ISBE Division of English Language Learning (DELL)
Program Monitoring and Compliance
Documents Requested Prior to a Monitoring Visit
All documentation must be submitted electronically via the secure site (see below) or emailed to . You must ensure that names of all files you send to us include the name of your district.
For confidential information, including all student files, the documentation must be submitted through the secure file submission on the ISBE website. To access the secure electronic file transfer page please go to the ISBE website: click on “Send ISBE a file” and choose “ELL_Data” in the pull-down menu as the receiver of the information.
Student and Attendance Center Information:A list of all district attendance centers that includes the address, principal’s name, contact information, and grades served
Please create an EXCEL spreadsheet containing separate lists of students for each of the five categories below. For each student, include: name, attendance center, grade, date first enrolled in your district’s EL program, home language, and the most recent ACCESS composite, reading, writing, and literacy scores.
- All students, regardless of EL status, who enrolled in the district for the first time this school year
- All ELs currently enrolled in the TBE/TPI program
- All ELs who also have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
- All ELs whose parents refused EL services or withdrew them from EL services
- All ELs who achieved the state mandated English language proficiency level within the last two school years
District Self-Assessment Checklist:
Please complete and send us the District Self-Assessment Checklist available at:
A copy of your district’s bilingual program manual or policies and procedures related to identification, screening, placement, instructional services, and refusal process for ELs
Your district’s ELs program curriculum, including an ESL curriculum aligned to the 2012 Amplification of the English Language Development Standards Kindergarten-Grade 12 (2012) and other relevant
program curricula aligned the Illinois State Learning Standards Incorporating the Common Core
Your district’s Spanish language arts curriculum aligned to the “World- Class Instructional Design and Assessment: Spanish Language Arts Standards” (2005), if applicable
Copies of Lesson/Unit Plans from all teachers who provide services for the ELs for one week
EL instructional materials, including ESL and native language, used in your district
For Title III recipients, please provide an inventory list of all items purchased with LIPLEPS budget
A list of teachers who provide instruction specifically to students in the TBE/TPI program, including names, grade levels served, classes/courses taught, and licensure/endorsement information
Class roster and schedule, by attendance center or caseload, for each bilingual or ESL teacher and paraprofessional
Your district’s retention/promotion policy as it pertains to ELs
Professional Development:
List of all professional development opportunities directly related to improving instruction for ELs that have been offered to district staff in the last 12 months (include the title, topic(s), and date(s))
Parent Involvement:
Bilingual Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meeting agendas, sign-in sheets, and minutes from the most recent complete school year, if applicable
A copy of the written grant review certification signed by the BPAC chairperson, if applicable
Flyers and announcements about activities/events/classes for EL parents (include any translations)
Forms and Notices:
Please provide samples in English and all the translated versions currently in use by your district:
- District Registration Forms, including Residency Requirements form
- Home Language Survey (HLS)
- Notice of Enrollment in a TBE/TPI Program
- Notice of Continuing Placement/Parental Consent to remain in a TBE/TPI Program Beyond 3 Years
- Notice of Exit from a TBE/TPI Program Prior to 3 Years of Service
- Notice of Program Exit (based on proficiency)
- Part-time Placement Criteria form(if applicable)
- Refusal of Services Form (if utilized)
- Progress Report/Report Card Templates
- Progress Report /Report Card translation waiver
- Documentation detailing annual, meaningful outreach to private schools (most recent year), if applicable
Updated 7/7/161