New Clear Forms: American Poetry and Cold War Culture
University of Glasgow
Gilmorehill Centre
Friday 11th and Saturday 12th September, 2009
8.45-9.30 AM / Registration, tea and coffee (Foyer)9.30-10.30 AM / Opening Plenary (Cinema)
Prof. Michael Schmidt (University of Glasgow)
Resisting the Contemporary Reader
Chair: Ruth Hawthorn (University of Glasgow)
10.30AM-12 PM / Panel 1a (Room 408)
Poetry and other Art Forms
Aaron Deveson (National Taiwan Normal University)
Open Like a Day: Edwin Denby and the Temporality of Affluence
Ernesto Suárez-Toste (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
Painter of Words: John Ashbery and the European Avant-garde
Conway Lloyd Morgan and Don Parker (NSAMD)
In What Sense is Cold War an Adjective?
Chair: Mark West (University of Glasgow)
10.30AM-12 PM / Panel 1b (Room 409)
Nuclear Anxieties
Stephen Ross (Oxford University)
“Mad-Eyed from Stating the Obvious”: The Cold War Symmetries of Robert Lowell and Richard Wilbur.
William Wright (Mesa State College)
Fear and Humour: Frank O'Hara's Cold War Poetry
Chair: Fabienne Collignon (University of Glasgow)
12-1 PM / Lunch (Bar Area)
1-2.30 PM / Panel 2a (408)
“1,000,000 women/Not me:” Femininity and Poetics
Nicola Scholes (University of Queensland)
Politics of Madness: The Political Maternal Body in Allen Ginsberg’s Poetry
Katie Stewart (University of Glasgow)
"America reversed the directions": Joanne Kyger's Early Poetry and Journal Writing in Relation to Pacific Rim Culture.
Chair: Derek Ryan (University of Glasgow)
1-2.30 PM / Panel 2b (409)
From Steel to ‘Meal: The Urban and the Rural
Fabienne Collignon (University of Glasgow)
Anxiety Economy
Gary Leising (Utica College)
“Trying to Feel”: A Sense of Consequence in Suburban and Rural Post-World War II America in the Poetry of James Dickey
Yasmine Shamma (University of Oxford)
"And if she is clumsy in places, those are clumsy places": Places in New York City Poems
Chair: Bryony Randall (University of Glasgow)
2.30-3 PM / Tea and coffee (Bar Area)
3-4.30 PM / Panel 3a (408)
Capitalism, Communism, Consumerism
Doaa Abdel-Hafez Hamada (University of Leicester)
Technology, Consumerism, and Moral Deterioration: The Twentieth Century in Margaret Walker’s Poetry
Mick Mooney (University of Glasgow)
St. Francis in a Road Movie, in a City, in a Quandary: Surviving the Cold War in Frank O'Hara
Chair: John Miller (University of Edinburgh)
3-4.30 PM / Panel 3b (409)
Beyond the “Confessional”
Ruth Hawthorn (University of Glasgow)
‘…we never learnt why he came or what he wanted’: Berryman’s Schwartz
Isabelle Travis (Reading University)
‘The 20th Century Flies Insanely On’: John Berryman’s MAD World
Chair: Chris Gair (University of Glasgow)
4.30-5.30 PM / Reception (Bar Area)
5.30-7.30 PM / Film Screening and Q & A (Cinema)
Colin Still, Optic Nerve Productions
Abstract Alchemist of Flesh
Chair: Elizabeth Reeder (University of Glasgow)
9.30-10.30 AM / Plenary Lecture (Cinema)Prof. Geoff Ward (Royal Holloway University)
"I announce a new world/ I announce the death of Orpheus” (Jack Spicer): Poetry and the Rift.
Chair: Jane Goldman (University of Glasgow)
10.30-11 AM / Tea and Coffee (Bar Area)
11 AM-12.30 PM / Panel 4a (408)
Cold War Politics
Ben Hickman (University of Kent)
Reagan, Wordsworth and John Ashbery’s ‘A Wave’
Richard Parker (University of Sussex)
Cold War Objectivists: Louis Zukofsky and Whittaker Chambers
Chair: Andrew Eadie (University of Glasgow)
11 AM-12.30 PM / Panel 4b (409)
Unspeaking the Lyric
John Armstrong (University of Glasgow)
"[A]cross my own hollowed self": Lyric Desolation and Cold War Horizons in the Work of Edward Dorn
Victoria Bazin (University of Northumbria)
Planting Poems in Deep Silence’: Sounding out the Lyric in Lorine Niedecker’s Poetry
Erik Fuhrer (University of Glasgow)
"Their Bodies Were Like Charred Trees": (re)Visions of Violence in Jean Valentine's Lyric Dreamscapes.
Chair: Rachael McLennan (University of East Anglia)
12.30-1.30 PM / Lunch (Bar Area)
1.30-3 PM / Panel 5a (408)
“Nothing in that drawer:” Poetic Spaces
Ian Davidson (Bangor University)
The Radical Spaces of Poetry
Will Montgomery (Royal Holloway University)
Robert Creeley’s Refusals
Rachael McLennan (University of East Anglia)
'Like a Thief Returning to the Shelf': Properties of Autobiography in Lyn Hejinian's My Life
Chair: Alex Benchimol (University of Glasgow)
1.30-3 PM / Panel 5b (409)
“No tears./I’m Stone”: War and Elegy
Diederik Oostdijk (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
“Aftersight and Foresight”: The Middle Generation and the War in Vietnam
Susan Porterfield (Rockford College)
Allowed to Live: WWII Veteran Poets, Lucien Stryk
Chair: Villy Karagouni (University of Glasgow)
3-4 PM / Closing Plenary (Cinema)
Prof. Adam Piette (University of Sheffield)
Cold War Dissent: Grace Paley, Denise Levertov, Anne Waldman.
Chair: John Armstrong (University of Glasgow)
4-4.30 PM / Tea and coffee (Bar Area)
4.30 PM / Poetry Reading (Cinema)
Yusef Komunyakaa
Chair: Erik Fuhrer (University of Glasgow)
End of conference Reception (Bar Area)