Marcosa Havanese

My pets are not material possessions, but wonderful gifts entrusted to me……

Hannah Kolzow

43w741 Willow Creek Ct

Elburn, Illinois60119


Dog Adoption Application

Caring for an animal is a serious responsibility requiring commitment, morally and financially. We reserve the right to place animals based upon the suitability of the particular circumstance for that animal.

Please answer the following questions as completely as possible. You may write on the back of the application if necessary. If a question does not apply, please write “N/A”.


Name______Spouse/Sig other/roommate______

Veterinarian(s) name and telephone______

Children, name and ages ______

Address ______

Please indicate type of home (house, townhouse, condo, and apartment) ______

Home number ______Work number ______

Cell or pager number ______E-mail address ______

Do you work outside of the home?______

When do you leave in the morning/ when do you return?______

How many hours will the puppy be left alone? Can you come home for lunch?______

Do you own or rent your home? ______

If you rent, can you provide a rental agreement that allows for dogs? ______

Have all members of the household agreed to adopt a dog? ______

What time frame are you looking for a puppy? ______

Do you currently own a dog(s) or other pets? ______

If you answered yes, what breed, age, and sex is the dog(s) or other pets? ______


Are you planning on showing your puppy? Breeding?______

Do you have a color preference?______

Do you have a preference as far as male or female?______

Would you consider the opposite sex, if it was the right dog?______

What do you feed or are you planning to your new puppy?______Have you read the DIET page on my website? Are you willing to feed a holistic diet? Do you have questions or concerns about this?______

Have you owned a dog(s) or other pets in the past? ______

If you answered yes, what happened to the dog(s) or other pets? ______


When you leave the home or while you are sleeping, where will the dog be kept (backyard, in a dog house, in the garage, anywhere inside the house, etc.)? ______

Do you a fenced and gated backyard? ______

If you answered yes, what material is the fence (iron, chain link, wood, etc.)? ______

Will you provide consistent veterinary care for the dog, including but not limited to, vaccinations, annual examinations, dental, and emergency care? ______


Are you in a financial position to provide veterinary care costing $500.00 or more, if necessary? ______

Where will the dog stay when you travel for business or pleasure? ______

Provide any comments you wish: ______


I have completed the above information to the best of my ability. I declare all the information is true.

Adopter signature ______Date ______

Please do not buy your puppy from a pet shop or broker as nearly ALL these
puppies come from a Puppy Mill where adults live in cages every minute of their
lives, are treated only as breeding machines, are not tested for any inherited genetic
defects, and neither adults or puppies are properly socialized. Buy only from reputable
breeders who are breeding to improve the health and quality of their dogs and
who care about the welfare of the dog.


DebbieGrunnah-Island Farm 352-598-6464

Dr Shaun Murphy- Meadowview Vet Clinic 630-232-8868

Elisa Mansfield 847-945-0501

Marcie Funk 815-942-3163