报告题目:Multivariable Model Reference Adaptive Control of Aircraft Dynamicswith Damage
报 告 人:Gang Tao(University of Virginia)
时间地点:6月18日下午16:00-17:00, 思源楼 712
This talk addresses some key issues in designing and evaluating anadaptive control scheme for a nonlinear aircraft dynamic system modelwith parametric and structural uncertainties caused by system damage.It presents the modeling and linearization of nonlinear aircraftdynamics in the presence of damage, the design and analysis of a statefeedback multivariable model reference adaptive control scheme for thelinearized model with damage, the linearization based control law fora nonlinear aircraft dynamic system, the invariance of system infinityzero structure and high frequency gain matrix, and the adaptive controlsimulation for aircraft dynamic systems with uncertain damage.
Gang Tao received his B.S. (EE) degree from University of Scienceand Technology of China in 1982, M.S. (EE, CpE and APMA) degrees andPh.D. (EE) degree from University of Southern California during1984-1989. He worked in the areas of adaptive control, with particularinterests in adaptive control of systems with multiple inputs andoutputs and with nonsmooth nonlinearities and actuator failures, instability and robustness of adaptive control systems, and in passivitycharacterizations of control systems. He authored the 2003 Wileytextbook "Adaptive Control Design and Analysis", the 1996Wiley book "Adaptive Control of Systems with Actuator and SensorNonlinearities" (with Petar V. Kokotovic), and the 2004 Springer book"Adaptive Control of Systems with Actuator Failures" (with ShuhaoChen, Xidong Tang and Suresh M. Joshi), co-authored the 2003 Springerbook "Control of Sandwich Nonlinear Systems" (with Avinash Taware),and edited the 2001 Springer book "Adaptive Control of NonsmoothDynamic Systems" (with Frank L. Lewis) and the 2009 book "Advances inControl Systems Theory and Applications" (with Jing Sun). Recently hehas been working on adaptive control of systems with uncertainactuator failures and nonlinearities, structural damage and sensoruncertainties, with applications to aircraft flight control.
He is an associate editor for Automatica and a subject editor forInternational Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing (forwhich he was a guest editor for a 1997 special issue on AdaptiveSystems with Nonsmooth Nonlinearities). He was an associate editor forIEEE Trans. on Automatic Control from 1996 to 1999. He organized andchaired the 2001 International Symposium on Adaptive and IntelligentSystems and Control, held in Charlottesville, Virginia, and organizedinvited sessions for 1996 IEEE CDC and 1999 IEEE CCA on adaptivecontrol of systems with nonsmooth nonlinearities. He served onnumerous international conferences' technical and advisory committeesand as Technical Conference Chair for IEEE SoutheastCon 2007.