Illinois State
Alliance of YMCAs
Strengthening IL Communities /
In This Issue
Alliance News
Federal Update
State Update
Alliance News
Look for upcoming workshops/webinars/calls on the following topics (TBA):
- Reciprocity
- Proposed Federal Regs
- Hunger Initiatives
For those downstate, Illinois State Board of Education and No Kid Hungry Campaign are hosting a meeting July 21 1-3 pm to talk about how you can provide meals to kids during afterschool, weekends and summers. Email for more info or to register.
Hereis a flier on summer meals, fact sheet, Illinois map of hunger target areas and outreach newsletter.
Youth Development Committee Calls on IL Ys to Join in Child Abuse Prevention
The Youth Development Committeehas set an ambitious goal of 100% of our YMCAs participating in the Child Safety and Abuse Prevention Cohorts with Praesidium. It has been indicated by our partners at Y of the USA that your Y has not been signed up at this time. Katrina and I would like to encourage you to register for a cohort and begin the process of using these great tools provided by Y of the USA and Praesidium. We are working with several individuals and Ys to be Subject Matter Experts and Mentors for those Ys that are beginning this process, and they would love to help you get started. CEOs ready to begin working withPraesidiumcan register their associations by visitingPraesidium's Y page here.Then click 'Register to Know Your Score!' and enterusername:ymca; andpassword:7233.Be sure to follownext stepsfor selecting a cohort anddesignating a Y staff member to serve as aPraesidiumGuardian.
Here is also a great tool for YMCAs to use for their annual Child Abuse Prevention Trainings and Certifications. Note: this qualifies for two hours of continuing education for the LCDC on
National Update
New Federal Proposed Regulations AroundFair Labor Standards Released.
The U.S. Department of Labor released proposed changesto regulations that govern overtime compensation under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). In effect, the proposals would significantly increase the number of employees eligible for overtime pay, as fewer staff would qualify for "white collar exemptions." The proposals represent the second update to the overtime compensation section of the FLSA since 1975.
Currently, employees who earn at least $23,660 annually and perform "executive, administrative or professional" job duties are exempt from overtime compensation. With the proposed changes, employees would need to earn at least $50,440 annually to be exempt. There are no proposed changes regarding job duties at this point. Once more details about the proposals are known, Y-USA will schedule webinars and provide resources to inform and support Y leaders. Look for an invitation to the webinars via email.
The proposed changes could have a significant impact on YMCAs, potentially affecting the exemption status of half of all exempt staff in the Movement. While we cannot be certain what the finalized regulations will require of employers, YMCA of the USA (Y-USA) is encouraging YMCAs to begin planning and preparing for change. Many leaders in this field (such as the Society for Human Resource Management) believe significant changes will become law in 2016.
To better understand and prepare for how the proposed changes might affect your YMCA, Y-USA recommends the following:
- Identify staff positions that currently are exempt but fall below the proposed annual salary threshold of $50,440.
- Update job descriptions to accurately reflect job duties.
- Discuss approaches to work schedules and pay rates.
- Give consideration to the financial impact of the proposed changes while preparing your YMCA's budget for the next fiscal year.
Because the proposed changes do not require legislative approval--the Department of Labor has the authority to make them law--and because there likely will be a politicized debate surrounding the proposals, Y-USA strongly discourages YMCAs from making public statements. Should you receive a media inquiry regarding the Y's position on the proposals, please direct it to Y-USA at or 800-872-9622. If you have questions about the proposed changes or how they may affect your YMCA, please contact Sheila Tiemens, Y-USA's Senior Human Resources Specialist, at or 312-350-4992.
Senate Approps Says No to Additional Funding for CDC
Last week, during full committee markup of the Senate Appropriations Labor/HHS funding measure, Labor/HHS Subcommittee Ranking Member Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) offered up an amendment andaccompanying reportto restore some of the more agregious cuts proposed to the the HHS budget. The amendment, which was not approved, would have added an additional $489.8 million to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including $71.1 million to the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention; $234.3 million to the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases; $148.3 million for the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention; and $36 million to the National Center for Injury Prevention (to fight the opioid epidemic). The additional dollars for the Chronic Center would have included --
- $80 million for Partnerships to Improve Community Health
- $50.95 million for Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH)
- $11 million for tobacco cessation
- $6.3 million for Community Health Promotion
The Supreme Court ruled today that Obamacare's insurance subsidies can go to residents of any state, a huge win for the Obama administration.
The justices said that the Affordable Care Act as written does allow subsidies to be provided in the 34 states that refused to set up their own insurance exchange. The ruling marks Obamacare's second major win before the Supreme Court since the law's passage in 2010.
The vote was 6-3.
For more information...
State Update
Governor Vetoes Budget
After two more days of work, there's still no budget. Each chamber voted on similar one-month, temporary budgets (neither fund Teen REACH) - SB 2040 passed in the Senate, but HB 4190 failed in the House.
Press coverage of the impasse continues to heat up, with stories of the Thompson Center Rally and the strain of budget cuts.
The House will return to Springfield July 8 and 9, while the Senate will return July 14. With legislators back in their districts, this is a critical time to set up legislative visits - either at their offices or your sites. Whether you see them in person, call or email, they need to hear that even short-term funding suspensions have real - potentially long-term - consequences. Out-of-school programs are offering quality summer youth services right now that keep kids safe during the often violent summer months, and prevent them from falling behind in school. They also allow parents to work. Youth can't afford to lose these services now, or later in the year. Reiterate your support for a comprehensive solution that includes adequate revenue.
The Governor's office also needs to hear from you! Share the impact of not having contracts by calling (217) 782-0244.
CCAPInfo to Share with Legislators:
*More than 100,000 families in Illinois access CCAP, and for more than 160,000 children, it will mean the difference between being in a safe, afterschool or summer program or being home alone or with an older sibling.
*CCAP support economic growth by supporting working families.
*CCAP offers families access to safe and productive places for kids during out of school and summer time.
*Waiting lists could pose problems for families who often times move on and off the program when it is needed.
Association of YMCA Professionals
Your Career and Leadership Development
Join your fellow AYP Members on July 8th at 1:00p.m.for an overview of Y-USA Learning & Career Development Center including identifying gaps to achieving leadership certification, exploring next steps, and planning next steps.This will be a fun and interactive overview.
We will follow this up one week lateron July 16 at 1:00 p.m. andtake a look atspecific steps to achieving Team Leader, Multi-Branch Leader, and Organizational Leader certifications.
Your hosts will be Maribeth Mees from our Training Partner Y and Laura Meverden from Y-USA.
Registration is required for these events. Included below is theregistrationinformation. We look forward to deepening our career and leadership developmentalong with you.
Please feel free to email me with anyquestions you might have.
Cory Harrison, AYP Chapter 45 Program Chair
July 8th:
Session Number: 257 962 893
Session Password: training
To join the training session
1. Go to
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Enter the session password: training
July 16th:
Session Number: 250 854 914
Session Password: Once you have registered for the meeting, you will receive an email message confirming your registration. This message will provide the information that you need to join the meeting.
To join the training session
1. Go to
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Enter the session password: Once you have registered for the meeting, you will receive an email message confirming your registration. This message will provide the information that you need to join the meeting.
Save the Date for the Dec 4 AYP Meeting.
Contacts: Jill Doerner ();
Illini Holds Useful Call On Healthy Aging
Here is the link to the notes from the call for your information.
Town & Country Neighborhood Meetings
Please mark these dates in your calendar:
Early Sept - TBA,11:30 to 2 p.m.
September 30-October 1, 2015,Location: Normal, IL,Fall Staff Rally
November 13, 2015,Location: TBA,11:30 to 2 p.m.
Northwest Neighborhood Meeting
August 14 - TBD
November 20 - Membership Acquisition
Illini Neighborhood Meetings
Third Tuesday of Each Month - Hot Topic Conference Calls
July 21- Webinar
July31 - CEO Quarterly Meeting
Oct 23 - CEO Quarterly Meeting
Resources & Opportunities
Report: Foundations for Young Adult Success
The University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research newest report Foundations for Young Adult Success: A Developmental Framework, funded by The Wallace Foundation names seven key factors to life success showing that children need more than academic knowledge to succeed in life. Check out this valuable resource.
Finish Line Youth Foundation Invites Applications for Youth Athletic Programs and Camps
Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to nonprofit organizations for community-based athletic programs and to established camps that teach active lifestyle and team building skills.
U.S. Soccer Foundation Invites Letters of Interest for Safe Places to Play Grants
Deadline: September 4, 2015 (Contractor Inquiry)
Grants of up to $200,000 each will be awarded nonprofit organizations to help build or enhance a field space in underserved communities for the purpose of keeping children active, healthy, and safe.
The de Beaumont Foundation has partnered with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Health Data Consortium to sponsor the Health Datapalooza challenge, a joint U.S. - England initiative to tackle the epidemic of adult obesity. "Each country's challenge participants can utilize and mash up open data to develop new data visualization tools to give communities, local health officials, patients and practitioners new means to improve population health." A multi-tiered award of $40,000 will be divided among five winners.For information on the U.S. challenge (deadline July 31st).
TheAetna Foundation is dedicated to promoting wellness, health, and access to high-quality health care for everyone, while supporting the communities it serves. In 2015, grants of up to $50,000 over two years will target communities where healthy food can be difficult to buy, and where social and environmental factors may limit people's ability to be physically active. The foundation is particularly interested in programs that provide nutrition education and help increase the availability of affordable fresh fruits and vegetables in underserved communities and/or programs that provide opportunities for physical activity in such communities.
The J.M. Kaplan Fund is accepting first-round applications for its 2015 J.M.K. Innovation Prize, awarding up to ten prizes to U.S,-based individuals and teams working to address the country's most pressing needs through social sector innovation.
FY 2015 AmeriCorps State and National Grants -More information about applying for an AmeriCorps grant is available here.
Digital media grant opportunity-the Trust Challenge: Building Trust in Connected Learning Environments.
Voices for Healthy Kids/American Heart Association.
Capital Grants - The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation.Learn more here.
Safeway Foundation Grants.Learn more here.
World We Want Foundation.Learn more here.
Youth Service America (YSA) Grants. Each year, YSA supports youth-led service with over $1 million in YSA Grants. Learn more here.
Please send comments, submissions, and subscription requests to me at r 773-558-5136.
Meg Cooch
Executive Director
Illinois State Alliance of YMCAs
/ Advocacy Still Needed
The Department of Human Servicessend out a letterto contractorsspecially about child care assistance.It goes into detail about the new co-pays, the waiting list/denial that new applicants will receive until there is a budget and maybe longer. Agencies will be paid CCAP funds for June, but we believe there will be a payment delay for July until there is a budget.
The key take aways for Y operations include:
* Do not expected to get paid (even if you have federal funding such as 21st Century) until there is a 2016 budget. However, you will get money for June;
* Conservatively, we cannot be sure that services like CCAP provided during any shut down will be reimbursed (we hope that for CCAP reimbursement would occur, but have not confirmed this) so I would recommend that Ys consider an assessment of the possible use of scholarship dollars until the budget is passed. For contracts specifically with the state, if you do not receive a contract notice from DHS, I would plan that you will not receive funding until the budget is passed.
What can you do right now?
*Tell Governor & Legislators: We need a budget now to make sure children and families can access critical services like CCAP and afterschool programs!
* Talk to legislators about the possible impact of not getting CCAP funds on your kids (as well as your operations - payroll, scholarships etc)
* Look and see if your legislators are holding any meetings locally to talk about impact (a number of members are doing that on the weekends)
* Consider sharing with local media this possible impact
* Talk to your parents - encourage them to stay current on CCAP as well as for them to talk about the impact of the program and the possible affect if it went away.
Y of Metro Chicago Speaks at Mayor's Commission on Safer Chicago
Chicago Youth Safety and Violence Prevention's Eddie Bocanegra and Y youth Ishmeel Harris and Daniel Rios represented the YMCA at the Mayor's Commission for a Safer Chicago quarterly meeting."
On June 24, Eddie Bocanegra, Co-Executive Director of the YMCA's Youth Safety and Violence Prevention (YSVP) initiative, and Y youth Ishmeel Harris and Daniel Rios represented the Y at the quarterly meeting of the Mayor's Commission for a Safer Chicago, which was attended by 130 community members and faith leaders.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy and our team highlighted the Y's Bridging the Divide program. In collaboration with the Chicago Police Department,Bridging the Divide helps build relationships between youth, law enforcement officials and other community members by offering opportunities for dialogue through cafes, peace circles, story sharing and more. Youth share their experiences interacting with police and come to understand the challenges that police face on the job. By sharing stories of traumatic experiences, both groups come to see the other as real human beings rather than stereotypes.
Alliance Scholarship Fund Applications Due August 1
New Scholarship Deadline - August 1 - please see attachedand share with your staff the flier around the Alliance Scholarship Fund that pays for professional development opportunities for Y staff. It is a great opportunity for staff from Ys up to date on Alliance dues to get some or all of their expenses paid for trainings and conferences. We have instituted two deadlines for each year in order to manage the application process better - Feb 1 and August 1. Here is the full application and FAQs.