RegularMeeting-DixieCounty Courthouse
Commission Meeting Room
June 20, 2013 – 6:00 PM
Jason Holifield, Chairman
Marvin Hunt, Vice-Chairman
Gene Higginbotham
Jody Robson
Ronnie Edmonds
Jennifer Ellison, County Attorney
Mike Cassidy, County Manager
Dana Johnson, Clerk-Auditor
Evelyn Simon, Deputy Clerk
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Holifield at 6:00 PM.
The Invocation was led by Commissioner Edmonds and Pledge to the American Flagwas led by Commissioner Hunt.
The motion to approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting of June 6, 2013 was made by Commissioner Higginbotham and seconded by Commissioners Hunt. Board approved.
The motion to approve the Vouchers was made by Commissioner Robson and seconded by Commissioner Edmonds. Board approved.
The motion to go into Planning and Zoning Agenda Items was made by Commissioner Higginbotham and seconded by Commissioner Edmonds. Board approved.
I. The Board of County Commissioners of Dixie County, Florida is considering exchanging certain real property off of CR 55A along County Grade Kirby Road in Old Town, Florida, in accordance with 125.37 Florida Statutes, for other real property along same roadway in Old Town, Florida. The terms of the exchange will be an exchange of a portion of Dixie County Parcel Number 30-10-13-0000-5587-0100 along County Grade Kirby Road for a portion of Dixie County Parcel Number 29-10-13-0000-5594-0100 also along County Grade Kirby Road.
Manager Cassidy presented these items for John Jenkins who was unable to attend the meeting. Manager Cassidy noted the property swap which contains four and half acres more or less will add parking for Lee Cemetery and this is the second reading. Commissioner Holifield stated the other piece is out of the way and was not being used by the County. Manager Cassidy also noted this is an even trade and there will be no money exchanged. The motion to approve the property swap was made by Commissioner Robson and seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham. Board approved.
II.Notice of Intent to consider the enactment of an Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Dixie County, Florida, implementing the Tourist-Oriented Directional Signs (TODS) program in compliance with Florida Administrative Code 14-51.061 and providing an effective date.
Manager Cassidy read the proposed ordinance by title only and stated this is the first reading. He explained the signs will be the first ones in FDOT District 2 and will be located at major intersections. Some of the criteria includes the business must be open forty hours a week or more with one Saturday or Sunday and have ADA access. The Tourism Development Council plans to solicit businesses each year for the signs and there will be some type of lottery drawing to determine the recipient. There will be a $100.00 fee due to replacement cost for each participant. Commissioner Holifield asked for public comment and hearing none stated the Board will vote at the next meeting.
The motion to go back into the County Commission Agenda Items was made by Commissioner Edmonds and seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham. Board approved.
Ms. Strimple appeared before the Board and presented a request by Florida Crown to use space for their office functions. She explained the State has cut 17.15% of their budget and the Old Town office will be closed. Commissioner Holifield inquired if their funding for rent was being cut and Ms. Strimple replied yes plus $175,000.00 for other programs. Commissioner Holifield stated what about electricity costs and Ms. Strimple stated they are trying to find an answer for that as well. Commissioner Holifield inquired about the number of those served from the Old Town office and Ms. Strimple noted about 400 per month. Commissioner Hunt stated the Florida Crown office is a huge asset to Dixie County and they even helped with gas cards for those taking training through Mr. Alexander’s department. Commissioner Higginbotham asked Manager Cassidy what is being done to help this situation and Manager Cassidy stated they have looked at both Precinct 4 and Precinct 10 buildings. Commissioner Higginbotham asked how many days a week and Ms. Strimple replied one day would help. Manager Cassidy stated Precinct 10 is ADA compliant. Commissioner Edmonds stated we are about to set a precedent and all State offices will want us to help them out. Commissioner Robson noted his biggest concern is maintenance - the County is already stretched with what we have now. Manager Cassidy inquired about the electricity bill and Ms. Strimple stated she will check on it and let him know. She also stated they plan to be mobile and work from laptops and portable printers. Commissioner Holifield stated it sounds like everyone agrees to this space and if you all can keep the lights on and keep it clean then we will have a deal. Manager Cassidy asked Ms. Strimple to get with him.
Mr. Phil Bishop appeared before the Board and stated he heard from Jason Lockwood on Tuesday and he indicated the permit for the Suwannee seawall project is in the mail. Mr. Bishop stated he has not received the permit yet. He recommended the Board allow the Chairman to sign the contract with D & L upon receipt and contingent upon it being within budget to keep the project from falling any further behind schedule. The motion to approve was made by Commissioner Robson and seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham. Board approved.
Mr. Bishop stated he will not be available for the next Commission meeting but he will have a representative present. Commissioner Holifield asked Mr. Bishop to stay on top of the Thompson Road project and Mr. Bishop stated he will as the cycle opens in September. Manager Cassidy explained the long and drawn out procedure to get to this point where we think we have a permit on the way for the Suwannee seawall project. He then asked Mr. Bishop to check on getting us back in line with the Gainesville office as soon as possible and Commissioner Robson agreed. Commissioner Higginbotham asked that Mr. Bishop wait until we have the permit in our hand.
Mr. Ruth appeared before the Board and stated the old land fill is finally ours and there will be one more trip by the Department of Environmental Protection as a courtesy call.
Mr. Ruth noted the mosquito inspection began at 10:00 AM and was completed at 4:30 PM with two minor write ups.
Mr. Ruth stated the Small County grant for FY2012/13 is about $70,000.00 and it will increase to about $90,000.00 for FY2013/14. The Mosquito Control grant went from $18,000.00 up to $29,000.00 in round figures. Commissioner Holifield congratulated Mr. Ruth on a job well done. The motion to approve the Small County grant was made by Commissioner Robson and seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham. Board approved. The motion to approve the Mosquito grant was made by Commissioner Higginbotham and seconded by Commissioner Robson. Board approved.
Mr. Ruth stated he is waiting on paperwork and topographical maps for expansion of the Construction and Demolition site.
Mr. Ruth stated the new dumpsters are working great and he reported a savings of about $600.00 with the packer trucks.
Commissioner Holifield inquired if the County can get rid of the old landfill and Manager Cassidy stated no we must hold on to it and protect the liner possibly for forever. Mr. Ruth said he will get concrete answers and report back to the Board.
Mr. Prater appeared before the Board and presented an invoice and check for the bronze plaque monument for the first man from Dixie County killed during World War I. The American Legion Chapter 383 from Old Town received a donation from the family of the late Fred Dowling. Commissioner Holifield thanked Mr. Prater for a job well done. Mr. Prater stated we will schedule the installation and let Mr. Glisson know about the date and time.
Mr. Fornaciari appeared before the Board and gave an update and the good news July 8, 2013 will begin the deployment of reef material. Plans include a media boat as well as two other boats for well wishers. I will take approximately three and a half hours to go the eleven miles out to reach the deployment site. Mr. Fornaciari noted the Fish and Wildlife Commission has formally invited the Governor for the second day of deployment. He stated Mrs. Ruth is doing a great job of tracking labor for upcoming in kind match as needed. Two more projects are planned off Suwannee and close to the shoreline for the smaller boaters. Mr. Fornaciari is hoping for lots of media coverage.
Superintendent Corbin stated they want to begin with the reef material on July 8, 2013 and will need to close the parking lot and commercial ramp in Horseshoe Beach. Commissioner Edmonds asked how long will it take and Superintendent Corbin noted he wants to begin on July 8th and maybe by July 10th we will move the first load. Commissioner Holifield stated we need to get the word out and put something in the newspapers. Mr. Bishop stated we should need to close the parking area only and Superintendent Corbin said people will be there before daylight to launch their boats. Commissioner Hunt stated the ramp will have to be closed and Commissioner Higginbotham agreed.
Mrs. Bellot appeared before the Board and presented her monthly report. She reported the Library is slowly gaining patrons and are up to 6,926 at the end of May. There have been several requests for more cooking classes and Mrs. Bellot presented a check from Duke Energy with a note stating it was specifically for cooking classes. There were 141 kids and adults in attendance last week for Ronald McDonald and 137 yesterday when Zachary brought snakes and lemurs. The motion to approve a budget amendment for the donation was made by Commission Hunt and seconded by Commissioner Robson. Board approved.
Mr. Alexander appeared before the Board and presented his report which reflected a very busy month. There were 121 fire calls and 90 of those were medically related. During the month of July there will be wild land fire certification training. He just completed a grant for nine hand held radios, twelve sets of wild land gear and turnout gear. It is a chance to get $46,000.00 worth of equipment for about $2,300.00.
Mr. Alexander presented the contract for the chairman’s signature regarding the DataPath SLERS tower in Suwannee which has been previously approved by the Board. This contract gives the county rights to hang equipment on the tower for a twenty year period.
Mr. Alexander received a call from Commissioner Edmonds regarding an injury received at Shired Island from an oyster. After checking with the Department of Health he was reassured there was no incident reported. Commissioner Hunt stated the Health Department was at Shired Island last week checking the water quality. Mr. Alexander stated the article from a while back regarding poor water quality gave cause for concern.
Mr. Alexander noted the St. Regis Grade project is not dead. There will be a meeting on Monday at 11:00 AM onsite. Director Koons has received feedback about the project. Manager Cassidy stated his thanks for Mr. Alexander, Scott Garner and the State EM Director as well.
Manager Cassidy stated he will address Mr. Jenkins items first: a temporary use request to permit a fireworks stand near Hitchcocksin Old Town. It is a recurring issue each year. The motion to approve was made by Commissioner Hunt and seconded by Commissioner Robson. Board approved.
Manager Cassidy presented the need for an archaeological survey for Yellow Jacket and Spurgeon Cheek which must be completed each year. The motion to approve this survey for both projects was made by Commissioner Edmonds and seconded by Commissioner Hunt. Board approved. Attorney Ellison will work out the details of the contract.
Manager Cassidy presented the Rocky Creek Boat Ramp contract number 12253 for approval. The motion to approve was made by Commissioner Robson and seconded by Commissioner Edmonds. Board approved. Manager Cassidy recommended the approval of a task order with Darabi and Associates in the amount of $50,500.00 which is under the language of the grant. The motion to approve was made by Commissioner Edmonds and seconded by Commissioner Robson. Board approved.
Manager Cassidy presented the Yellow Jacket Boat Ramp contract number 12254 for approval. The motion to approve was made by Commissioner Robson and seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham. Board approved. Manager Cassidy recommended the approval of a task order with Darabi and Associates in the amount of $22,000.00 which is under the language of the grant. The motion to approve was made by Commissioner Edmonds and seconded by Commissioner Robson. Board approved.
Manager Cassidy stated for the Yellow Jacket property at the meeting on Monday afternoon is was agreed the Yellow Jacket holdings name is needed. Attorney Ellison stated we have to be easement specific and Ted Burt, who wrote the title opinion, said if we can increase the easement to put in a provision for our maintenance then the former property owner will negotiate with the three new property owners some additional rights under the easement. Manager Cassidy noted this is needed for state funding. Attorney Ellison reiterated we want to be able to access the easement;we can use it but not make repairs to it withoutthe underlying landowners approval.
Manager Cassidy stated Single Creek is under the realm of Amendment #2 Project Number 11-044-FF11to address the language with a plan of action and nothing for the County to correct. The motion to approve was made by Commissioner Robson and second by Commissioner Hunt. Board approved.
Manager Cassidy stated the Nature Coast Regional Water Authority has agreed to move forward with the Old Town water project. The Department of Environmental Protection grant loan will be $1,700,000.00, Suwannee River Water Management District grant will be $350,000.00 and the Water Quality Trust Fund grant will be $182,000.00. The NCRWA met yesterday and asked for the planning and permitting phase to begin. The motion was made by Commissioner Hunt and seconded by Commissioner Edmonds. Board approved. Manager Cassidy noted the next step will be to get interim financing by the Authority.
Manager Cassidy stated he would like to make the Board aware Clerk Johnson and her finance staff will make an electronic transfer in the amount of $22,017.33 each month which is for our Medicaid payment. Commissioner Holifield asked why and Manager Cassidy noted it is part of the Medicaid reform and this is our share of the adjusted cost. Mr. Alexander noted it will change next year and so far it has been lowered for this year. The motion to approve the electronic transfer was made by Commissioner Edmonds and seconded by Commissioner Robson. Board approved.
Manager Cassidy inquired about the Florida Department of Transportation list of projects. He noted the Shired Creek Bridge and Rocky Creek Bridge issues need to be submitted soon. Manager Cassidy asked Mr. Bishop to prioritize and submit according to condition with Thompson Road and Cooper Road as back up projects. Commissioner Higginbotham asked why use those two when we are expecting to get CDBG funding for one of them. Manager Cassidy asked about any others and Commissioner Holifield said the road that runs by Old Town Upholstery and Commissioner Higginbotham suggested Pinecrest Road. Glen Biggerstaff asked which one is used for a hurricane evacuation route. Manager Cassidy stated he will put both on the list if possible.
Manager Cassidy recommended a workshop for surplus real property to be scheduled for August 1, 2013 at 1:00 PM and the Board agreed.
Manager Cassidy stated the Town of Horseshoe Beach does not want the shuttle used and Commissioner Hunt noted it has nothing to do with the land. Manager Cassidy stated he will call the Mayor and discuss it will her. Commissioner Edmonds inquired if the FWC has an issue with it and Manager Cassidy stated he did not know that answer. Mr. Bishop stated he did not see where they have any right to have an issue with it.