2550 Greengate Drive LaKeisha Blackshire, Principal
San Jose, CA 95132 (408) 923-1915
FAX (408) 258-8356
August, 2016
“We believe the children are our future.
Teach them well and let them lead the way.”
Welcome to Kindergarten!
It is a great day when your child enters kindergarten. With this step, he or she enters a bigger and broader world. The school now becomes a partner with you in the education of your youngster. Kindergarten is an important period in the life of any child. It should be a happy adventure in living, working, and learning with a group. Through our combined efforts, we should make it a period of great educational, personal and social growth for each boy and girl.
The Cherrywood kindergarten program is designed to meet the developmental needs of each child. Early school experiences should provide a child with opportunities to mature intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally at a rate of growth that is compatible with his or her unique abilities. Each year a child’s individual differences are identified and a program is designed which develops the whole child, with emphasis on his or her unique strengths and needs. The child’s progress is assessed regularly and communicated to parents through parent conferences.
Some children arrive in kindergarten able to read while others come to school with varying degrees of reading readiness. It is our policy to take each child where they are developmentally in the process of learning to read and to provide an enriched, guided reading program which challenges each child to progress at her or his own rate and ability level. Social skills, as well as academics, are an important part of kindergarten. Your child will learn how to get along with others, how to share and work with others and accept responsibility in a group.
CherrywoodSchool strongly believes that the education of children is a partnership between home and school. Parent involvement is crucial to the academic and social development of students. Parents are encouraged to serve as classroom or school wide volunteers, and attend evening meetings and programs. There are many different opportunities for involvement. CherrywoodSchool wants every child to have a successful educational experience. This goal becomes a reality for a child when parents and school staff work together.
Please bring your child to the kindergarten playground (at front of school) for skills assessment during one of the following times: Thursday, August 4, 8:00-12:00 or 2:00-4:00pm. Sign in and wait until a teacher comes to get your child. This assessment session (10-15 minutes) will provide valuable instructional information to your child’s teacher.
On Thursday,August 11, there will be an Orientation Night for kindergarten parents and students from 6:00-7:00 p.m. The kindergarten teachers will go over vital information regarding important procedures and responsibilities for the year.
Please bring your new kindergartener with you and make babysitting arrangements for other children. Both parents should plan to attend. Class assignments for kindergarten will be posted outside the office doors at 5:45 p.m. on August 11. Please check for your child’s assignment and go to the classroom at 6:00 PM for the orientation meeting.
This year,our kindergarten program is 240 minutes long. This includes the morning snack recess but does not include lunch time. At Cherrywood, students will attend either the "early bird" or the "late bird" sessionexcept on Thursday. On Thursdays – ALL Kinder students start at 8:15 and end at 1:00 P.M.
Early Birds8:15 – 12:15Class begins at 8:15. Students should arrive on the kindergarten playground between 8:05 and 8:10. Students who go home for lunch should be picked up at their classroom door at 12:15. Students who stay for HOT lunch (purchased from the cafeteria only) will eat in the cafeteria from 12:15-12:30. These students should be picked up no later than 12:30 from the cafeteria.
Late Birds9:45 - 2:36Class begins at 9:45. Students should arrive outside the classroombetween 9:35 and 9:40. Parents must stay with their student until the teacher takes them into class. Late birds may also bring a snack. Late birds will need to bring a “cold” lunch from home or buy a “HOT”lunch from the cafeteria.
Students are encouraged to bring a small, nutritious, nonperishable snack (1/2 sandwich, fruit, vegetable, etc.) daily in a labeled lunch box. This is especially important as the kindergarten lunch time and “early bird” dismissal is not until 12:15. Send items that your student can easily open by themselves. Please do not send items that would require refrigeration or heating.
To help prepare your child for the start of school, we ask that you prepare your child to be separated from you on the first day, August 22. Talk to your child about the school schedule so that she or he knows you will be leaving when the bell rings for class. It can be helpful to bring your child to the school during evenings or weekends before school starts to become familiar with the school grounds and the kindergarten playground.
COMMON DRESS POLICY – Students at our school are required to wear navy blue or tan pants, shorts or skirts (blue jeans are fine) and navy blue or white shirts. Any style of shirts are fine, as long as they are free of logos or writing except Cherrywood School emblem. Shoes, jackets, and backpacks can be any color. Please put your student’s name on all items, clothing, lunch boxes,etc.
Cherrywood is fortunate to have the San Juan Bautista Day Care program on our campus. Day Care may be available for kindergarten students; the program opens at 6 a.m. and closes at 6 p.m. Contact the Day Care program at (408) 414-2700 or (408) 259-9739 for fees, registration and other information.
If you have any questions, please call the office at 923-1915. We look forward to meeting you, and wish your child a very successful year.
LaKeisha Blackshire
LaKeisha Blackshire, Principal