November Nights P5-6 Readathon

The ‘November Nights’ readathon proved to be a huge success in raising the profile of reading amongst the children in P5/6. The children thoroughly enjoyed taking part in all of the fun activities. Many thanks for your support with this.

PTA Hamper

Following the on-going success of the luxury Christmas hamper draw, our PTA intend to run this fund raising event again this year.

The contents of the hamper have been kindly donated by members of the PTA and it is our hope that the school community will support this venture by purchasing a number of lines per family to be entered into the draw or alternatively to make a voluntary donation if preferred. (A suggested amount is £10.00 per family).

All money raised will go towards school funds. This term the school is trying to raise money for ICT resources linked to numeracy and so, all of your help and support would be greatly appreciated.

The draw for the hamper will take place on Friday 15 December and so, we would ask for all lines (including money) to be returned to school by Wednesday 13 December 2017.

Open Night

In order to promote Carntall within the local and wider community, we intend to host our ‘Open Night’ on Wednesday 6 December at 7:00pm. This will involve participation from the school choir and other pupil volunteers and is open to prospective parents, new families and their children. If you know any families who are exploring prospective schools, please encourage them to come along. We would be delighted to meet them and showcase the school.

(Choir Pupils-Please complete the reply slip overleaf)

P1-2 Christmas Performance

We would like to extend a warm welcome to all parents, carers, grandparents and friends to attend the P1-2 Christmas Performance of ‘Born in a Barn’.This year, we will run a morning and evening performance at 10:00am and 7:00pm on Wednesday 13 December.Entry is £5 per adult and children are free. This performance will be recorded and DVD copies will be available to purchase after the event.

N.B. Please complete the ticket request form and return it to the school office before Monday 11th December

Visit from Santa Claus

On Wednesday 20th December, l we have arranged for Santa to visit the children and distribute some Christmas gifts.

Christmas Movie Night

On Tuesday 19thDecember, we are running a Christmas Movie Night for all children in our school. Children should arrive at 6:30 pm and be collected again at 8:30pm. We encourage all children to come dressed for the occasion by wearing something festive e.g. a Christmas jumper, hair band or socks etc. This is simply a night of fun for the children and so, there is no charge for this event.


6 December: Open Night for prospective parents and pupils 7.00pm

6 December: Tots’ Time 10:00-11:30 am

7 December: Community Carol Service, St Macartan’s Cathedral, Clogher 7.30pm

13 December: P1&2 Christmas Performance 10:00am and 7:00pm

14 December: P1&2 Performance for the Nursery School and the local playgroups

14 December: Christmas Dinner

15 December: P1&2 visit to Clogher Valley Playgroup’s Christmas performance.

19 December: Christmas Movie Night

20 December: School Finishes at 11:30am for the Christmas Holidays (special visitor coming)

4 January: School Re-opens

Finally, we would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a joyous New Year!

Reply Slips

Clogher Valley Play Group Performance (P1/2)

I consent to ______(name of child) attending the Clogher

Valley Play Group Christmas performance on Friday 15 December 2017.

Signed Parent/Guardian______

Open Night-Choir Members

I consent to ______(name of child) attending Carntall’s

Open Night on Wednesday 6thDecember 2017. I will ensure they are dropped off at 6.40pm and

will collect them again at 8:30pm.

Signed Parent/Guardian______

P1/2 Performance-‘Born in a Barn’

I would like to purchase tickets for the 10:00am/7:00pm (please circle) performance

of ‘Born in a Barn’ on Wednesday 13th December 2017. I enclose payment.

Altogether; adults and children, will be in attendance.

Signed Parent/Guardian______