Pella Corporation
Content Review Checklist
October, 2017
In order to help expedite reviews with our Marketing Communications and Legal teams, we ask that you verify that you have completed this checklist and made changes to your content accordingly. If you have any questions on what these items mean, or how to ensure compliance, please contact your Marketing Communications or Legal team lead.
Content Accuracy and Backup
- Facts and statements are accurate and not misleading.
- If a claim or guarantee is made, it is based on competent and reliable scientific evidence and all or almost all consumers will receive what the claim states.
- If a claim or guarantee requires a disclosure, the disclosure has been included, the disclosure isin close proximity to where the claim or guarantee is made and is easy for the reader to find and read.
- If my facts or statements require claim support, it has been uploaded into the database and approved by the legal team.
- Guarantees are not made the product will meet each person’s unique needs.
- There are no defamatory statements (about other brands, people, etc.)
- Images are appropriate, not misleading, and demonstrate a premium brand.
- The piece does not contain superlatives, absolutes or over-promotion (eg, consider replacing: all every, none, never, always, etc.)
- We authored and/or own the rights to use all content commercially; text has not been copied from another source and is not subject to permissions from other owners (or if it is, we have permission and have provided attribution if needed).
- If copyrighted material is used, we have written permission and give attribution if needed.
- Any testimonial is from a typical user, under normal use, and the user has given us permission to use their name (if applicable) via release form.
- If the user received any benefit (e.g. free product) or compensation for providing the testimonial, we have clearly disclosed if there is any benefit or compensation given to, or other affiliation with, such user.
Logos, Marks, and Design
- I have used the correct logo(s), Trademark(s) and taglines, and complied with applicable Brand Guidelines.
- I have not squashed, stretched, distorted, changed colors or moved elements of the logo(s) or pre-approved graphics.
- I have not placed the logo directly over an image nor is it on a colored background.
- I have not reduced the size of my logo to less than what is approved.
- I have sourced my logo from the official company database, not copied and pasted from the internet.
- Marks are properly identified with ®, ™, etc. when applicable.
- If athird-party mark is used, we have permissions and have complied with their usage guideline.
- I have used the correct fonts and colors.
- I have ensured that my design is clean, clear and simple.
Common Sense
- I have followed the “Golden Rule” – if the tables were turned, would I object?
- My content aligns with my audience, the platform, and my program’s strategy.