PO Box 4170

Middletown, New Jersey 07748

(732) 671-3850

FAX (732) 291-2363


William O. George III, Ed.D Doug Covert

Superintendent of Schools Personnel Director

TO: Staff, Administrators, Parents and Citizens

FROM: Doug Covert

DATE: January 8, 2014

RE: Monmouth County Superintendent’s Teacher Recognition Program/

Educational Services Professional Program


Once again, the Middletown Township Public School District will participate in the Monmouth County Superintendent’s Teacher Recognition Program/Educational Services Professional Program. The program guidelines indicate that the District can select one teacher or educational services professional from each building. Those who are selected from the building represent all of the excellent professionals in that building. In turn, the recipient of the County Superintendent’s Award represents all the many fine teachers in the District.

Criteria for Selection of Teachers:

·  hold instructional certificate

·  use of effective, innovative instructional strategies;

·  increase student achievement of the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards in a student-centered learning environment

·  utilize educational technology in an effective and efficient manner;

·  establish a positive classroom climate and rapport with students;

·  contribute to quality professional development in their district; and

·  develop feelings of self-worth and love of learning in students.

Criteria for Selection of Educational Services Professionals:

·  hold educational services professional certificate;

·  interact positively with students, staff and parents while functioning as a frontline advocate for the student between home and school;

·  foster an appropriate environment for learning and explore creative alternatives to enable all students to achieve their fullest potential;

·  support student achievement of the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards by addressing the educational, social and emotional needs of all students;

·  contribute to quality professional development in their district; and

·  interact with students in ways that demonstrate professionalism while retaining respect, humor, compassion and concern for the whole child.

Please use the form attached to nominate a teacher or educational services professional for the Recognition Program. The deadline for accepting nominations is February 6, 2014.