a very strange man, not once has anyone ever sought to understand us.
Arron:You’d be surprised.
Count:Well if it’s the truth you want, the truth I shall give you
Arron:So, may I see one of the bodies?
Count:Of course, of course, right this way (he leads Arron through)
Arron:(Looking around) interesting, looks like an ordinary house, all be it with a machine poking smoke out the chimney, and yet in here it’s bigger than an average castle.
Count:One of the many gifts the helmet brings to us
Count:You can see it, once the mystery is solved.
Arron:Very well (The Count bumps into Ingrid)
Ingrid:Oh, you didn’t say we had a guest
Count:And why would that be any business of yours? Go back to bed, Ingrid; it’s bad enough I have to look at you during the late night. (Ingrid walks away)
Arron:You always treat your kids with such… Respect?
Count:How I treat my children is none of your business
Arron:The truth, remember?
Count:We’ve arrived; this is where Renfield has hidden the bodies (he opens the door) eurgh, it’s even more disgusting that I remember
Arron:Decay, these bodies are in a state of accelerated decay. How long is your people’s average life-span?
Count:Well, about… 5000 years
Arron:This body is 10,000 years old, so the carbon dating tech in my visor estimates.
Count:We only found the body 14 hours ago.
Arron:There are few ways of aging something that fast, and it all boils down to the interference of Dark Magic, and I think I now know what the helmet is, take me to it, now
Count:Perhaps I shouldn’t have mentioned the helmet (his eyes glow red) you will forget about the helmet.
Arron:(Chuckles) forgive me, that sounded hostile to me (he points his shot-gun at Count Dracula) I never did ask, what’s your name?
Count:Count Dracula of course
Arron:Of course. You have to make direct eye-contact with me to use your hypnosis; that will never work on me, so I ask again, take me to the helmet.
Helmet location, 17:40
Count:There is the helmet, are you happy now?
Arron:My instruments identify it as the helmet of fate, where did you find this?
Count:About 800,000 years ago, my 75th great grandfather, Count Rudrick Dracula discovered this; it has been a tradition that all maledescendants of acquaintances of Dracula would wear this helmet on coming of age.
Arron:Not recommended. There are rumours about this helmet, and not good ones. I’m gonna need to make some calls, no-one touches this helmet until I return, you could find this situation gets very dangerous indeed. (He walks away from the Count) Anarax, come in
Anarax:I was wondering when I’d be in this picture, what’s up?
Arron:Patch into the justice league com-link and get me Red Tornado, I’m gonna need to talk with the Justice Society of America
Anarax:JSA? Who are they?
Arron:A group of mostly now semi-retired heroes, I’ve just came across something that belonged to one of their deceased members.
Anarax:Patching you through to Red Tornado (a dialling tone is heard)
Red Tornado:Yes?
Arron:I wonder if you knew how to contact the rest of the Justice Society?
Red Tornado:I believe that is possible, Jay Garrick, the original Flash, lives with his wife in Central City, Carter Hall, Hawkman lives in Egypt, Alan Scott, the Green Lantern, lives in Metropolis, Ted Grant, Wildcat, lives in Gotham City and Charles McNider, Dr Mid-Nite works in Star Labs in North Dakota, it will take a day to visit all of them
Arron:You misunderstand, I don’t have time for that, I need to contact their telephones.
Red Tornado:I’ll see what I can arrange, but it is only just gone midday here, earlier in Central City.
Arron:I know; do what you can Red, I’ll call back in a couple of hours.
Ingrid:Who are you talking to?
Arron:A friend, and why is this of your concern?
Ingrid:I care for the safety of this house, and don’t think my father would appreciate outsiders is all
Arron:Hmm, of course, I was talking to Red Tornado, in Happy Harbour, Rhode Island; he’s at least 10 hours from us, and no, he’s not coming)
Ingrid:OK, right… I’ll just (she leaves)
Arron:Hmm (a smoke bomb goes off, Arron coughs)
<Arron>:Garlic gas (he shuts the doors, and puts on a gas mask) I’ve got to get it out of here, the door won’t stop it escaping into the rest of this place, thing is with the helmet in charge I’m not exactly sure where I am (Renfield enters the room with a vacuum cleaner and gas mask and sucks up the gas as if it were dust, he stumbles, Arron put his gas mask over Renfield’s face)
Arron:Human, I take it?
Renfield:The Draculas took me in when I had no-where else, I serve them, protect them.
Arron:Speaking of, you know the layout of this place, take my gas mask, and suck up the gas from any other point of entry those grenades. (He takes a grenade and adds two drops of a liquid into it) I’ll make sure this attack ends swiftly. (He taps its visor, and it retraces his steps from the front door)
Front door, 18:00
Count:They’re trying to weaken us, preparing for a larger attack later tonight, but they’re still likely to over-whelm us, we must fall back.
Arron:Oh please, allow me to take care of this, I rather dislike Dr Van-Helsing and his renegade war, I’d like to send him a message (he takes his gun and attaches the blaster mod)
Count:Good hunting
Conversation in Romanian
Arron:Soldiers, whatever Van Helsing has said to you is not the whole truth.
Dr Van Helsing:You don’t know the whole truth, do you? I lost my wife and my son to these monsters; they will take no-one else
Arron:I will stop you.
Dr Van Helsing:Why, we’re only protecting ourselves
Arron:There are better ways to protect yourself, what you’re doing is genocide!
Dr Van Helsing:Kill him, kill them
Arron:I warned you, you didn’t want to make an enemy of me. You’ve just made a big mistake. (He attaches the gas grenade to his blaster) you attacked me with a gas grenade; I filled that grenade with a sleeping agent. (The soldiers begin to fire, Arron fires the sleeping agent into the soldiers, the gas grenade knocks out 10 soldiers; the others get their masks on in time) you should have left it there, now it gets painful (within the blink of an eye he takes the gun from the soldier and punches him unconscious) anyone else want some? (He attaches a grenade launcher to his cross-gun, the other soldiers flee, talking returns to English) hh, thought not, don’t make soldiers like they used to (a device is activated beneath him, creating a high pitched squeal, Arron screams in agony and falls to the floor, covering his ears, eventually he knocked out, a foot kicks his body)