Welcome to
Lifetime Literacy
Reading and Writing Enhancement-1106
This one semester class follows Reading and Writing Advancement – 1105. You will continue to become a more proficient reader and writer.
This class is based on the philosophy that one becomes:
a better reader by reading
a better writer by writing.
You will therefore be expected to read and write in this class.
Your classwork will involve you actively reading.
You will write informative, concise sentences, effective paragraphs and you will begin to write five paragraph essays..
You will continue to develop before, during, and after reading strategies.
You will be an active participant in this class as a listener, speaker, reader, and writer.
You will therefore be expected to read and write in this class.
During this semester the emphasis will be on improving yourself as a reader and writer.
Some of the topics to be covered in reading include:
Learning about myself as a reader
Improving my comprehension by using reading strategies for literal comprehension and by employing higher level thinking skills
Exploring the elements of literature and literary terms
Reading a variety of printed materials
Using information from a variety of sources
Increasing vocabulary by interacting with words and their meanings
You will be reading many different printed materials.
Some of the topics to be covered in writing include:
Effective sentence writing
Grammar – usage and mechanics
Elements of a paragraph
Elements of a five paragraph essay
Editing and Revising
Increasing vocabulary by interacting with words and their meaning
You will be writing effectively so that you can communicate with others.
SOL 9.3
- identify the differing characteristics that distinguish the literary forms of
- narrative – short story, anecdote, character sketch, fable, legend, myth, tall tale, allegory, biography, autobiography, novel
- essay – editorial, journal/diary entry, informative/explanatory essay, analytical essay, speech
- explain the relationships between and among the elements of literature, such as
- protagonist and other characters
- plot
- setting
- tone
- point of view – first person, third person limited, third person omniscient
- theme
- speaker
- narrator
- identify types of figurative language, including images and sounds, such as
- simile
- metaphor
- personification
- analogy
- symbolism
- apostrophe
- allusion
- imagery
- paradox
- oxymoron
- identify and analyze an author’s presentation of literary content by the use of structuring techniques, such as
- dialogue
- foreshadowing
- flashback
- soliloquy
- identify and analyze an author’s use of diction (word choice) to convey ideas and content, including
- rhetorical question
- cliché
- connotation
- denotation
- hyperbole
- understatement
- irony
- dialect
- pun
- analyze the techniques used by an author to convey information about a character, such as
- direct exposition – what is said about the character
- character’s actions – what the character does
- character’s thoughts – what the character thinks
- analyze character types, including
- dynamic/round character
- static/flat character
- stereotype
- caricature.
SOL 10.3
- identify the text-organization pattern and text structure of literary works
- make predictions, draw inferences, and connect prior knowledge to support reading comprehension
- read and understand a variety of literary works from different cultures, including
- short stories
- poems
- plays
- novels
- essays
- identify recurring cultural themes, such as
- struggle with nature
- survival of the fittest
- coming of age
- power of love
- loss of innocence
- struggle with self
- disillusionment with life
- the effects of scientific progress
- power of nature
- alienation and isolation
- honoring the historical past
- good overcoming evil
- tolerance of the atypical
- describe common cultural archetypes that pervade literature, such as the
- hero/heroine
- trickster
- faithful companion
- outsider/outcast
- rugged individualist
- shrew
- innocent
- villain
- caretaker
- Earth mother
- rebel
- misfit
SOL 9.4
- use before-, during-, and after-reading strategies
- increase general and specialized vocabulary
SOL 10.4
- understand the different formats and purposes of informational and technical texts
- locate specific information in manuals or other informational sources by using strategies such as skimming, summarizing, and highlighting
- identify how format and style in consumer materials are different from those in narrative and expository text
- compare and contrast product information contained in advertisements with that found in instruction manuals and warranties
- demonstrate an understanding of information read by successfully completing simulated or actual tasks.
SOL 9.6
- Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing.
- Plan and organize writing to address a specific audience and purpose.
- Communicate clearly the purpose of the writing.
- Write clear, varied sentences.
- Use specific vocabulary and information.
- Revise writing for clarity.
- Proofread and prepare final product for intended audience and purpose.
SOL 9.7
- The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and paragraphing.
- Use and apply rules for the parts of a sentence, including subject/verb, direct/indirect object, and predicate nominative/predicate adjective.
- Use parallel structures across sentences and paragraphs.
- Use appositives, main clauses, and subordinate clauses.
- Use commas and semicolons to distinguish and divide main and subordinate clauses.
SOL 10.7
- Generate, gather, plan, and organize ideas for writing.
- Elaborate ideas clearly through word choice and vivid description.
- Write clear, varied sentences.
- Organize ideas into a logical sequence.
- Revise writing for clarity of content and presentation.
- Proofread and prepare final product for intended audience and purpose.
SOL 10.8
- The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentencestructure, and paragraphing.
- Apply rules governing use of the colon.
You will be evaluated as follows:
Quizzes/tests/projects 40%
Grading Scale:
A+100 – 97A96 – 93A-92 - 90
B+89 – 87B86 – 83B-82 - 80
C+79 – 77C76 – 73C-72 - 70
D+69 – 67D66 – 63D- 62 - 60
F59 - 0
There are only two grades that will be given on assignments –
100 (one hundred) and 0 (zero).
To earn 100 on an assignment:
1st Complete assignment and have it graded. If corrections need to be made go to step 2.
2nd Make corrections on the assignment as indicated. If corrections need to be made go to step 3.
3rd Make corrections on the assignment as indicated and meet with the teacher to discuss your understanding of assignment content.
All classwork is to be completed on the day that it is assigned.
Incomplete classwork at the end of a class block is recorded as a 0 (zero).
Incomplete (Zero) assignments can be completed by arranging a meeting with the teacher before or after school or during lunch to finish the above process.
It is in your best interest to complete all assignments.
This is an “equal opportunity class”. If you put forth the effort then you can achieve 100% on every assignment and thus maintain an A+ average in this course.
Class Standards
Formal writing is writing for publication. You have completed all of the steps of the writing process and your writing does not have any errors.
Informal writing is a freewrite or quickwrite of your thoughts. It is a one time write and you are not expected to complete all of the steps in the writing process. This writing may have errors in it.
- You will demonstrate neatness in all work submitted whether formal or informal. Printing or cursive will be acceptable. All written work completed on a word processor should be double-spaced and in a size 12 font.
- You will demonstrate responsibility by keeping all assignments in a planner and by labeling all of your assignments with your first and last names, assignment title (when appropriate), and date. This should be on the right side when using notebook paper.
Example on Notebook Paper:
First Name Last Name
(Assignment Title)
- You will demonstrate your knowledge by keeping your spelling and grammatical errors to a minimum on informal writing pieces and by having no spelling or grammatical errors on formal writing pieces. You are expected to write complete sentences.
- You will demonstrate pride in your work by keeping an organized and complete lifetime literacy binder.
- You will demonstrate honesty by completing all work yourself.
- You will demonstrate your committedness to this class by attending every day, by being an active listener, and by completing all classwork assignments.
- You will be respectful of your classmates’ rights to obtain a high school diploma by allowing them to complete their assignments in a favorable learning environment.
Important Information
Make-up Work
If you are absent you will be missing valuable instruction from me. You will therefore be expected to complete all missing assignments and instruction in a before or after school meeting with me or during your lunch period. This session should be arranged with me in a timely manner when you return to school.
This session should be arranged with me in a timely manner when you return to school. Remember – each time you miss one class in high school (90 mins.) it equals two classes in middle school (45 mins.).
Make-up Tests or Quizzes
You are responsible for any test or quizzes missed. Make-ups will be given before or after school or during your lunch period.
Substitute Policy
A substitute in your classroom is considered part of the staff at Lafayette. You will show them the respect that you display for all staff at Lafayette. The substitute will leave me information about inappropriate behavior. I reserve the right to decide any consequences for poor behavior depending upon the offense.
Making Teacher Contact
E-mail - school
E-mail – home
Home telephone – 757-250-3236
Cell telephone – 757-869-6313
Through the school’s main office – 757-565-0373
Individual Expectations
On time
An active listener and participant
You are expected to arrive on time to every class. “On time” means before the bell rings that you are sitting in your seat and have your supplies ready to start the class. Any student arriving to class after the first ten minutes without an authorized pass will be considered skipping and will be referred as per school procedures. Unexcused tardies will be dealt with as follows:
2ndParent Contact
3rdParent Contact and a thirty minute after school detention
4thParent Contact and Formal Referral
1st unexcused tardy / Warning: Document on Tardy Documentation Form (TDF)2nd unexcused tardy / Documentation on TDF; parental contact
3rd unexcused tardy / Documentation on TDF; parental contact; teacher consequence
(after-school detention with teacher or other consequences)
4th unexcused tardy / Documentation on TDF; referral to administration
5th unexcused tardy / Documentation on TDF; referral to administration
Classroom Policies
I will follow the policies listed below:
No one shall get out of his or her seat, discontinue working, or pack his or her backpack until the end of the class period(when the bell rings) or until I give the class permission.
No one will get permission to leave the classroom during the first ten minutes of class or during the last ten minutes of class.
No one shall leave the classroom without a Ramport in hand during class.
Discipline Policy
The procedures listed below will be followed in most situations for student misconduct or disruptive behavior.
1st time Warning
2nd time Before or after class or school meeting with me
and telephone call to parent
3rd time or severe offense Formal referral and telephone call to parent
In most situations all of the above procedures will be documented.
Lafayette High School
4460 Longhill Road
Williamsburg, VA 23168
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your child, ______, has chosen to be tardy to my class three times.
According to my class syllabus a student is ta
rdy if my “on time” rule is not followed.
“‛On time’ means before the bell rings that you are sitting in your seat and have your supplies ready to start the class.
Unexcused tardies will be dealt with as follows:
2ndParent Contact
3rdParent Contact and a thirty minute after school detention
4thParent Contact and Formal Referral”
The first time I gave him/her a warning and the second time I contacted you by telephone or mail. This time I am contacting you to let you know that ______will need to stay with me for thirty minutes after school on (Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri), ______. The next time that ______is tardy for my class I shall contact you and send a formal referral to administration.
Bonnie T. Davis
Reading Specialist
Lafayette High School
Lifetime Literacy – Reading and Writing Enhancement- 1106COMMITMENT
As the student, I have read all of the information about the Lifetime Literacy class and agree that I will strive to improve as a reader and writer by participating in this class. To the best of my ability, I will work to my fullest potential to achieve as much as I can this semester.
Student Name printed______
Student signature______
As the parent, I have read this syllabus and will do my best to assist my child in reaching the expectations of this class. (This section MUST be completed if you are under the age of eighteen.)
Parent/Guardian name printed______
Parent/Guardian signature______
As the teacher, I pledge to do my best to help each student improve as a reader and writer. Do not hesitate to contact me. I will always do my best to respond promptly to both parent and student concerns.
Teacher: Bonnie T. Davis
Teacher signature______
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