Dutch certification course leading to chess Trainer A is now offered to chess players abroad
In the last 15 yearsover 5,000 chess players in the Netherlandsdecided to improve their chess teaching skills.
The Step-by-Step method as we know it right now is based on the teaching material practiced and used by the
official chess trainers of the Royal Netherlands Chess Federation since 1978.In its current form itwas available
since 1986. It has been inprint as of 1988, and has since been perfected.
The Chess-in-schools system/ scholastic chess therefore has a long tradition in the Netherlands, and the
Government subsidises chess annually with substantial sums through the KNSB. The FIDE office resided
in Amsterdam until 1982. The KNSB was one of the founding members of FIDE in 1924. Max Euwe was
a Dutchman. He held the World title for two years (1935 - 37), and was a past President of FIDE.
The authors IM Cor van Wijgerden and educator Rob Brunia devisedthis course comprising six manualsfor
Chess Trainers, and six Work Books for children. Additional volumes have been printed, and other teaching
material is available for truly ambitious teachers and players alike. The authorsused the latest educational ideas
systematically in order to keep the attention of young chess players completely occupied.There are many more
books in the Dutch method allowing absolute beginners to become good to strong club players. The more talented
andambitious ones may proceed to master level, ably guided by the many available trainers on a one-on-one basis.
This tested method has now been translated into the major languages of FIDE: English, French and German.
It already has proved an outstanding success in Germany. We have now decided to give chess players with the
ambition to become a (semi-)professional in chess -not as a player but as a teacher, organiser and manager -
the opportunity they have been looking for. They need to take that important first step to be acknowledged by
their local school system:accreditation as a Youth Trainer. In the meantime, we are applying to FIDE, i.e. the
Trainers' Committee and the Chess-in-Schools Committee to havethe courseofficially approved for worldwide use.
With this aim, we are organising a certification course to be held from 17 through 30 December 2004 in the
northern province of Groningen, the Netherlands (next to the sea and not far from the German border). We offer
bed-and-breakfast as well asone hot mealduring the first eight days (until Christmas). We figure that players are
by then sufficiently acclamatisedso they can look after themselves. Thus: Just bed-and-breakfast for the last five days.
Language of instruction: English. Course books and materials will be sent to all participants 45 days before
commencement. This will allow them to become familiar with the formula through self study. There are altogether
11 lessons of about 3 hours each. Every participant is asked to give at least one lesson to local school children,
and another one on examination day. For those who have English as a second (or third) language, course materials
will be provided in either French or German at cost.
Cost of lodging, meals, lessons and examination: Euro 675 (about US$825).
Cost of travel to/from Groningen: at expense of the federation/ participant.
We have applied to our sponsors as well as to the authoritiesto subsidise this feeby some35%.
In first instance, this course is offered to chess players - preferably with some teaching skills -
whose federations are a member of the European Chess Union. If the course is not fully subscribed
by November 10, itwill beopened to players of other federations.
Minimum Elo (FIDE) should be 1,400 - although federations may request exemption.
This course is held under the auspices of our federation (KNSB) though its agent in Groningen,
the chess foundation SO-ON. All other arrangements are made by Kowloon Land Ltd.
The author IM Cor van Wijgerden will lead the course for at least six lessons.
If youor your federation would like to have more information, please send an E-mail to the undersigned.
Kaarlo Schepel - director and organiser
Kowloon Land Limited
c/o Villa Wadwerda
Wadwerderweg 89
9988SV Usquert, the Netherlands
Tel. ** 31-595-422738 (mob) ** 31-(0)6-1203.5677
E-mail or
Website scholastic chess: