Release4.6 – July21,2011
EnhancementsSecurity Questions & Answers are increasing from one to three. Security Questions are now canned statements that must be selected from three different drop-down menus. Users must select a question and provide an answer for each of the three drop-down menus. If users forget their passwords, they will have to answer one of these randomly selected questions correctly. NOTE: Any single sign-on users (especially UI claimants with single sign-on for both WIT and UI systems) need to be aware that changing their security questions/answers in one system will change the security questions/answers in both systems.
Bulletins can now be released to special job seeker client groups or employer types and industries. When a bulletin is created, if it is being released to job seekers and staff, or employers and staff, then the author of the bulletin has the ability to select criteria that will target specific user groups. If the bulletin is being released to both job seekers and employers, then these smaller client groups will not be available for selection.
The Unsubscribe language on emails is changing to “Change How We Contact You.” If the job seeker wants to change their contact method to mail, they can simply click the link provided. The link will work like the Email Verification link, i.e. clicking the link will change the job seeker’s setting in
In the past, Screening Questions could not be added once the first Contact was added to a job posting. With this release, we’re now allowing Screening Questions to be added to or deleted from job postings after Contacts have been made. Screening Questions can be added or deleted by both employers and staff. Screening questions cannot be modified, but may be deleted.
A field level tip was added to the employer’s view of the General Details section of a job posting to explain the Federal Contractor designation. The tip reads,“Only check Yes if you have a contract with the Federal Government for $100,000 or more.”
A new link was added to the Job Seeker Career Tools page. In the Job Search Resources section, we added the “Match Your Skills to New Careers” link which will give job seekers an opportunity to explore new career options based on skills they have used in past jobs.
A new RRES Summary page has been added. This page will provide counts of the number of claimants profiled in the last 90 days by Board and/or Workforce Center. The count is broken down by “At or Above Cutoff Score” and “Below Cutoff Score.” “At or Above Cutoff Score” results are broken down further by “Scheduled with Results,” “Scheduled Awaiting Results,” and “Not Scheduled.”
A new link has been added to the job seeker’s Personal Information page that provides information about disclosing a disability. The “Disclosing Your Disability” link is positioned to the right of the Disability question and will display to job seekers and staff at all times.
The character limit for the job posting Job Description has been increased from 4000 to 6000 characters.
Added a statement to the job seeker section of the Use Agreement that explains the following to job seekers, “In order to use you must be legally eligible to work in the United States and employers will require proof of that authorization if you are hired.”
Upon being designated as TAA in WIT (designation received from TWIST), a job seeker will receive a message in their Message Center Inbox that reads as follows:
You are eligible for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA). Please contact your local Workforce Solutions Office for assistance as soon as possible. Some benefits are time sensitive and have deadlines. Benefits you may be eligible for include: training, job search allowance, relocation allowances, Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA), Alternative/Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA/RTAA), and Health Care Tax Credit (HCTC). Contact or visit your local Workforce Solutions Office at:
The Social Security Administration (SSA) is changing the way SSNs are issued. The SSA has eliminated the geographical significance of the first three digits of the SSN. Previously unassigned area numbers will be introduced for assignment with the exception of area numbers 000, 666, and 900-999. These SSA changes prompted the following changes in WorkInTexas:
- Pseudo SSNs will no longer exist in WIT.
2)All pseudo SSNs in WIT with area numbers between 850-899 will be removed as part of Release 4.6 (July 21, 2011).
- Entering SSNs that start with a number between 850 and 899 will be allowed.
- Entering SSNs that start with area number 000, 666, and 900-000 will not be allowed and users will get an error message when they try to do so.
A Printer-friendly View link has been added to the Customer Management – Notes Summary page. The Printer-friendly View link will function the same way it does for Job Posting Notes. Clicking the Printer-friendly View link will expand each note to reveal the entire text and will include all notes, even if there are multiple pages of notes.
The downloadable results for Job Seeker Browse ‘By Text’ has been fixed. When searching on a Staff Keyword, you will be able to download your search results and they will match the online search results. NOTE: Job Seeker Browse only returns Active job seekers, not Inactive.
WorkInTexas-assigned Job Posting IDs on all Job Central job postings had been given a seven-digit numbering series (9900001-9999999). Once that range was used up, WIT automatically moved on to an eight-digit series beginning with 100-. Unfortunately, the eight-digit JPIDs were not recognized by WIT when staff used the View Job Posting search option on the job seeker’s home page. We have corrected the WIT-assigned JPIDs on Job Central job postings to revert to a seven-digit numbering series (0000001-1999999).
On the job seeker’s State of Texas Application (SOTA), in the Work History section, the Summary of Experience field was being cutoff if it exceeded 12 lines of information. Our solution retains the SOTA’s standard format. On the first page of the SOTA’s Work History, only one work history will display, instead of two. On each subsequent page, two work histories will display, instead of the previous three.