
This course is for students who wish to be exposed to the major concepts of geometry, without the rigor of proof. Therefore, a foundation in most major topics of Regents Geometry will be laid by applying geometric concepts to solving numeric problems rather than studying geometric proofs. Topics will include undefined terms, constructions, triangles, congruence, similarity, lines, angles, circles, parallelism, perpendicularity, ratios and proportions, transformations, concepts of area, perimeter, and volume, polygons, and review and application of algebra as needed.

There is no Regents examination for this course. There will, however, be a department-created final exam given in June. It will count as 20% of your overall grade.


1. Linear Algebra Review / 7. Quadrilateral Geometry
2. Quadratic Algebra Review / 8. Transformational Geometry & Tessellations
3. Terminology & Measurement / 9. Circle Geometry
4. Triangle Geometry / 10.Functions
5. Similarity & Right Triangle Trigonometry / 11. Locus
6. Coordinate Geometry / 12. Solid Geometry (3D Space)

Required Materials

**Scientific Calculator**(You may use a graphing calculator if you own one)

Loose Leaf Paper or Spiral Notebook

3-Ring Binder (for Geometry ONLY) – Tabs: 1) Notes/HW, 2) Assignments/Exams

Pencils and Pens


  • Each marking period grade will be the percent obtained from

Total Number of Points Received on Tests, Quizzes, HW, & Participation

Total Number of Points Offered on Tests, Quizzes, HW, & Participation

  • There will be a graded notebook check at the end of each unit. I will provide a list of the items that you will
    need to have in order for the notebook check. Each notebook check will be counted as a quiz grade.
  • Each student will be given a separate HW grade of 30/30 at the start of each marking period.
    → HW not completed – 2 pts. deducted → HW half-completed – 1 pt. deducted
  • Homework will be collected and graded on occasion.
  • Each student will be given a Participation grade of 15/15 at the start of each marking period.
    Points will be deducted for: → Tardiness or unprepared for class after bell rings
    → Disrupting class (e.g. excessive talking, repeatedly getting out of seat)
    → No class participation
  • A folder containing all classwork/ homework for students who are absent is located in theroom. Please
    check this folder first before asking for the work you missed.
  • Quizzes/Tests need to be made up within 1 week of their original date. If an exam is not made up within
    this time frame, a grade of 0 points is given.
  • Do not hesitate to email me for note sheets and hw assignments.


  • Be courteous and respectful to myself and to your fellow classmates
  • All school rules apply in class (e.g. be on time, all electronic devices are not out during class
  • 3 tardies to class will result in an administrative detention
  • Each student is to be in his/her seat with required classroom materials on his/her desk when the bell rings

Extra Help

  • I am available for extra help:Wednesdaysand Thursdays from 2:20 – 3:15pm in room2149.
  • Extra help is also available before school by appointment.
  • Students will be notified in advance or the day of if I cannot stay after school.
  • The Math Learning Center (MLC), located in room 1450, is available to all students every period of
    the school day.

Additional Notes

  • I consistently update an independent website for this course; please check it for assignments, important dates, additional information, etc.:
  • I cannot emphasize enough the importance of being in regular attendance at school, paying

close attention during class, doing homework regularly, and seeking extra help when needed!

You are encouraged and expected to be a responsible, active learner!


Student Name:______


I certify that I have fully read the syllabus and understand the requirements of this course.

Student Signature:______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______

Parent/Guardian Email:______


If there is any information that you feel would help me in providing a better learning experience for your child or would help me to understand/get to know him or her better, do not hesitate to share your thoughts below or on the back. Thank you!