Representation Form
Stradbroke Neighbourhood Development Plan 2016-2036
The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 - Regulation 16 (as amended)
Stradbroke Parish Council has prepared a Neighbourhood Development Plan which sets out a vision for the parish and policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.
The Stradbroke Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available to view on Council’s website at:
A printed copy of the Plan and supporting documents are also available for public inspection at:
Stradbroke Library, Court House, Queen Street, Stradbroke, IP21 5HG [Open Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri from 2:00pm until 5:00pmandon Thurs and Sat from 9:00am until 1:00pm]
How to submit your comments
All comments must be received by 4:00pm onFriday 1 June 2018
- Please complete SectionOne(in full) so that your representationscan be taken into account at the Neighbourhood Plan examination stage.
- Please complete Section Two, identifying which paragraphor policy your commentsrelateto. You may comment on the content of more than one paragraph or policy but please be clear by making the appropriate cross references.
- E-mail your completed response form to: , or
- Post your completed response form to: ‘Stradbroke NP Consultation’, c/o Mr Paul Bryant, Spatial Panning Policy Team, Babergh & Mid Suffolk District Council, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2BX
It will not be possible to accept late representations.
All comments received will be forwarded on to the appointed Examiner. You should not assume that there will be an opportunity to add further information, although the Examiner may request additional information based upon matters that are identified for examination.
All information collected and processed by the District Council at this stage is by virtue of our requirement under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended). Please note: All comments received will be made publicly availableand may be identifiable by name / organisation. All other personal information provided will be protected in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. For more information on how we do this and your rights with regards to your personal information, and how to access it, please visit our website or call customer services on (0300) 123 4000 and ask to speak to the Information Governance Officer.
For Office use only:Section One: Respondents Details
All respondents should complete Part A. If you are an Agent please complete Part’s A & B
Part A: RespondentTitle / Name:
Job Title (if applicable):
Organisation/Company (if applicable):
Tel No:
Part B: Agents – Please complete details of the client / company you represent
Client / Company Name:
Tel No:
Stradbroke NP Submission Consultation (Apr - May 2018)
For Office use only:Section Two: Your representation(s)
To which part of the document does your representation relate? (You may wish to complete a separate form for each separate representation)
Paragraph No. / Policy No.Do you support, oppose, or wish to comment on this paragraph? (Please tick one answer)
SupportSupport with modificationsOpposeHave Comments
Please give details of your reasons for support/opposition, or make other comments here:Please be as brief and concise as possible
(Continue on separate sheet if necessary)
What improvements or modifications would you suggest?
Please be as brief and concise as possible
(Continue on separate sheet if necessary)
If you are including additional pages these should be clearly labelled and referenced.
Normally the Examiner will aim to consider the responses through written representations.
Occasionally an Examiner may consider it necessary to hold a hearing to discuss particular issues. If you consider a hearing should be held please explain why this is necessary.
Please note that a decision on whether to hold a hearing is entirely at the discretion of the Examiner.
I consider that a hearing should be held because …Please be as brief and concise as possible
(Continue on separate sheet if necessary)
Please indicate (tick) whether you wish to be notified of:
The publication of the recommendations of the ExaminerThe final ‘making’ (adoption) of the NDP by Mid Suffolk District Council
Signature: / Date:
Stradbroke NP Submission Consultation (Apr - May 2018)