Hongkong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics Limited (HAFFA) Chairman, Mr. Walther Nahr, stressed the need for close co-operation in the wake of the challenges currently facing the logistics industry during the Association’s Annual Spring Dinner held at the Hongkong International Trade and Exhibition Centre on March 20th, 2009. Mr. Nahr commented that, while there are no miracle solutions, the possibility exists to turn challenge into opportunity.
The resilience which distinguishes Hong Kong’s freight and logistics service providers was put to the test in 2008, and Mr. Nahr, of AGILogistics (Hong Kong) Limited, emphasised HAFFA’s commitment to serving the industry and meeting the challenges in order to capitalize on each opportunity.
HAFFA continues to grow its role at an international level, and Mr. David Fielder was recently appointed Chairman of the FIATA Advisory Body on security matters and vice president of FIATA. Mr. Fielder’s role gives Asia another voice on the FIATA board, and puts HAFFA in a position to be amongst the first to learn of important cargo security updates and insights.
HAFFA has undertaken several significant educational projects over the last year. In July 2008, HAFFA, with approval from the Civil Aviation Department, developed a self-learning and examination package on Dangerous Goods Awareness (DGA) which is available to air cargo personnel at an affordable price. The objective is to assist the industry fulfil the legal requirements on DGA training.
A significant education projecthasbeen the production of training video for the Unit Load Device (ULD) build-up. HAFFA has partnered with Carrier Liaison Group (CLG) to jointly develop basic guidelines to enhance the proper build-up of pre-packed and heavy cargo.
Another major training initiative has been the co-operation betweenHAFFA and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), with funding from the LOGSCOUNCIL, to develop a vocational training programme in air and sea freight, which focuses both on knowledge and technical skills.
HAFFA supports the Government in the development of the electronic system for Customs Clearance of Road Cargo (ROCARS) as a means towards facilitating transshipment cargoes which involve inter-modal transfer from land to air or sea. The ROCARS system is inits final stage of development, with training seminars scheduled formid-2009.
Also underway are measures to boost the volume of shipments adopting e-process. Cathay Pacific has proposed establishing aHong Kong best practice model,following the first wave of the IATA e-freight pilot implementation in 2007. Twenty six airports around the world have reportedly gone live under e-freight as of February 2009. HAFFA remains grateful to both the Government and CLG for their support of theproject.
Mr. Nahr emphasised that the Association’s plans would bring benefits to the industry, “Change is critical for our industry in 2009. I hope you will join us as we continue to work together to analyze the state of the industry, discuss its issues, maximize opportunities, and demonstrate that the freight logistics industry is truly an important engine of economic development.”
The evening was officiated by guest of honour the Honourable Miriam Lau, Legislative Councilor of Transport, participated by senior officials such as Mr. Norman Lo, JP, Director-General of Civil Aviation and Ms. Janice Tse, Deputy Secretary of Transport and Housing,and was attending by over 600 participantsof the industry.
The Hongkong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics Limited was established in 1966, and is responsible for setting industry standards as well as providing educational courses which enhance the professional standards of the freight forwarders and logistics providers in Hong Kong.
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March 26, 2009
Issued on behalf of the Hongkong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics Limited by PR Plus Limited. For further information, please contact Marco Tsang on telephone 2575-6995, fax 2838-1260 or email: