Waste Workshop Notes
Reducing Waste
Horsham MBT plant as good local case study – could have similar plant in B&H – biodigestion and composting, more efficient than incineration and combine with kitchen waste collection
Infrastructure to minimise household waste
Breakdown into regional centres
Produce fuel for vehicles using recycled vegetable oil
Each area eg Queens Park should deal with their own waste
Brighton and Hove owns 10,000 acres of farm land (local food)
Inspector recommended 3 anaerobic digestors for B&H – public enquiry into waste plan was ignored
Look at case studies from other areas such as Sweden and Denmark who use biodigestors in every town
Tie in CHP with incinerator
Increase use of waste wood, such as pallets, as a fuel, have local tree station
Need for a local reclamation centre where builders and residents can bring and buy materials
Bicycle recycling project – reclaiming unwanted bikes from civic amenity sites, repairing and painting vivid colours and leaving for free around the city
Avoid exporting waste to incinerator at New Haven – dealing with it locally would incentivise reduction, reuse and recycling
Anaerobic digestors for organic and green waste to produce biogas for collection vehicles, buses and cars
Use local building contractors who use local resources
Workshops in re-use and repair for local trades-people
Collection of organic waste from restaurants
Need closed loop, transparent system
Places to swap resources and compost
BHCC green policies and work with schools
Increase Recycling and Composting
Magpie – competitive pricing and services, make it easier
Focus on biodegradable waste
Take all types of waste – domestic and commercial
Increase awareness – encourage ethical shopping and thinking
Encourage council to lobby for increased recycled content in products such as paper (in council and public sector)
More ambitious targets for recycling and composting
Help business and voluntary sector with where to get recycled products and information on collection contracts with good recycling options
Reuse and Repair
Reclamation – increase opportunities and awareness (drive way to Essex?), information, sorting and cost
Appliances – repairable, parts available, workshop skills
Cost of disposal incentive although fly tipping is a risk
Reuse furniture e/g/ Emmaus, Shabitat
Material from ‘tip’ recycling, regulations and taxes to ensure recycling